Jython Bibliography

zhaozj2021-02-16  64

Source: http://www.pycs.net/USERS/0000177/stories/13.html

"Alt.lang.jre: get to know Jython - Enhance Your Productivity on the Java Platform." Barry A. Feigenbaum. IBM DeveloperWorks. July 2004. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerWorks/library/J- ? alj07064 / index.html ca = drs-tp2804.. "Cartwheel / FamilyJewels:. a framework for analysis and visualization of DNA" C. Titus Brown Py Pyzine June 2004. http://www.pyzine.com/Issue006/Section_Articles /article_bioinformaticsp1.html?printit=1 "Extend Your Java Application with Embedded Languages." Jack D. Herrington. devx.com. 2004. http://www.devx.com/java/Article/21456/1954?pf=true "Learn How to Write DB2 JDBC Tools in Jython." Victor Yang. IBM DeveloperWorks. April 2004. http://www-106.ibm.com/developerWorks/db2/library/techarticle/dm-0404YANG/index.html "Simplify Web development with Jython, Spring and Velocity. "Thomas Risberg. BuggyBean. April 2004. http://jroller.com/page/buggybean/20040419#simlify_web_development_with_jython" The Testing Toolbox. "Frank Cohen. Software Development. July 2004. http : //Www.sdmagazine.com/documents/s=9218/sdm0407a/sdm0407a.html temp = tijli89ENi "Use Jython to build JUnit test suites - Python and Java technology work together to solve the impossible." Michael Nadel IBM Developerworks?. MAY 2004. http://www 106.ibm.com/developerWorks/java/library/j-jythtetest.html "Use Jython to Write Ant Tasks." Ed Taekema. Road Warrior Collaboration. 2004. http: // www .pycs.net / users / 0000177 / Stories / 11.html "Writing threaded Applications in Jython." frank cohen. 2004. http://www.pushtotest.com/docs/howto/JYTHONTHREADS.HTML "A Look at Jython. "

Rob Tougher. Linux Gazette. December 2003. http://linuxgazette.net/issue97/tougher.html "Book Review: Two Jython Titles." Samuele Pedroni, Noel Rappin. UnixreView.com. March 2003. http: // www. unixreview.com/documents/s=7822/ur0303f/ "Charming Jython - Learn how the Java implementation of Python can aid your development efforts." Ogbuji, Uche IBM DeveloperWorks May 2003. http://www-106.ibm... COM / west / j-jython.html "Jython3D: python and java3d." rj smallshire. http://www.smallshire.org.uk. October 2003. http://www.smallshire.org.uk /Jython3D.htm "scripting with jython instead of xml." Jonathan Simon. java.net. 2003. http://today.java.net/pub/A/today/2003/06/10/JYTHON.HTML "Story of jython "Jim Hugunin hugunin.net 2003. http://hugunin.net/story_of_jython.html.." Thinking in Patterns -.. Problem-Solving Techniques using Java "Bruce Eckel http://mindview.net/Books/TIPatterns. /. 2003. "Using Python, Jython, And Lucene to Search Outlook Email." Jon Udell. Xml.com MAY 2003. http://webservices.xml.com/pub/a/ws/2003/05/13/email.html "What's so good about jython ?." Simon White. Dev articles. July 2003. http: / /www.devarticles.com/index2.php?option=content&task=view&id=603&pop=1&page=0&hide_js=1 "Database Development in Jython with zxJDBC." Robert Bill. SAMS. March 2002. http://www.samspublishing.com /articles/printerfriendly.asp?p=26143 "extending Jython." Robert Bill. Informit. March 2002. http://www.informit.com/articles/printerfriendly.asp?p =26127 "Jython Essentials." Samuele Pedroni, Noel rappin. O'Reilly and associates. 2002. "


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