Public void DataGridToExcell ()
String filesname = "dd.xls";
SpreadsheetClass Xlssheet = new spreadsheetclass (); // Installation of a table in Execl
Foreach (System.Web.ui.WebControls.DataGridColumn OITEM in this.mydatagrid.columns) // Traversing each column of the DataGrid, add a header
Xlssheet.Activesheet.cells [1, TempColumn 1] = OITEM.HEADERTEXT; // Add a header
TempColumn ;
For (int i = 1; i <= this.mydatagrid.Items.count; i ) // Traversing every line in DataGrid,
For (int J = 1; j <= this.mydataGrid.Items [i-1] .cells.count; J )
Xlssheet.Activeesheet.cells [i 1, j] = this.mydataGrid.Items [i-1] .cells [j-1] .TEXT;
// Do not have a negative value for the EXCEL table that has just defined
Xlssheet.Activeesheet.export ("D: //" FilesName, Owc.shetexportActionNum.SsexportActionnone); // Execl Table Export