Developer with Real Producer SDK and Windows Media SDK

zhaozj2021-02-16  84

The first step is to set the problem. Only the system is set up, in order to debug development, I will try my own experience.

Mainly the issue of Real SDK. The following options refer to the menu in the VC. ● First, for the problem of the header file stdafx.cpp: #define initguid (otherwise IDD_ ... is defined) #include "pntypes.h" (must be included in Windows. H filed before) #include "stdafx.h" xxxView .cpp: (must be a file using a function, otherwise repeated calls) #include "stdafx.h" #include "pnwintyp.h" #include "pncom.h" #include "pncom.h" #include "rmaenum.h "#Include" engtypes.h "#include" engtargs.h "#include" engcodec.h "#include" rmbldeng.h "#include" rmmetain.h "#include" rmapckts.h "#include" progsink.h " ● Plus header files and lib files in Tools - Options - Directories (settings path) ● In Project - Setting - Debug - Working Directory, in Project - Setting - Link - Object / Library Modules writes the lib file on the Real SDK ● In Project - Setting - Link - Object / Library Modules writes Enceng.lib RMTools.lib vfw32.lib Wmstub.lib Wmvcore.lib msvcrtd.lib ● If Real SDK and Windows Media SDK are used together, in the case of the #define initguid, the solution is conflict with the MFC file, the solution is to remove this definition, but after removal, those IDD cannot be used, bringing great inconvenience The solution can only be manually defined in the program, and only this method can only be solved.

Oh, interest is coming, it is also posted. Again, you can do this, perhaps more scientific. After laughing, I haven't touched SDK for a long time, so I feel that it is not so constructive. However, it is also possible to try it.

1. All possible Real header files meet in the custom headers.h file, will only reference one file in the CPP of the Real header file, and later. This is obviously easy to manage. For example, playing the main program playerdlg.h in #include "headers.h", progress bar control RMEDIT.H: #include "headers.h". However, it is important to note that many real.h files have certain requirements, and the specific situation requires a specific analysis. The following is an executable H file arrangement. Headers.h # iFNDef __myheaders_h __ # define __myheaders_h__

// the followed headers are used for player # include "Include / pnwintyp.h" #include "Include / pncom.h" #include "Include / rmapckts.h" #include "Include / rmacomm.h" #include "Include / Rmafiles.h "#include" incrude / rmaengin.h "#include" incrude / rmacore.h "#include" include / rmaclsnk.h "#include" incrude / rmaerror.h "#include" incrude / rmaauth.h "# INCLUDE "include" include "incrude / rmasite2.h" #include "incrude / rmavsurf.h" #include "incrude / os.h" #include

// The Follow Header Files Are Used by RMEDIT

#include "incrude / pnResult.h"

#include "incrude / rmaflsnk.h"

#include "incrude / RMaEdit.h"

#include "incrude / RMaEdit2.h"

#include "incrude / rmafdump.h"

#include "incrude / rmmetain.h"

#include "include" include "include / setdllac.h"

#include "defines.h" #ENDIF

2. About #define initguid and #include

I didn't use the Real SDK and Windows Media SDK at the same time, but I really used the MFC. There is no "file conflict of MFC".

The specific operation is, add a CPP to the project, just add it to solve, huh, huh, tell the truth, I don't know why. (If you know what you know, you can explain, look forward to this, thank you first)

The CPP file I use is Guids.cpp, and its complete content is as follows:

/ ************************************************** ***********************************


* $ ID: Guids.cpp, V 1.5 1999/03/17 18:20:25 lyoung em


* Copyright? 998 RealNetworks.

* All Rights Reserved.




* This Program Contains ProPrietary Information of RealNetworks, Inc.,

* AND is licensed Subject to restrictions on Use and distribution.


* Definition of RMA Iids for this DLL


* /

// define all guids here once ... # include "stdafx.h"

#define initguid # include

#include "incrude / pnwintyp.h" #include "incrude / pncom.h" #include "incrude / rmapckts.h" #include "include" include / rmafiles.h "#include" include / RmaEngin.h "#include" incrude / rmacore.h "// # include" incrude / rmaclsnk.h "#include" incrude / rmaerror.h "#include" include "include" include "include" include / rmawin.h "#include" incrude / rmam.h "#include" incrude / rmasite2.h "// # include" incrude / rmavsurf.h "// The folowing area used by rmedit // # include" incrude / rmaflsnk.h "# INCLUDE "incrude / rmaedit.h" #include "incrude / rmaedit2.h" // # include "incrude / rmafcopy.h" #include "incrude / rmafdump.h" #include "incrude / rmaiids.h" // # include // MFC Automation Classes

// # include

// MFC Support for Internet Explorer 4 Common Controls


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