NTEXT Search Keywords

zhaozj2021-02-16  93

/ * - NTEXT search

Press Keyword in the TB table to find Content in TA lists the specific location of each keyword in Content - Zou Jian 2004.07 (please keep this information) - * /

- Test data Create TABLE TA (ID Int Id Id IDENTIN) INSERT TA SELECT 'I am Chinese, I am Chinese' Union All Select 'Chinese people love China Chinese people love China Chinese people love China China People love China '

Create Table TB (Keyword Nvarchar (100)) Insert Tb SELECT 'Chinese' Goion All Select 'China' Go

/ * ================= Processing ================================= * / if EXISTS (SELECT * from dbo.sysObjects where id = Object_id (n '[order table]') And ObjectProperty (ID, n'susertable ') = 1) DROP TABLE [Sequence Table] GO

- For efficiency, so a auxiliary table to cooperate with SELECT TOP 4000 ID = Identity Table from syscolumns a, syscolumns balTer Table Sequence table add constraint pk_id_ 数 Table Primary Key (ID) GO

- Create a process of stored procedure Create Proc P_searchaseScreate Table #t (ID INT, Keyword Nvarchar (100), POSITION INT)

Declare @s nvarchar (4000), @ keyword nvarchar (100) Declare @ID INT, @ i int, @ ilen int

DECLE TB CURSOR LOCAL FORSELECT A.ID, B.Keyword, Position = Charindex (B.Keyword, A.Content) -1, Ilen = 4000-Len (B.Keyword) from Ta A, TB Bwhere Charindex (B.Keyword, a.content> 0

Open TBFETCH TB INTO @ id, @ @ kyword, @ i, @ ilenwhile @@ fetch_status = 0begin select @ s = substring (content, @ i 1,4000) from ta where id = @ id while @S <> 'Begin Insert #t (ID, keyword, position) select @ id, @ keyword, ID @ i from order table where charIndex (@ keyword, @ s, id) = id

SELECT @ i = @ i @ i, @ s = substring (content, @ i 1,4000) from ta where id = @ id end fetch tb @ iD, @ Keyword, @ i, @ ilnendclose tbdeallocate TBSELECT * FROM # # TGO - Call Example EXEC P_SEARCHGO

- Remove Test DROP TABLE Sequence Table, TA, TBDROP Proc P_Search

/*--Test Results

ID Keyword Position ---------------------------- 1 in China 31 China 31 China 82 in 12 in 62 in 92 in 142 China 122 China 12 China 62 China 92 ​​China 142 China 172 China 222 China 252 China 30

(The number of rows affects is 20 lines) - * /


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