The first chapter is a high quality use case
1.1 Why use cases
• The use case provides a semicircular framework for building a story;
• In each use case and all description levels, the use case describes the system requirements of the error condition;
While essentially a functional decomposition technology, the use case has become a popular element development for object-oriented software;
• The use case provides a skeleton that can handle other item information:
The project manager is estimated and published in accordance with the instance;
Data and business rules settlers can link their own needs and what they need;
User interface designers can design and associate them with related use cases;
The tester can construct a test scenario (test case) according to the success and failure of the use case;
1.2 Writing cases easy to appear
• There are too many user interfaces, and the user interface should belong to the design category, the mouse, buttons, etc. should not appear in the use case;
• There are too many cases at lower target hierarchies, and the system will not be displayed for the end user;
• Use cases indicate non-behavioral information, performance requirements, business rules, etc. Do not be described in the use case;
? Too long, preferably 3 to 9 steps;
• Target implementation is incomplete, especially wrong;
The sentence is broken, the Lord, the guest is complete;
1.3 Why use the use case mode language
Describe the quality flag of the use case and its preparation process, which provides a proposal to improve the use of time test; this tool can play a lot in the process of reviewing the preliminary draft and improve its quality.
1.4 What is model
The pattern is a quality flag and a strategy;
1.5 Error Concept when using pattern language
• The pattern provides a complete method about its own and mode content; only the supplement
• The mode of use will definitely succeed;
• The pattern provides new solutions for old problems; only the general reliability of problems
• Mode applies to all situations; only a solution for issues in a context
1.6 mode organization
Mode classification
Development Mode Team Organization: Judging and Improved Model Team Organization Mode; Process: Judging and Improved Team Used to create a model quality of the method of the use case; Edit: As the potential demand changes and the increase in staff knowledge, judgment and Improve the quality of a single use case; structure mode use case: judgment and improve the model quality of the use case; use case: Judgment and improve the mode of single force quality; scene and step: judgment and improve the force of the force scenario and the steps in these scenes; Use an example relationship: Decision and improve the mode of structural relationship between the collections;
1.7 use case reader and writer
There are two sets of different readings and use cases: (1) end user or business expert; (2) programmer.
The use case writing group must include:
• At least one recognition of programming backgrounds to obtain the accuracy and accuracy required by the description;
• At least one recognition of business rules;
? At least one is well known in the actual recognition of the system;