Jmail4.3 Exp

zhaozj2021-02-16  74

Note: This is the code example of Jmail4.3, just sent success,

Sometimes the SMTP of 163 is wrong, I set it out with Outlook, and I have been hard for half a day yesterday.

Therefore, it is recommended to have a chance to apply for several mailboxes. When you test, you will not have trouble, don't doubt the code.

Added a database, directly read the information of the registered member, and then send Mail.


DIM Conn

Set conn = server.createObject ("adoDb.connection") "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source =" & server.mappath ("jmail.mdb")



SET RS = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset")

SQL = "SELECT * from mymail1 where mailid = 1"

SET RS = Conn.execute (SQL)



Set jmail = server.createObject ("jmail.message") 'Establish an object that sends an email

Jmail.silent = True 'masked exception error, return false with true two value J

Jmail.logging = true 'Enables mail log

Jmail.Charset = "GB2312" message text code is national standard

Jmail.contentType = "text / html" 'ASD

Jmail.Priority = 3 'mail format is HTML

Jmail.addrecipient "" 'A to send mailbox

Jmail.mailServerUserName = "yanmly" 'b Your user name

Jmail.mailServerPassword = "xxxxxx" 'c your password

Jmail.From = "" 'sender's e-mail address

Jmail.fromname = "xie" 'sender's name

Jmail.subject = rs ("mailsubject") 'email headline

Jmail.body = ("mailcontent") 'email content

Jmail.send ("") 'performing email transmission (via mail server address)

Jmail.close () 'Close object


<% response.write RS ("mailcontent")%>

Related Resources: Jmail 4.4 Professional Edition


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