Linux classic problem == network articles [absolute reprint]

zhaozj2021-02-16  107


Let Apache's default character set to Chinese

If it is 1. *, Vi httpd.conf

Find AddDefaultCharset ISO8859-1, change to Adddefaultcharset GB2312

If it is 2. *, you need to change a place, vi httpd.conf

AddDefaultCharset ISO-8859-1 to AddDefaultCharset Off

0002 Permanently change IP ifconfig eth0 new IP then edit / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-eth0, modify IP

0003 Remote from Linux Display Windows Desktop (LNX3000) Install RDESKTOP Package

0004 Manually add the default gateway with root users, execute: Route Add Default GW Gateway IP wants to change the gateway

1 vi / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg-eth0 Change Gateway 2 /etc/init.d/network restart

0005 Redhat 8.0 MSN and QQ Download Gaim 0.58: www.linuxsir.orgaim/gaim-0.58-2.i386.rpm Download QQ plug-in for GCC2.9: /gaim/libqq-0.0. puts the downloaded file in the / temp directory, then delete the GAIM existing in the system, that is, type commands in the terminal emulator: RPM-E Gaim. Start installing the open terminal emulator, continue to perform the following command to install the GAIM version 0.58, namely: CD / TEMP (enter the temp directory) RPM -IVH GAIM-0.58-2.i386.rpm (installation software) When the installation is successful, you can Establish a GAIM icon on the GNOME or KDE desktop. Continue to install QQ plug-in, type command: gunzip (decompress file) CP / usr / lib / gaim (Copy plug-in to the GAIM library directory) The Software Settings When the GAIM version 0.85 is first launched, the login interface will appear. First select "Plug-in", click "Load" in the Plugin dialog box, load and file, and turn it off after confirmation. Then select "All Accounts", continue to click "Add" in the account editor that appears, when you appear, we can enter your QQ or MSN number, login name fill in the QQ number or MSN mailbox. The password fills in the corresponding QQ or MSN password, Alias ​​fill in its own nickname, the protocol selects the corresponding QQ or MSN, and other settings can be default. You can log in when all settings are complete.

0006 Isors 22 port now run what program LSOF -I: 22

0007 View this machine's IP, Gateway, DNS IP: Log in with root, executes ifconfig. Where ETH0 is the first network card, LO is the default device Gateway: Log in to the root user, execute netstat -rn, the Gateway, which is starting with, is the default gateway, you can also view the / etc / sysconfig / network file, inside Have a specified address! DNS: more /etc/reslov.conf, the content is specified as follows: Name Server Nameserver RH8.0 Command Line Easily change the ping TTL value (cgWeb) #Sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_default_ttl = n (n = 0 ~ 255), if n> 255, TTL = 0

0009 RH8.0 Command Line Easily change the system configuration default (houaq) editing /etc/sysctl.conf, for example, change net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0 to NET.IPV4.IP_FORWARD = 1 After restart, take effect, use sysctl - a View you know

0010 Mount LAN Other Windows Machine Shared Directory Mount -t SmBfs -o UserName = Guest, Password = guest // Machine / Path / MNT / CDROM

0011 Allow | Prohibiting root to modify SSHD_CONFIG: PermitRootlogin No | YES

0012 Let root login directly to edit /etc/pam.d/login, remove auth required /lib/security/ this sentence

0013 In Linux ADSL device requires a normal Linux at least one network card broadband device has been applied, and there are some ADSL devices on the market, and they have some subtle differences. It is the process of completing the Internet through virtual dialing, that is, using the PPPoE device to perform virtual dial-up calls, it is an automatic dial-up work after power-on, then left to our interface is RJ45. The gateway that is generally left to our Dalian area is This device is most likely to deal with. Finally, it is directly assigned to a fixed IP, which is relatively easy to deal with it. 1. The first need is dialing: Several devices communicate with the computer via the ETH interface, so the connection of the hardware device is first, especially the broadband cat, must confirm the correctness (otherwise, don't go anything in a while, don't just count, you don't think about me) and start the system, Confirm that the software is installed on the system (to find the user via rpm -qa | grep pppoe), if the user is not installed, in the disc or go online to Down, after installing, perform ADSL with root users Setup, this enters the setting status of ADSL data, requires input to apply for broadband usernames and other information, confirm that there is no problem, accept until the end (inside is E text, but can understand, simple, I usually don't have to use a firewall setting, I can choose 0, everyone can consider). After the configuration is complete, the ADSL-START is executed with root users, which will make ADSL's dial-up work, will be online, if there is any specific problem, look at the log (/ var / log / messages) tells you what. Stop ADSL, execute ADSL-STOP (very simple) 2. The other two are easier to deal with: full-to-day cat: Just set your network card to an IP of a 10 network segment, then the gateway refers to the whole gateway On the IP of the cat (, it is basically not too big to fix IP: like the network card to which you have a local child, you can get the IP, gateway, and DNS, you can get the 0014 Linux automatic synchronization time (SHUNZ)

Vi / etc / crontab plus a sentence: 00 0 1 * * root rdate -s

0015 Linux online resources What foreign (FLYING-DANCE BIG BIG PIG) http: // www. Http:// http://www - Linux /

Domestic http: // www. DeveloperWorks / CN / L ... NUX / INDEX.SHTML (SQH )0016 Beijing training point

0017 Change Telnet port / etc / service this file you can modify the desired port number. Restart the daemon

0018 Terminal mode has problems (Sakulagi) Export Term = VT100

0019 Imitation Super Terminal, What Program in Linux Connects to Routers and Switches (Alstone) MINICOM

0020 SSH can not automatically disconnect (wind521) That is the Timetou setting, modify the TMOUT variable value

0021 What tools use to make intrusion detection Snort

0022 Tool CChecker or Efernce (Efernce) under Linux

0023 How to monitor all data TCPDUMP IPTRAF

0024 Why is the root performing a lot of commands, and you must be telnet to D, then SU ​​is root, change your su command format, should be Su - root

0025 Close User's POP3 Permissions (TIANSGX) can turn the port of POP3. Find this line POP-3 110 / TCP in File / etc / services to add this line to a #, you can comment out.

0026 Linux Play Flash Animation (MYXFC) LINUX Play Flash Animation With this thing, it will not cause the browser to close (other plugin is not easy to use) first download flash play animation at Linux plugin http://www.collaborium. ORG / OONUX.TAR.GZ TAR ZXVF FLASH_LINUX.TAR.GZ After opening the package, you will see the Linux folder in the Linux file, there are two files and Shockwaveflash.class, put this Two files copied into the plugin in your browser (the browser is different, the position of the plugin may be different) /usr/lib/mozilla-1.0.1/plugins, you can

0027 Locking WU-FTP User Directory (WANGLA) Editing FTPACCESS Files RESTRICTED-UID * This sentence is important, limiting FTP users in their own directory.

0028 How does the server do not allow Telnet (Know Qiuyi) Server must start the Telnet service && server's firewall priority should be set low

0029 Prevent anyone from using the su order to become root (xiaohu0) /etc/pam.d/su auth sufficient /lib/security/ debug auth request /lib/security/ group = Wheel 2. The WHEEL group is defined in the / ETC / PAM. D / SU configuration file.

0030 How to make lynx browser to browse Chinese website (Ghost_Vale) browse Simplified Chinese website modification of the following settings Save options to disk: [X] Display and Character Set Display character set: (!) [Chinese________________________] Assumed document character set: [ ISO-8859-1 ______] CJK Mode (!): [ON_] Then move to the bottom ACCEPT CHANGES Press ENTER to save, you can have your system to support Simplified Chinese can 0031 NIC activation, but no net, How to do? (Slock) TRACE, see that it is blinded in that piece. 1.PING ourselves DNS 4.trace DNS IF All = Ok The nslookup Ping Sinas Address TRA SINA Address can basically know the results

0032 Using Samba in RedHat9, Win2000 can be accessed, Win98 is not accessible? (Squall2003) If it is a Wind98 necessary to modify the registry: hkey_local_machine / system / correntcontrolset / services / vxd / vnetsUp built a D value: EnablePlainTextPasswd, key value 1

0033 How to get the NIC's MAC address ifconfig arp -a | awk {print $ 4}

0034 How to get the IP address of the NIC (MB) ifconfig eth0 | awk / inet addr / {split ($ 2, x, ":"); Print X [2]}


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