Some practical skills of AutoCAD 2000

zhaozj2021-02-16  99

Source: Pk = 301 Abstract: AutoCAD is currently using the most widely used CAD software at home and abroad, AUTOCAD R14 rich drawing command, powerful editing , Three-dimensional modeling and good user interface are widely welcomed by major engineering and technical personnel. On the basis of AutoCAD R14, Autodesk has also launched a more powerful and mutually collaborative new generation of AUTOCAD 2000. When AutoCAD teaching and software development, I got some experience and summarized it for everyone to use AutoCAD 2000 reference. Keywords: AutoCAD 2000 practical skills

AutoCAD is currently using the most widely used CAD software at home and abroad, AUTOCAD R14 rich drawing commands, powerful editing features, three-dimensional modeling functions, and good user interfaces are widely welcomed by major engineering technicians. On the basis of AutoCAD R14, Autodesk has also launched a more powerful and mutually collaborative new generation of AUTOCAD 2000. When AutoCAD teaching and software development, I got some experience and summarized it for everyone to use AutoCAD 2000 reference. 1, the cross cursor size change ---- Engineering drawing, draw on the projection law. In order to facilitate "long pair of positive, high plane, width, etc.", when drawing, the cross cursor size can be adjusted. That is, using the options command or select the drop-down menu Tools (Tool) / Options, open the Options dialog, find the Display tab, by modifying the cursor and screen size in the Crosshair Size area Or drag the slider, change the default value of 5%, make the drawing window cross cursor size becomes large. 2. Painted solid lines ---- Technical Drawing National Standards are specified in the line type in mechanical drawings. There are many ways to draw rough lines with AutoCAD 2000. The easiest way is to use the lweight command. This command can be typed directly in the command line, or select the drop-down menu Format / LineWeight (line width), in the dialog box, set the required wire width, the default line width is 0.25mm, and the slider adjustment can be adjusted The screen is width display proportion, which is a transparent command. You can also click Object Properties Toolbar Tools icon Layers, in the Layer Features Management dialog box, linearly set line width like setting colors. Therefore, when the plotter is out, no need to adjust the pen width or the line width. 3, painting curve ---- When drawing the pattern, there is often a problem of painting interception lines, coherence lines and other curves. Hand drawn is very troublesome, looking for special points and a certain number of general points, and the curve error is large. It is easy to draw a flat curve or space curve with AutoCAD 2000. ---- Method 1: Draw 2D graphics with a PLINE command, through a special point of the fold line, fit the FIT or SPLINE curve in the PEDIT command, which can become a smooth planar curve. Draw 3D in the 3DPoly command 3D graphics through a special point, the spline curve is fitted in the PEDIT command, which can turn into a smooth space curve. ---- Method 2: Create a three-dimensional basic entity (rectangular, cylinder, cone, ball, etc.), and then combined with Boolean (Boolean), and then use Drop-down menu View (View) / 3D ViewPoint (three-dimensional viewpoint), select different viewpoints to generate a standard view, get different view projections of the curve. 4. Control entity display ---- AutoCAD 2000 common keyboard inputs three system variable control entities display. ISOLINES: The fact that the entity is displayed in a wire box mode, and each surface on the entity is expressed in the form of a tire line. The number of fractures is controlled by the system variable, the valid value is 0-2047, and the initial value is 4. The larger the value of the fractal line, the more easy to observe the entity, but wait for the display time. Dispsilh: This variable controls the display of the body profile, with the value of 0 or 1, the default is 0, does not display the silhouette edge, set to 1, display the silhouette side.


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