Apache Axis v1.1 Command Board Tool Reference 1

zhaozj2021-02-16  112

AXIS 1.1 mainly provides two auxiliaryly developed command line tools, which are WSDL2JAVA and JAVA2WSDL. The following is a detailed description of their reference documents, and the content is translated from Axis Reference Guide and User Guide.

WSDL2JAVA Reference

Usage: java org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2java [options] WSDL-file-URI


-H, --help

After printing help information.

-v, --Verbose

More information during the print tool run.


The WSDL document generated only for the command line. The default is to generate files for all WSDL documents, including import (import) WSDL documents.

-O, --Timeout

Set timeout, in seconds. The default is 45 seconds, specify -1 for this function. (Default is 45, specify -1 to disable). This time should be the timeout time of setting WSDL2JAVA STUB.

-D, --debug

Print Debug information, currently the symbolic table for WSDL2JAVA.

-W, --nowrapped

Close the support for "Wrapped" Document / Literal Style.

-S, - Server-Side

Automatically generate the server-side binding code for Web Service:

1. A SKELETON class, class name

Skeleton. This type may not be generated, depending on the value of the option -s, --skeletondeploy.

2. A template class, class name

IMPL. Note that if this class already exists, it will no longer be regenerated. This is the implementation class of the Web Service, and the user modifies this template class to complete your own implementation.

3. A deploy.wsdd file used to deploy the configuration file of the web service.

4. A undeploy.wsdd file used to solve the web service file.

-S, - Skeletondeploy

Specifying in deploy.wsdd is deploying a skeleton or a deployment implementation (FALSE). If you are specified as true, the service clause in deploy.wsdd looks like this:


If false is, it should be like this:


The default is False. When using this option, option -s, - Server-Side must also specify at the same time.



Specifies the mapping relationship of the namespace to the package structure. The default package name is generated by a certain rule string by the namespace string in the WSDL document. Typically, if the namespace is http://x.y.com or urn: x.y.com, the corresponding package structure is com.y.x. If you don't want to use the default rule, you can specify your own mapping with -nstopkg. This option can be repeated multiple times if needed, and each time a unique namespace mapping is specified. For example, if the namespace in the WSDL document is "URN: AddressFetCher2", you want to put the files generated from the object from the namespace in the Samples.Addr package, you can provide WSDL2JAVA as follows:

--NSTOPKG URN: AddressFetcher2 = Samples.Addr

Note that if you use short option, "- n", there must be no space between "-n" and namespaces.

-f, --filentstopkg

The properties file used to specify the NstopkM map, the default is nstopkg.properties. If the WSDL document has a lot of namespaces, it is very lengthy in the command line. To save the concise command line, WSDL2JAVA can also look for mapping in a property file. By default this file is Nstopkg.Properties, and must be in a directory without packets, ie in the root directory of the output directory. You can also use the -filenstopkg option to explicitly specify custom files. The format of the entry in this property file is the same as the format of the command line -Nstopk. For example, replacing the command line options provided above, provide the same information in the nstopkg.properties properties file:

URN /: AddressFetcher2 = Samples.Addr

(Note: The colon in the properties file must use the escape character)

If a specific mapping entry appears in the command line and attribute file, the command line entry is preferred.

-p, --package

This option maps all namespaces in the WSDL document to the same Java package name. This option will override all namespaces to the packet mapping, which are replaced with the same package name. This option is useful, but it is dangerous. You must confirm the resulting results before use. For example, there may be multiple types with the same name in different namespaces.

-o, - --output

Specifies the output directory where the generated file is stored.

-d, - DeployScope

Add "Application", "Request", "SCOPE) parameter in the deploy.wsdd file. If this option is not specified, there is no Scope tag in deploy.wsdd. AXSI default "request".

-T, --TestCase

Generate a client JUnit Test class for Web Service. Such a template that can be filled as a user test.

-a, --all

Generate code for all elements, even if the element is not referenced. WSDL2JAVA defaults to generate code only for elements referenced in the WSDL file. The anchor point of the generated code is the best element in the WSDL document in the order of Types, PortTypes, Bindings, Services. For example, if the WSDL file contains only Types, all listed Types will be generated. However, if the WSDL file contains Types and PortType, the porttype and all Types referenced by this porttype will be generated. Other situations are pushed accordingly.

Note that only the anchor in the WSDL document that appears in the command line is searched, not an anchor in the imported WSDL document.

-T, --TypemappingVersion

Specify version of the type map, 1.1 or 1.2. The default is version 1.1. ?

-F, --factory

Specifies the class name of the custom implementation of the GeneratorFactory interface to extend the functionality of the Java code generator.

-H, - Helpergen

Generate a separate Helper class for metadata.

-U, - user

Access the username provided by the WSDL-URI. This username is used when parsing the WSDL-URL input to WSDL2JAVA. If this URI contains a username, this will overwrite the settings of the command line. An example of a URL with a username and password is: http: // user: password @ hostname: port / path / to / service? WSDL

-P, --password

Access the password provided by the WSDL-URI. If the URI already contains a password, the setting of the command line will be overwritten.


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