Reading Notes "UML User Manual" (with the progress of the book is constantly updated)

zhaozj2021-02-16  88

Attributes ÷ operations and responsibilities are the most common features that create abstractions.

In UML, the way things are interrelated, whether logically or physical, is molded into relationships. In object-oriented modeling, there are three most important relationships: dependence ÷ generalization and association.

When a thing is to use another thing, use dependence. User is used when you want to indicate the parent / sub-relation. When the structure is to be indicated, the association is used.

Aggregation: A special association. The simple association of two classes expressed two structural relationships between the same status class, but sometimes to model a "overall / part" relationship, referring to this relationship as aggregation, which describes "HAS A" relationship, It means that the overall object has partial objects. It is expressed as a simple relationship with a hollow rhombus modification in one end of the whole.

We use the class ÷ interface ÷ collaboration ÷ nodes ÷ related to the basic structural block modeling, the figure is to observe the way these structural blocks. The system is visualized from different angles. Because no complex system can only understand its overall situation from one angle, UML defines a variety of views, so that you can independently pay attention to the different aspects of the system.

The view is the projection of the organization and structure of the system model, focusing on one aspect of the system.

Structural map (modeling for static things): Common 4 types 1. Class diagram 2. Object Figure 3. Components Figure 4. Implementation

Behavioral map (modeling for dynamic things): Frequently see 5 1. Export Figure 3. Collaboration Figure 4. Status Figure 5. Event diagram

Subend by 2004.7.14

---Practical applications-------------------------

Modal example ÷ logic diagram ÷ component map ÷ deployment map ÷ flow chart ÷

Demand model - use case: ACTORS: Role User Cases: Sample User-Case Specifications: Used Case Contract

Application Model - Sequence Diagram: From the point of view, consider the behavior of the system; collaboration map: from the relationship between the object (static) to reflect the behavior of the system; package: Help the organization system analysis model; class diagram: get more close A model of the code; state diagram: Reflect changes in the internal state of the object (if needed); use case implementation diagram: One-to-one correspondence reflects the implementation of system functions;

------ IBM Rational Lecture Summary ------------------

Subend by 2004.7.15


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