Log4j's database appender implementation code

zhaozj2021-02-16  97


Package com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test;

Import java.sql. *; import java.util. *;

Import org.apache.log4j. *; import org.apache.log4j.spi. *;

/ ** This jdbcappender is used to write a message into the database.

JDBCAPPENDER is configured at runtime, by selecting:

1. Use profile

to define an option in the file, and call PropertyConfigurator.configure (filename) in your code

2. To complete

call jdbcappender :: setoption (jdbcappender.xxx_option, string value) Things, in the case of useless files,

In JDBCAPPENDER, all useful variables are defined as static string constants and named xxx_option.

The following is a description of all useful options:

1. Database options Connect to the Database (Database-Options)

- URL_OPTION : A shape such as JDBC: Subprotocol: Subname Database URL

- UserName_Option : Database User

- Password_option : User Password

2. Specify your own JDBCConnectionHandler's connector option (connection)

- Connector_Option : a class that implements the JDBCConnectionHandler interface

This interface can be used to get custom connections.

If the rest of the database option is given, these options will be used as the parameter to the JDBCConnectionHandler interface. < P> Additionally, if there is no reference option, the JDBCConnectionHandler interface will not take these parameters to be called

additionally, JDBCappender requires the database option to open a connection

3. SQL option Specifies a static SQL statement, which will execute this statement

- SQL_OPTION : A SQL statement used to write data to the database

This SQL statement is used to use @msg @ << this variable, this variable must be replaced with message content

If you give the entire option, table options, and column options will be ignored!

4. Table options to specify a table included in the database

- Table_Option : Save Log Information Table

5. Column Options Use to describe important columns in the table (non-empty columns must be described!)

- columns_option : column description A list of formatted list

Each column description includes the following list

- column name ( Must)

- a static constant log type in the LogType class (logtype) (must)

- dependent and logtype One value of the class (optional / must, dependency log type (logType)

this is { @Link LogType} The useful log type (logType) describing, and how to process the processing value (value) :

O msg = a value that can be ignored, the column will get a message. (There is a column requires this type!)

o static = This value can populate the column of each log message. (Ensure that the type of this value can be converted to the column SQL type!)

o ID = value must be one Implement the class name of the JDBCIDHandler interface.

o timestamp = A value that can be ignored, this column will be filled with the exact timestamp of each record log message. < P> O Empty = a value that can be ignored, when writing data to the database, this column will be ignored (guarantee the database trigger to fill the non-empty class!)

If there is a plurality of columns need to be described, the column must be tab divid-separated (Unicode0008)!

column description must be separated by '~'!

(instance: Name1 ~ logtype1 ~ value1 name2 ~ logtype2 ~ value2 ...)

6. The layout of the layout option is used to define the layout of the message (optional)

- _ : The layout is not used as XXX_Option Set

Refer to the following configuration file and code example ...

The default layout is class {@link org.apache.log4j.patternLayout}, this layout is used only Message% M mode.

7. Buffer options are used to define a message event buffer (optional)

- buffer_option < / b>: The definition will be cached until it is updated to the database.

The default buffer size is 1, when the message event occurs, will be updated.

8. Submit options Used to define an automatic submission

- commit_option : Defining Update Messages is (Y) No (n) Auto Submit Go to the database.

When the default time commit = n.

This is important when the following options:

1. Connector Option (Connector-Option) OR / AND Database Option (Database- Options)

Database connection!

2. (Table-Option) AND 列 c c 列Option (SQL-Option)

The above is required! Where is written or write ...; -)

3. Other options can be set at any time ... Optional options, and there is a default value that can be customized.

This is a configuration file example as a PropertyConfigurator parameter : log4j.properties

This is a code example for configuring the JDBCAPPENDER class with a configuration file : log4jtest.java .

This is another code example for configuring a JDBCappender class in another configuration file : log4jtest2.java


title: log4j1.2.8 Source code analysis *

Description: *

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 *

Company: BenQ is deducting * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / public class jdbcappender Extends appenderskeleton {/ ** database option, setting settings database URL is jdbc: subsophocol: subname * / public static final string url_option = "url"; / * * Database option, the settings that can connect to this database * / public static final string username_option = "username";

/ ** Database option, set user password * / public static factory string password_option = "password";

/ ** Table option, specify a table in the database * / public static final string table_option = "table";

/ ** Connector option, specify your own jdbcconnectionhandler * / public static final string connector_option = "connector";

/ ** Column Options, Description Table Important Colum * / Public Static Final String Column_Option = "Columns";

/ ** SQL option specifies a static SQL statement that executes when an event occurs * / public static final string SQL_OPTION = "SQL";

/ ** Buffer option, define the size of the message event buffer * / public static final string buffer_option = "buffer";

/ ** Submit an option to define an auto submission * / public static final string commit_option = "commit";

// save value may be variable alternative method of setting setOption () private String url = null; private String username = null; private String password = null; private String table = null; private String connection_class = null; private String sql = NULL;

// If the database does not support the transaction, it is necessary to set to false, such as mysql private boolean docommit = false; private int buffer_size = 1; private jdbcconnectionhandler connectionhandler = null;

// This buffer saves the message event. When the buffer reaches a certain size, the buffer will be refreshed and the information will be updated to the database. Private arraylist buffer = new arraylist ();

// Database Connection Private connection con = NULL;

// This class encapsulates the logical private jdbclogger jlogger = new jdbclogger (); // identifier: This is a logo that indicates whether a database connection has been established private boolean connect = false;

// Indicates the identity boolean configured = false;

// A indicating that all things are ready, you can use the identity boolean ready = false of Append (); // If the program ends, close the database and refresh the buffer public void finalize () {close (); super.finalize }

/ ** * Internal method. Returns a string array of useful options (option) that can be set on the method setOption (). * @Return String [] * / public string [] getOptionstrings () {// the sequence of options in this string is important, because setOption () is called this way ... return new String [] {CONNECTOR_OPTION, URL_OPTION, USERNAME_OPTION, PASSWORD_OPTION, SQL_OPTION, TABLE_OPTION, COLUMNS_OPTION, BUFFER_OPTION, COMMIT_OPTION};}

/ ** * Set all the necessary options * @Param _Option string * @Param _Value string * / public void setoption (string _option, string _value) {_Option = _Option.trim (); _Value = _Value.trim ();

IF (_Option == null || _value == null) Return; if (_Option.Length () == 0 || _Value.length () == 0) Return;

_Value = _Value.trim ();

IF (_Option.equals (connector_option)) {// Connector if (! Connected) connection_class = _value;} else if (_Option.equals (url_option)) {// URL if (! connection) URL = _Value;} else (_OPTION.Equals (username_option) {// User Name If (! connection) username = _value;} else if (_Option.equals (password_option) {// Password If (! connection) password = _value;} else IF _OPTION.Equals (SQL_OPTION)) {// SQL statement SQL = _Value;} else if (_Option.equals (table_option)) {// Table IF (SQL! = null) return; // If the SQL statement is not null, then return Table = _Value;} else if (_Option.equals (colors_option)) {// column IF (SQL! = null) return; string name = null; int logType = -1; string value = null; string column = null; string Arg = null; int Num_args = 0; int num_columns = 0; StringTokenizer ST_COL; STRINGTOKENIZER ST_ARG;

// columns are Tab-Separated St_col = New StringTokenizer (_Value, ");

Num_columns = st_col.countToKens ();

IF (Num_Columns <1) {ErrorHandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: SetOption (), Invalid Column_Option Value:" _Value "!"); Return;}

For (int i = 1; i <= num_columns; i ) {column = ST_COL.NEXTTOKEN ();

// arguments are ~ -separated st_arg = new stringTokenizer (column, "~");


IF (Num_Args <2) {ErrorHandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: SetOption (), Invalid Column_Option value:" _Value "!"); Return;}

For (int J = 1; j <= num_args; j ) {arg = ST_ARG.NEXTTTOKEN (); if (j == 1) Name = arg; else if (j == 2) {Try {LogType = integer.parseint (arg);} catch (exception e) {logtype = logtype.parselogtype (arg);}

IF (! logtype.islogtype ("jdbcappender :: setoption (), invalid column_option logtype:" arg "!"); return;}} else if (j == 3) value = arg;

If (! setLogType (Name, LogType, Value) Return;}} else if (_Option.equals (buffer_option)) {// buffer try {buffer_size = integer.parseint (_Value);} catch (Exception E) {Errorhandler (), Invalid Buffer_Option value: " _Value "! "); return;}} else if (_Option.equals (commit_option)) {// Submit docommit = _Value.equals (" y ");

IF (_OPTION.Equals (SQL_OPTION) || _Option.equals (Table_Option)) {if (! configured) configure ();}}

/ ** * Internal method, return true, you can define your own layout * @return boolean * / public boolean requireslayout () {Return True;}

/ ** * Internal method, close the database connection and flush (Flush) buffer * / public void close () {flush_buffer (); if (connection_class == null) {Try {Con. close ();} catch (Exception E ) {Errorhandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Close ()," E);}} this.closed = true;

/ ** * All columns of log tables must call this method * @Param _name string * @Param _LogType int * @Param _Value Object * @Return Boolean * / public boolean setLogType (String _name, int _logtype, object _value) { IF (SQL! = null) Return True; if (! configured) {// Why? if (! ") Return False;

Try {jlogger.setLogType (_Name, _LogType, _value);} catch (exception e) {ErrorHandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: setLogType ()," E); Return False;}

Return True;}

/ ** * Internal method. Add message to database table * @Param Event loggingevent * / public void append (loggingEvent evenet) {if (! {I (@ ire "{ErrorHandler.Error (" JDBCAPPENDER :: Append (), NOTY TO APPEND! "); Return;}}

Buffer.Add (Event);

IF (buffer.size ()> = buffer_size) Flush_buffer ();

/ ** * internal method. Refresh buffer * / public void flush_buffer () {ion size = buffer.size ();

IF (SIZE <1) return;

For (int i = 0; i

// INSERT Message Into Database Jlogger.Append (layout.format (event));}

Buffer.clear ();

IF (DOCOMMIT) Con.commit ();} catch (exception e) {Errorhandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Flush_buffer ()," E ": Jlogger.Geterror (); try {con. rollback (}); (Exception ex) {} return;}}

/ ** * Internal method. When JDBCappender is ready to add a message to the database, return true; otherwise return false * @return boolean * / public boolean ready () {if (ready) return true;

IF (! configured) returnaf false;

Ready = jlogger.ready ();

IF (! Ready) {ErrorHandler.Error (jlogger.geterror ());}

Return Ready;

/ ** * Internal method, connection database * @throws exception * / protected void connect () throws exception {if (connect) return;

Try {if (Connection_Class == Null) {if (URL == Null) Throw new Exception ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Connect (), no url defined.");

IF (username == null) Throw new Exception ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Connect (), no username defined.");

IF (Password == Null) Throw new Exception ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Connect (), no password defined.");

ConnectionHandler = new defaultConnectionHandler ();} else {connectionhandler = (jdbcconnectionhandler) (CLASS.FORNAME (CONNECTION_CLASS) .newinstance ());}

IF (URL! = NULL && Username! = null && password! = null) {con = ConnectionHandler.getConnection (URL, Username, Password);} else {con = ConnectionHandler.getConnection ();}

if (con.isClosed ()) {throw new Exception ( "JDBCAppender :: connect (), JDBCConnectionHandler returns no connected Connection!");}} catch (Exception e) {throw new Exception ( "JDBCAppender :: connect (), " E);} // Set the connection ID to true connected = true;

/ ** * Internal method. Check if it is configured to add actions ... * @return boolean * / protected boolean configure () {if (configure) Return True;

IF (! connection_class == null) && (URL == null || username == null || password == null)) {ErrorHandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Configure (), missing database- Options or connector-option! "); return false;}

Try {connect ();} catch (exception e) {connection_class = null; url = null; errorhandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Configure ()," E); Return False;}}} (SQL == Null &&) Table == null) {ErrorHandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Configure (), no sql_option or table_option given!"); return false;}

IF (! jlogger.isconfigured ()) {Try {Jlogger.SetConnection (con);

IF (SQL == null) {jlogger.configuretable (Table);} else jlogger.configureSQL (SQL);} catch (Exception E) {Errorhandler.Error ("JDBCAPPENDER :: Configure ()," E); Return False }}

// default message-layout if (layout == null) {layout = new patternLayout ("% m");}

/ / Indicate that it is already configured! Configured = true;

return true;} public String getUrl () {return url;} public void setUrl (String url) {this.url = url;} public String getUsername () {return username;} public void setUsername (String username) {this.username = username;} public String getPassword () {return password;} public void setPassword (String password) {this.password = password;} public String getConnection_class () {return connection_class;} public void setConnection_class (String connection_class) {this.connection_class = connection_class;} public String getSql () {return sql;} public void setSql (String sql) {this.sql = sql;} public String getTable () {return table;} public void setTable (String table) {this.table = table;} public int getBuffer_size () {return buffer_size;} public void setBuffer_size (int buffer_size) {this.buffer_size = buffer_size;} public String getDocommit () {if (docommit == true) {return "Y";} else { Return "N";}} public void setDocommit (string commit) {if (commit.equals ("n")) {this.docommit = false;} else {this.docommit = true;}}}

/ ** * This is a default JDBCConnectionHandler *

Title: log4j1.2.8 source code for JDBCappender *

description: *

Copyright: CopyRight (C) 2004 *

Company: BenQ Chart * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / Class DefaultConnectionHandler Implements JDBCConnectionHandler {Connection Con = NULL;

Public connection getConnection () {return con;

public Connection getConnection (String _url, String _username, String _password) {try {if (con = null && con.isClosed ()!!) con.close (); con = DriverManager.getConnection (_url, _username, _password); con .Setautocommit (TRUE);} catch (exception e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();} returncon;}}


Package com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test;

Import java.sql. *;

/ ** * Must implement this interface to process database connections, use this interface in the JDBCLogger class *

Title: log4j1.2.8 source code analysis *

Description: *

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004 *

Company: BenQ Chart * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / public interface jdbcconnectionhandler {

/ ** * Get a connection * @Return connect * / connection getConnection ();

/ ** * Get a custom connection * @Param _URL STRING * @Param _Username string * @Param _password string * @return connection * / connection getConnection (String _url, string _username, string _password);}


Package com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test;

/ ** * Must implement this interface to provide ID-column with unique ID-Column, which uses this interface *

Title: log4j1.2.8 source code in the JDBClogger class *

Description: < / p> *

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 *

Company: BenQ competes to * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / public interface jdbcidhandler {

/ ** * Get a unique ID * @return object * / Object getId ();


Package com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test;

Import java.sql. *; import java.util. *;

/ ** * This class package must record the logic in the table, JDBCappender uses this class *

Title: log4j1.2.8 source code analysis *

Description: *

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004 *

Company: BenQ Chart * @Author Wang Jian * @Version 1.0 * / public class jdbclogger {// log table for all columns = NULL;

// Columns supplied by log records, column_list = NULL;

// Number of all columns Private int num = 0;

// Represents the configure () method to perform success private boolean isconfigured = false;

/ / Means that you are ready to use append () to log Private boolean ready = false;

// When the ready () method fails, the message will be filled with the error string, and this value can be used to return this value private string erroormsg = "";

Private connection con = NULL; Private Statement Stmt = NULL; Private ResultSet RS = NULL; private string table = null;

// variables static SQL statements logging private String sql = null; private String new_sql = null; private String new_sql_part1 = null; private String new_sql_part2 = null; private static final String msg_wildcard = "@ MSG @"; private int msg_wildcard_pos = 0 ;

/ ** * Write a message into the database table, if a database error occurs, will throw an exception! * @Param _msg string * @throws exception * / public void append (string _msg) throws Exception {if (! Ready) IF (! Ready ()) Throw New Exception ("JDBCLogger :: append (), not ready to append!");

IF (SQL! = NULL) {appendsql (_msg); return;}

Logcolumn logcol;

rs.movetoinsertrow ();

For (int i = 0; I

if (logcol.logtype == LogType.MSG) {rs.updateObject (logcol.name, _msg);} else if (logcol.logtype == LogType.ID) {rs.updateObject (logcol.name, logcol.idhandler.getID ());} else if (logcol.logtype == LogType.STATIC) {rs.updateObject (logcol.name, logcol.value);} else if (logcol.logtype == LogType.TIMESTAMP) {rs.updateObject (logcol .name, new timestamp (NEW java.util.date ()). getTime ()));}}}}}}}}}}}}}

/ ** * Write a message into the database with a given SQL statement. If a database error occurs, it will throw an exception! * @Param _msg string * @throws exception * / public void appendsql (string _msg) throws exception {ix (! Ready) IF (! Ready ()) Throw new Exception ("JDBCLogger :: appendsql (), NOTY TO APPEND!");

IF (SQL == NULL) Throw new Exception ("JDBCLogger :: appendsql (), no sql-statement configured!");

IF (msg_wildcard_pos> 0) {new_sql = new_sql_part1 _msg new_sql_part2;} else new_sql = SQL;

Try {stmt.executeUpdate (new_sql);} catch (exception e) {errormsg = new_sql; throw e;}}

/ ** * Configure this class by reading the structure of the log table. If a database error occurs, it will throw an exception! * @Param _table string * @throws exception * / public void configureTable (String _Table) THROWS Exception {if (iSconfigured Return;

// with META-informations log table columns filled column stmt = con.createStatement (ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); rs = stmt.executeQuery ( "SELECT * FROM" _table "WHERE 1 = 2");

Logcolumn logcol;

ResultSetmetaData RSMD = rs.getMetadata ();

Num = rsmd.getcolumncount ();

Logcols = new arraylist (num); for (int i = 1; i <= num; i ) {logcol = new logcolumn (); logcol.name = rsmd.getColumnname (i) .touppercase (); logcol.type = rsmd .getColumnTypeName (i); logcol.nullable = (rsmd.isNullable (i) == rsmd.columnNullable); logcol.isWritable = rsmd.isWritable (i); if logcol.ignore = true (logcol.isWritable!); logcols. Add (Logcol);

Table = _Table;


/ ** * Configure this class by saving the given SQL statement. If a database error occurs, an exception will be thrown! * @Param _sql string * @throws exception * / public void configuresql (string _sql) throws exception { ISCONFIGURED RETURN

IF (! isconnected ()) Throw new Exception ("JDBCLogger :: Configuresql (), NOT Connected to Database!");

IF (_SQL == null || _sql.trim (). Equals (")) Throw new Exception (" JDBCLogger :: Configuresql (), Invalid SQL-Statement! ");


STMT = con.createstatement ();

Msg_wildcard_pos = sql.indexof (msg_wildcard);

if (msg_wildcard_pos> 0) {new_sql_part1 = sql.substring (0, msg_wildcard_pos - 1) " '"; // between the message ... new_sql_part2 = "'" sql.substring (msg_wildcard_pos msg_wildcard.length ()) }


/ ** * Set a connection. If the connection is not open, you will throw an exception! * @Param _con connection * @throws exception * / public void setConnection (connection _con) throws exception {con = _con;

IF (! isconnected ()) throw new exception ("JDBCLogger :: setConnection (), Given Connection isnt connection to database!");

/ ** * Set a column log type (logtypes) and depend on the logType value. If a given parameter is incorrect, it will throw an exception! * @Param _name string * @Param _LogType int * @Param _Value Object * @Throws Exception (! isconfigured) * / public void setLogType (String _name, int _logtype, Object _value) throws Exception {if throw new Exception ( "JDBCLogger :: setLogType (), Not configured!"); // setLogType () makes only sense for Further Configuration of ConfigureTable () IF (SQL! = NULL) RETURN

_name = _name.touppercase ();

IF (_Name == Null ||! (_name.trim (). Length ()> 0)) Throw new Exception ("JDBCLogger :: setLogType (), missing argument name!"); if (! logtype.islogtype) )) throw new exception ("JDBCLogger :: setLogType (), invalid logtype '" _LogType ""); // In addition to message type and empty type, other types of values ​​cannot be empty IF ((_LogType! = logtype .Msg && _logtype! = Logtype.empty) && _value == null) throw new exception ("JDBCLogger :: setLogType (), Missing Argument value!");

LogColumn logcol; // Set the source for the value of the column for (int i = 0; I

IF (logcol.name.equals (_name)) {if (! logcol.iswritable "throw new exception (" JDBCLogger :: setLogTYPE (), column " _name " is not writeable! ");

// Column gets the message if (_logtype == LogType.MSG) {logcol.logtype = _logtype; return;} // Column will be provided by JDBCIDHandler :: getID () else if (_logtype == LogType.ID) {logcol .logtype = _LogType;

try {// Try to cast directly Object to JDBCIDHandler logcol.idhandler = (JDBCIDHandler) _value;} catch (Exception e) {try {// Assuming _value is of class string which contains the classname of a JDBCIDHandler logcol.idhandler = (JDBCIDHandler Class.Forname ((String) _Value) .newinstance ());} catch (Exception E2) {throw new exception ("JDBCLogger :: setLogType (), cannot cast value of class" _Value.getClass () " To class jdbcidhandler! ");}} Return;

// Column Will Be staticly defined with object _value else ife = _ logcol.logtype = _LogType; logcol.value = _Value; return;}

// Column Will Be supplied with a activity timestamp else if (_LogType == logtype.timestamp) {logcol.logtype = _LogType; Return;

// Column will be fully ignored during process. // If this column is not nullable, the column has to be filled by a database trigger, // else a database error occurs! // Columns which are not nullable, but should be not filled, must be explicit assigned with LogType.EMPTY, // else a value is required else if (_logtype == LogType.EMPTY) {logcol.logtype = _logtype; logcol.ignore = true; return;}!}}}

/ ** * If this class's append () method is ready, return true, otherwise return false. * If it is not ready, a reason string will be saved in instance variable MSG * @return boolean * / public boilean Ready () {If (ready) return true;

IF (! isconfigured) {error = "NOTY to append! call configure () first!"; return false;} // no need to doing the whole rest ... if (sql! = null) {ready = True; Return True;}

Boolean msgcol_defined = false;

Logcolumn logcol;

For (int i = 0; I

if (logcol.ignore || logcol.isWritable!) continue; (! logcol.nullable && logcol.logtype == LogType.EMPTY) if {errormsg = "Not ready to append Column!" logcol.name "is not nullable , and must be specified by setLogType ()! "; return false;} if (logcol.logtype == LogType.ID && logcol.idhandler == null) {errormsg =" Not ready to append Column " logcol.name ! "IS specified as an id-column, and a jdbcidhandler Has to be set!"; return false;} else if (logcol.logtype == logtype.static && logcol.value == null) {errormsg = "not Ready to append Column " logcol.name " IS specified as a static field, and a value has to be set! "; Return false;} else if (logcol.logtype == logtype.msg) msgcol_defined = true;}

IF (! msgcol_defined) returnaf;

// Create the column_list for (int i = 0; i

IF (logcol.ignore ||! logcol.iswritable) Continue;

if (logcol.logtype = LogType.EMPTY!) {if (column_list == null) {column_list = logcol.name;} else column_list = "," logcol.name;}} try {rs = stmt.executeQuery ( " SELECT " COLUMN_LIST " from " Table " Where 1 = 2 ");} Catch (Exception E) {ErrorMSG =" NOTY TO APPEND! CANNOT SELECT Column '" Column_List "' of Table " Table "!"; Returnaf

Ready = True;

Return True;}

/ ** * If this is already configured, return true, otherwise return false * @return boolean * / public boolean isconfigured () {returnfigured;}

/ ** * If this connection is open, return true, otherwise return false * @return boolean * / public boolean isconnected () {Try {Return (inc! = Null&&! Con.closed ());} catch (Exception e) {returnaf false;}}

/ ** * Returns internal error message stored in instance variable MSG * @return string * / public string getErrorMsg () {string r = new string (errormsg); erroormsg = null; return r;}}

/ ** * This class encapsulates the column related data required by the JDBClogger class *

title: log4j1.2.8 source code analysis *

description: *

Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004 *

Company: BenQ competes to * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / class logcolumn {

/ ** Column name * / String name = null;

/ ** Column type * / string type = NULL;

/ ** NOT NULLABILTY means this column is a must * / boolean nullable = false;

/ ** iswritable means this column can be updated, or only read only. * / Boolean iswritable = false;

/ ** If ignore is TRUE, this column will ignore * / boolean ignore = false when compiling SQL statements;

/ ** must be filled with non-air column! Other situations are optional. * / Int logtype = logtype.empty; / ** corresponds to universal memory of wrapper, String, etc. * / Object value = null ; / ** JDBCIDHANDLER interface instance * / jdbcidhandler idhandler = null;}

/ ** * This class contains all constants, these constants are required to define a column log type. *

Title: log4j1.2.8 Source quarter analysis *

description: *

Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004 *

Company: BenQ Chart * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / class logtype {

/ ** This type of column will accept the message * / public static final int msg = 1;

/ ** This type of column will be the unique identifier of the record line * / public static final int ID = 2;

/ ** This type of column will contain a statically defined value * / public static final int stat = 3;

/ ** This type of column will be filled with a timestamp, this timestamp relies on the start time of the log record * / public static final int todaystamp = 4;

/ ** This type of column will not contain a value and is not included in the insert statement in log record. This will be a column that does not need to be created, but in other places. * / Public static final int EMPTY = 5 ;

/ ** * Detection _LT is a log type * @Param _lt int * @return boolean * / public static boolean islogtype (int _lt) {if (_lt == msg || _lt == static || _lt == id | | _LT == TimeStamp || _lt == Empty) Return True;

Return false;}

/ ** * Convert the string to log type * @Param _lt string * @return int * / public static int parselogtype (swright _lt) {if (_lt.equals ("msg")) Return Msg; if (_lt.equals ("ID")) RETURN ID; if (_lt.equals ("static")) Return Static; if (_Lt.Equals ("TimeStamp") Return TimeStamp; IF (_lt.equals ("empty")) Return Empty ;

Return -1;}} 5.log4j.properties

# This is a configuration file instance, and the PropertyConfigurator will use this file: # 声明 An appender variable named jdbclog4j.rootlogger = debug, JDBC

#JDBC is a JDBCAPPENDER class, this class can write messages to database log4j.Appender.jdbc = com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test.jdbcappender # 1. Connection database database option log4j.Appender.jdbc.url = jdbc : mysql: // localhost: 3306 / logtestlog4j.Appender.jdbc.userName = rootlog4j.Appender.jdbc.password =

# 2. Specify your own JDBCConnectionHandler's connector option log4j.Appender.jdbc.connection_class = com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test.myConnectionHandler

# 3. Specify a SQL option for a static SQL statement, this statement will perform log4j.Appender.jdbc.sql = INSERT INTO LOGTEST (ID, MSG, CREATED_ON, CREATED_BY) VALUES (1, @ MSG @, sysdate, 'me')

# 4. Specify the table options for a table in the database. Log4j.Appender.jdbc.table = logtest

# 5. Column options for the description table (non-empty columns must be described) log4j.Appender.jdbc.columns = id_seq ~ empty ID ~ id ~ myidhandler msg ~ msg created_on ~ timestamp created_by ~ static ~ Thomas Fenner T.fenner@klopotek.de)

# 6. Define the layout option of the message layout (optional) log4j.Appender.jdbc.Layout = org.apache.log4j.patternLayoutLog4j.Appender.jdbc.Layout.ConversionPattern =% M

# 7. Define the size of the message event buffer (optional) log4j.Appender.jdbc.buffer_size = 1

# 8. Define the submission option (optional) log4j.Appender.jdbc.docommit = n

########## The following is English description ############# Date -% d {date} [SLF5s.date] #priority -% p [SLF5s.Priority] #Ndc -% x [slf5s.ndc] #thread -% T [SLF5s.thread] #category -% C [SLF5s.category] #Location -% L [SLF5s.Location] #MESSAGE -% M [SLF5s.MESSAGE] ## log4j.Appender.r.Layout.conversionPattern = [SLF5s.Start]% D {date} [SLF5s.date]% N / #% P [SLF5s.Priority]% N% x [SLF5s.NDC]% N% T [SLF5S.THREAD]% N / #% C [SLF5s.category]% N% L [SLF5S.LOCATION]% N% M [SLF5S.MESSAGE]% n% n ########## It is Chinese description ######################################################### Output the LOG information takes a few #% C to output the category belonging, which is usually the full name #% t output of the class generated to generate the thread name #% n output of the log event, and the Windows platform is "/ R / N ", the Unix platform is" / n "#% D output log time point date or time, the default format is ISO8601, or it can be specified in the format, # such as% D {YYY MMM DD HH: mm: SS, SSS}, Output Similar: October 18, 2002 22:10: 28,921 #% l Output log events, including category names, threads that occur, and number of rows in code. Example: Testlog4.main (Testlog4.java: 10) 6.log4jtest.java

Package com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test;

Import java.sql. *;

Import org.apache.log4j. *;

/ ** * This is an instance code for configuring JDBCappender with a configuration file *

title: log4j1.2.8 Source code analysis *

Description: *

Copyright: CopyRight (C ) 2004 *

Company: BenQ competes with * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / public class log4jtest {

/ ** * root log logger * / static logger log = logger.getlogger (log4jtest.class.getname ());

Public static void main (string [] args) {Try {driver D = (DRIVER) ("org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver). NewInstance ()); DriverManager.RegisterDriver (d);} Catch (Exception E) {}

// Configuration with configuration-file PropertyConfigurator.configure ( "E: /Log4j_src/classes/com/benqguru/palau/log/jdbc/test/log4j.properties"); // These messages with Priority> = setted priority will be logged To The Database. Log.debug ("Debug"); // this Not, Because Priority Debug is Less Than Info Log.Info ("Info"); Log.Error ("Error"); log.fatal ("Fatal" }}


Package com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test;

Import java.sql. *;

Import org.apache.log4j. *;

/ ** * This is an instance code that does not use the configuration file to configure JDBCappender *

Title: log4j1.2.8 Source code analysis *

Description: *

Copyright: CopyRight (C ) 2004 *

Company: BenQ competes with * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / public class log4jtest2 {

/ ** * root log logger * / static logger log = logger.getlogger (log4jtest2.class.getname ());

Public static void main (string [] args) {// Returns the serial number of transactions myidhandler idhandler = new myidhandler ();

/ / Make sure the required drive Try {Driver D = (DRIVER) is installed ("org.gjt.mm.mysql.driver). NewinStance ()); DriverManager.RegisterDriver (D);} catch (EXCEPTION E) {E.PrintStackTrace ();

// Set the priority log.setlevel (Level.debug) that the message can be recorded;

// Create a JDBCAPPENDER instance jdbcappender appender = new jdbcappender ();

// Use the setoption () method to set the option appender.setoption (jdbcappender.connector_option, "com.benqguru.palau.log.jdbc.test.myconnectionhandler); appender.setoption (jdbcappender.url_option," jdbc: mysql: /////// Localhost: 3306 / logtest "); appender.setoption (jdbcappender.username_option," root "); appender.setoption (jdbcappender.password_option," "); // When this step is performed, JDBCappender calls the JDBCLogger connection database, lookup Information appender.setoption (jdbcappender.table_option, "logtest"); / * There are two ways to establish a column description: 1. Method setoption (jdbcappender.column_option, column-description) ja.setoption (jdbcappender.colump_option, "id_seq ~ EMPTY id ~ ID ~ MyIDHandler msg ~ MSG created_on ~ TIMESTAMP created_by ~ STATIC ~ :-) Thomas Fenner (t.fenner@klopotek.de)"); 2. with setLogType (String columnname, int LogType.xxx, Object XXX) is a better encoding method * / appender.setLogType ("id_seq", logtype.empty, ""); appender.setLogType ("ID", logtype.id, idhandler); appender.setLogType ("msg", LogType.msg, ""); appender.setlogtype ("created_on", logtype.t IMestamp, ""); appender.setLogType ("created_by", logtype.static, "fen");

/ / If you want to execute a static SQL statement, forget the table and column option, use this method: // appender.setoption (jdbcappender.sql_option, "INSERT INTO LOGTEST (ID, MSG, CREATED_ON, CREATED_BY) VALUES (1, @ Msg @, sysdate, 'me') "); // Set the size of the database buffer option is 1 // appender.Setoption (JDBCAPPENDER.BUFFER_OPTION," 1 "); // If the database is used by mysql, it must be To set to "N", because MySQL does not support transaction // appender.setoption (JDBCAPPENDER.commit_option, "N");

/ / Define a layout,% M represents the message specified in the output code // appender.setLayout ("% m"));

/ / Add an output source to the log logger log.addappender; // These tapes are greater than or equal to the set priority, will be recorded into the database log.debug ("debug"); LOG.INFO ("info"); log.error ("error"); log.fatal ("fatal");}}

/ ** * Implementation of the JDBCConnectionHandler interface address *

Title: log4j1.2.8 Source code analysis *

description: *

Copyright: CopyRight (c) 2004 *

Company: BenQ compete * @author Wang * @version 1.0 * / class MyConnectionHandler implements JDBCConnectionHandler {Connection con = null; // String url = "jdbc: oracle: thin: @ (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (protocol = tcp) (host = LENZI) (PORT = 1521)) (protocol = tcp.world) (host = lenzi) (port = 1526 )))) ""; String url = "jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / logtest"; string username = "root"; string password = "

/ ** * Get the default database connection * @return connection * / public connection getConnection () {system.out.println ("URL =" URL); System.out.Println ("UserName =" username); system. Out.println ("password =" password; return getConnection (URL, UserName, Password);

/ ** * The conditions for obtaining a given database connection * @param _url String * @param _username String * @param _password String * @return Connection * / public Connection getConnection (String _url, String _username, String _password) {try {if ( Con! = null &&! con?close (); con = drivermanager.getConnection (_URL, _USERNAME, _PASSWORD); con.setautocommit (TRUE);} catch (Exception E) {E.PrintStackTrace () Return con;}}}}}

/ ** * Implementation of the JDBCIDHANDLER interface *

Title: log4j1.2.8 source code analysis *

Description: *

Copyright: CopyRight (c) 2004 *

Company: BenQ competes to * @Author Wang Jian * @version 1.0 * / class myidhandler imports jdbcidhandler {private static long id = 0;

/ ** * Get a unique ID * @return object * / public synchronized Object getId () {return new long ( id);}}


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