STRUTS database connection

zhaozj2021-02-16  89

Public class logondataPoolAction extends action {

Public ActionForward Perform (ActionMapping ActionMApping, Actionform Actionform,

HttpservletRequest Request, httpservletResponse response) {

Try {Request.setCharacterencoding ("GBK");} catch (exception ex) {ex.printstacktrace ();}

/ / Define the variable of the database buffer pool

DataSource DataSource;


PreparedStatement PreparedStmt;

ResultSet RS;

Try {

/ / Obtain the Data Buffer Pool of the Struts-Config file

DataSource = getDataSource (Request, "Logon");

CONN = DataSource.getConnection ();

// Create prepaaredStatement

PreparedStmt = conn.preparestatement ("SELECT * from logonuser where username =?"

"and userpassword =?");

/ / Get the username and password entered by the user

String name = Request.getParameter ("name"). Trim ();

String password = Request.getParameter ("password"). Trim ();

// If the username and password are correct, the steering display successfully logs in the information page, otherwise the turn to the failed login information page

PreparedStmt.setstring (1, name);

PreparedStmt.setString (2, Password);

RS = preparedStmt.executeQuery ();

String address = "";

IF ( ()) {

Address = "Success";

} else {

Address = "failure";


// Turn off the database connection


Return (ActionMapping.FindForward (Address);

} catch (exception e) {

E.PrintStackTrace ();

Return (ActionMapping.FindForward ("Failure");




Specific application


New Post(0)