VB creates a cool personalized menu (3)

zhaozj2021-02-16  79

VB creates a cool personalized menu (3)

Now that the most critical, the most exciting, the most complex part. What is our most concerned, how to "paint" menu, how to deal with menu events, in the menuwndProc this function, we have to handle the following message: WM_COMMAND (click menu item), WM_MeasureItem (Process menu height and width), WM_MENUSELECT Select menu items, WM_DRAWITEM (Draw menu item).

Open the last project, add a standard module, and set its name to MMenu, the code is as follows:

'********************************************************** *********************************************************** ***********

'* This module cooperates with the CMenu menu module


'* Copyright: LPP Software Studio

'* Author: Lu Peipei (goodname008)

'* (******* copy Please keep the above information *******)

'********************************************************** *********************************************************** ***********

Option expedition

'- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - API function declaration - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

Public Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal DWROP As long) As long

Public Declare Function CallWindowProc LIB "User32" Alias ​​"CallWindowProca" (Byval Hwndfunc As Long, Byval Hwnd As Long, Byval Msg As Long, Byval WParam As Long) As long

Public Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC LIB "GDI32" (Byval HDC As Long) As long

Public Declare Function Createpen Lib "GDI32" (Byval NPENSTYLE AS Long, Byval Crcolor As Long) As long

Public Declare Function CreatePopUpMenu Lib "User32" () AS Longpublic Declare Function Createsolidbrush LIB "GDI32" (Byval Crcolor As Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function Deletedc LIB "GDI32" (Byval HDC As Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function DeleteMenu Lib "User32" (Byval NPSITION As Long, Byval Wflags As Long) As long

Public Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "GDI32" (Byval Hobject As Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function DestroyMenu Lib "User32" (Byval Hmenu As Long) As long

Public Declare Function Drawedge Lib "User32" (Byval HDC As Long, Qrc As Rect, BYVAL EDGE As Long, BYVAL GRFFLAGS As Long

Public Declare Function DrawIconEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal xLeft As Long, ByVal yTop As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long, ByVal cxWidth As Long, ByVal cyWidth As Long, ByVal istepIfAniCur As Long, ByVal hbrFlickerFreeDraw As Long, ByVal Diflags as long) As long

Public Declare Function DrawState Lib "user32" Alias ​​"DrawStateA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hBrush As Long, ByVal lpDrawStateProc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal n1 As Long, ByVal n2 As Long, ByVal n3 As Long, Byval N4 As Long, Byval UN As Long AS Long

Public Declare Function DrawText Lib "User32" Alias ​​"DrawTexta" (Byval LPSTA STRING, BYVAL NCOUNT AS long, LPRECT AS RECT, BYVAL WFORMAT AS Long) As long

Public Declare Function FillRect Lib "User32" (Byval HDC As Long, LPRECT AS RECT, BYVAL HBRUSH AS Long) As long

Public Declare Function Getdc LIB "User32" (Byval Hwnd As Long) As Long

Public Decount lib "User32" (Byval HMenu As Long, Byval Npos As Long) As Long, Byval NPOS, BYVAL HMENU As Long, Byval NPOS As Long, BYVAL NPOS As Long, BYVAL NPOS AS Long

Public Declare Function GetMenuItemInfo Lib "User32" Alias ​​"getMenuItemInfoa" (Byval HMenu As Long, BYVAL UN As Long, BYVAL B AS Long, LpMenuItemInfo As Menuiteminfo) AS Long

Public Declare Function GetSyscolor LIB "User32" (Byval Nindex As Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function GetSystemMetrics LIB "User32" (Byval Nindex As Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function InflateRect Lib "User32" (LPRECT AS RECT, BYVAL Y AS Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function InsertMenuItem LIB "User32" Alias ​​"InsertMenuItema" (Byval HmenuItema "(Byval As Boolean, BYREF LPCMENUITEMINFO AS MENUITEMINFO) As long

Public Declare Function Lineto Lib "GDI32" (Byval X as long, Byval Y as long) As long

Public Declare Function Lstrlen Lib "kernel32" Alias ​​"Lstrlena" (Byval LPSTRING AS STRING) AS Long

Public Declare Function MoveToex Lib "GDI32" (Byval HDC As Long, Byval x As Long, Byval Y As Long, LPPOINT AS Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function Rectangle LIB "GDI32" (Byval HDC As Long, Byval Y1 As Long, Byval X2 As Long, BYVAL Y2 AS Long AS Long

Public Declare Function ReleaseDC LIB "User32" (Byval HDC AS Long) As long

Public Declare Function SelectObject Lib "GDI32" (Byval HOBJECT As Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias ​​"SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As LongPublic Declare Function SetBkMode Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nBkMode As Long) As long

Public Declare Function SetMenuItemInfo Lib "User32" Alias ​​"SetMenuItemInfoa" (Byval HMenu As Long, Byval As Boolean, LpcMenuItemInfo As Menuiteminfo) AS Long

Public Declare Function SetTextColor LIB "GDI32" (Byval Crcolor As Long) AS Long

Public Declare Function SetWindowlong Lib "User32" Alias ​​"SetWindowlonga" (Byval Nindex As Long, Byval Dwnewlong As Long) As long

Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias ​​"RTLmoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, Byval length As long)

'- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - API constant statement - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

Public const gwl_wndproc = (-4) 'setWindowlong setting window function entry address

Public const SM_CYMENU = 15 'getSystemMetrics gets the system menu item height

Public const wm_command = & h111 'message: Click Menu item

Public const wm_drawItem = & h2b 'message: Draw menu items

Public const wm_exitmenuloop = & h212 'message: Exit menu message loop

Public const wm_measure = & h


'Message: Treatment Menu Height and Width

Public const wm_menuselect = & h


'Message: Select menu items


Public const odt_menu = 1 'Menu Public Const ODT_Listbox = 2' List Box

Public const odt_comboBOX = 3 'combo box

Public const odt_button = 4 'button


Public const ods_selected = & h1 'menu is selected

Public const ods_grayed = & h2 'gray word

Public const ods_disabled = & h4 'disabled

Public const ods_checked = & h8 'selection

Public const ods_focus = & h10 'Focus

'Diflags to Drawiconex

Public const di_mask = & h1 'draws the Mask part of the icon (such as separately using the icon)

Public const di_image = & h2 'draws the xor section of the icon (ie, the icon has no transparent area)


'NBKMode to setbkmode

Public const transparent = 1 'transparent processing, ie not mentioned above

Public const opaque = 2 'Fill a dotted brush, shadow brush, and character's void with the current background color

Public const newTransparent = 3 'Pictures in colorful menu

'MF menu related constant

Public const mf_bycommand = & h0 & 'menu strip specified by the command ID of the menu

Public const mf_byposition = & h400 & 'menu entry is determined by the location of the entry in the menu (the first entry in the zero representation menu)

Public const mf_checked = & h8 & 'Checks the specified menu entry (cannot be compatible with the vb's checked properties)

Public const mf_disabled = & h2 & 'Disables the specified menu entry (not compatible with VB's enabled property)

Public const mf_enabled = & h0 & 'Allows the specified menu entry (not compatible with the VB's enabled attribute)

Public const mf_grayed = & h1 & 'Disables the specified menu entry and describes it with light gray. (Not compatible with VB's enabled attribute) Public const mf_hilite = & h80 &

Public const mf_separator = & h800 & 'displays a separate line at the specified entry

Public const mf_string = & h0 & 'places a string (not compatible with VB's CAPTION property) at the specified entry

Public const mf_unchecked = & h0 & 'Checks the specified entry (cannot be compatible with the vb's checked properties)

Public const mf_unhilite = & h0 &

Public const mf_bitmap = & h4 & 'menu entry is a bitmap. Once set in the menu, this bitmap is absolutely unable to delete, so it should not be used by the value of the image property of the VB.

Public const mf_ownerdraw = & h100 & 'Creating a primary drawing menu (which is responsible for drawing each menu entry)

Public const MF_USECHECKBITMAPS = & H200 &

Public const mf_menubarbreak = & h20 & 'places the specified entry in a new column in the pop-up menu and divides a different column with a vertical line.

Public const mf_menubreak = & h40 & 'In the pop-up menu, place the specified entry in a norm. In the top menu, place the entry to a new line.

Public const mf_popup = & h10 & 'places a pop-up menu to create a submenu and pop-up menu.

Public const mf_help = & h4000 &

Public const mf_default = & h1000

Public const mf_rightjustify = & h4000

'fmask to INSERTMENUITEM' Specifies which members in Menuiteminfo are valid

Public const miim_state = & h1

Public const miim_id = & h2

Public const miim_submenu = & h4

Public const miim_checkmarks = & h8

Public const miim_type = & h10

Public const miim_data = & h20

Public const miim_string = & h40

Public const miim_bitmap = & h80

Public const miim_ftype = & h100

'fType to insertmenuitem' Menuiteminfo Menu Item Type Public Const MFT_Bitmap = & H4 &

Public const mft_menubarbreak = & h20 &

Public const mft_menubreak = & h40 &

Public const mft_ownerdraw = & h100 @ PUBLIC Const MFT_OWNERDRAW = & H100 &

Public const mft_separator = & h800 &

Public const mft_string = & h0 &


Public const mfs_checked = & h8 @ PUBLIC Const MFS_CHECKED = & H8 &

Public const mfs_disabled = & h2 &

Public const mfs_enabled = & h0 &

Public const mfs_grayed = & h1 &

Public const MFS_HILITE = & H80 &

Public const mfs_unchecked = & h0 & h0 &

Public const MFS_UNHILITE = & H0 & H0 &

'nformat to drawtext

Public const dt_left = & h0 'Left alignment

Public const dt_center = & h1 'horizontal alignment

Public const dt_right = & h2 'horizontal right alignment

Public const dt_singlex = & h20 'single line

Public const dt_top = & h0 'is aligned vertically (valid only when you are alone

Public const dt_vcenter = & h4 'vertical alignment (valid only when single line)

Public const dt_bottom = & h8 'vertical alignment (valid only when single line)

Public const dt_calcRect = & h400 'Multi-line drawing When the rectangle is extended as needed to accommodate all text; when a single line drawing, the right side of the extended rectangle does not depict the text, the rectangle specified by the LPRect parameter will be loaded. Value.

Public const dt_wordbreak = & h10 'performs automatic wrap. If the TA_UPDATECP flag is set with the setTextAlign function, the settings here are invalid.

Public const dt_noclip = & h100 'Drawing a text not cut to the specified rectangle

Public const dt_noprefix = & h800 'Usually, the function thinks & character indicates that the next character is inclined, which prohibits this behavior. Public const dt_expandtabs = & h40' When the text is drawn, the tab is expanded. Default system The table station spacing is 8 characters. However, this setting can be changed with a DT_TABSTOP flag.

Public const dt_tabstop = & h80 'Specifies the new tabular spacing, using this integer of 8 digits.

Public const dt_externalleading = & h200 'When calculating the text line height, use the external pitch attribute of the current font.

'NINDEX TO GETSYSCOLOR standard: 0--20

Public const color_ActiveBorder = 10 'Active window Border

Public const color_activecaption = 2 'The title of the event window

Public const color_appworkspace = 12 'MDI desktop background

Public const color_background = 1 'windows desktop

Public const mix_btnface = 15 'button

Public const color_btnhighlight = 20 'button 3D highlighting area

Public const color_btnshadow = 16 'button 3D shadow

Public const color_btntext = 18 'button text

Public const color_captiontext = 9 'Window header

Public const color_graytext = 17 'gray text; if the jitter technology is used is zero

Public const color_highlight = 13 'selected project background

Public const color_highlighttext = 14 'Selected project text

Public const color_inactiveborder = 11 'does not active window Border

Public const color_inactivecaption = 3 'The title of the inactive window

Public const color_inactivecaptionText = 19 'inactive window text

Public const color_menu = 4 'menu

Public const color_menutext = 7 'menu text

Public const color_scrollbar = 0 'scroll bar

Public const color_window = 5 'window background public const color_windowframe = 6' window

Public const color_windowText = 8 'window text

'un to DrawState

Public const dst_complex = & h0 'Drawing is performed during the callback function specified by the LPDrawStateProc parameter, and LPARAM and WPARAM are passed to the callback event.

Public const dst_text = & H1 'LParam represents the address of the text (available using a string alias), WPARAM represents the length of the string.

Public const dst_prefixtext = & h2 'is similar to DST_Text, just & character points to the next character plus underscore.

Public const dst_icon = & h3 'LPARAM includes an icon handle

Public const dst_bitmap = & h4 'LPARAM includes a bitmap handle

Public const DSS_NORMAL = & H0 'normal image

Public const DSS_UNION = & H10 'image is jitter processing

Public const dss_disabled = & h20 'image has a relief effect

Public const dss_mono = & h80 'draws images with Hbrush

Public const dss_right = & h8000 'has no effect

'Edge to DrawEdge

Public const bdr_raiadouter = & h1 'outer convex

Public const bdr_sunkenkenouter = & h2 'outer concave

Public const bdr_raiadinner = & h4 'inner layer convex

Public const bdr_sunkeninner = & h8 'inner recess

Public const bdr_outer = & h3

Public const bdr_raiad = & h5

Public const bdr_sunken = & ha

Public const bdr_inner = & hc




'grfflags to drashedge

Public const bf_left = & h1 'left edge

Public const bf_top = & h2 'upper edge

Public const bf_right = & h4 'right edge

Public const bf_bottom = & h8 'lower edge

Public const bf_diagonal = & h10 'diagonal

Public const bf_middle = & h800 'Plip rectangular inside

Public const bf_soft = & h1000 'MSDN: Soft Buttons Instead of Tiles.

Public const bf_adjust = & h2000 'Adjustment rectangle, reserved customer area

Public const bf_flat = & h4000 'plane edge

Public const bf_mono = & h8000 'One-dimensional edge

Public const bf_rect = (BF_LEFT OR BF_TOP OR BF_RIGHT OR BF_BOTTOM)

Public const bf_topleft = (bf_top or bf_left)

Public const bf_topright = (bf_top or bf_right)

Public const bf_bottomleaseft = (bf_bottom or bf_left)

Public const bf_bottomright = (bf_bottom or bf_right)

Public const bf_diagonal_endtopleft = (BF_DIAGONAL OR BF_TOP OR BF_LEFT)

Public const bf_diagonal_endtopright = (bf_diagonal or bf_top or bf_right)

Public const bf_diagonal_endbottomleaseft = (bf_diagonal or bf_bottom or bf_left)

Public const bf_diagonal_endbottomright = (bf_diagonal or bf_bottom or bf_right)


Public const ps_dash = 1 'brush type: Deni line (NWIDTH must be 1) -------

Public const ps_dashdot = 3 'brush type: Distreatment (NWIDTH must be 1) _._._._ public const ps_dashdotdot = 4' brush type: Point-point-scribe (NWIDTH must be 1) _... .

Public const ps_dot = 2 'brush type: Point line (NWIDTH must be 1) .......

Public const ps_solid = 0 'brush type: solid line _______

'- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - API Type Declaration - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = -

Public Type Rect

LEFT As Long

Top as long

Right As long

Bottom as long

End Type

Public Type DrawItemstruct



ItemID as long

Itemaction as long

ItemState As Long

HWndItem as long

HDC As Long


ItemData As Long

End Type

Public Type MenuItemInfo


Fmask as long

fType as long


WID as long



HBMPunchecked As Long

Dwitemdata As Long

Dewtypedata as string

CCH As Long

End Type

Public Type MeasureItemstruct



ItemID as long

ItemWidth as long

ItemHeight As Long

ItemData As Long

End Type

Public Type Size

CX as long

CY As Long

End Type

'Custom menu item data structure

Public Type MyMenuItemInfo

Itemicon as stdpicture

Itemalias As String

ItemText As String

ItemType As MenuiteMType

ItemState As MenuItemState

End Type

'Menu related structure

Private MeasureInfo As MeasureItemstruct

Private DrawInfo as DrawItemstruct

Public HMENU As Long

Public PremenuWndProc as long

Public myiteminfo () as MyMenuItemInfo

'Menu Class Properties PUBLIC BARWIDTH AS LONG' Menu Additional Band Width

Public Barstyle As Menuleftbarstyle 'Menu Additional Style

Public Barimage AS stdpicture 'menu attached

Public BarstartColor as long 'menu attached strip transition color start color

Public Barendcolor As long 'menu attached strip transition color termination colors

Public SelectScope As MenuItemSelectScope 'menu item high bright strip

Public TEXTENABLOR AS long 'menu item When you use text color

Public TextDisableDColor As long 'menu item is not available when text color

Public TextSelectColor As long 'menu item Select time text color

Public iconStyle As MenuItemiconStyle 'menu item icon style

Public EdgeStyle AS MenuItemSelectedgeStyle 'menu item Border style

Public EdgeColor As long 'menu item border color

Public FillStyle AS MenuItemSelectFillStyle 'menu item Background Fill Style

Public FillStartColor As long 'menu item transition color start color

Public FillendColor As long 'menu item transition color termination color

Public BKCOLOR As Long 'Menu Background Color

Public SepStyle AS MenuseParatbookStyle 'menu partition style

Public Sepcolor As Long 'Menu Spacer Color

Public MenuStyle As MenuuStyle 'Menu Overall Style

'Intercept menu message (FRMMENU window entrance function)

Function menuwndproc (Byval Hwnd As Long, Byval WParam As Long, Byval LParam as long) As long


Case WM_COMMAND 'Click Menu item

If myiteminfo (wparam) .ItemType = mit_checkbox kil

If myiteminfo (wparam) .ItemState = MIS_CHECKED THEN

Myiteminfo (wparam) .ItemState = MIS_UNCHECKED


Myiteminfo (wparam) .ItemState = Mis_CHECKEDEND IF


MenuItemSelected WPARAM

Case WM_EXITMENULOOP 'Exit Menu Message Cycle (Reserved)

Case WM_MeasureItem 'Handling Menu Item Height and Width

MeasureItem Hwnd, LPARAM

Case WM_MENUSELECT 'Select menu item


ItemID = GetMenuitemid (LParam, WParam and & HFF)

IF itemID <> -1 Then

MenuItemSelecting ItemID


Case WM_DRAWITEM 'Draw menu item



MenuWndProc = CallWindowProc (PremernuWndProc, HWND, MSG, WPARAM, LPARAM)


'Treatment menu height and width

Private Sub MeasureItem (Byval Hwnd As Long, Byval LParam As Long)

Dim Textsize As Size, HDC As Long


CopyMemory MeasureInfo, Byval Lparam, Len (MEASUREINFO)

If MeasureInfo.ctltype and Odt_Menu Then

MeasureInfo.itemwidth = lstrlen (MyItemInfo (MeasureInfo.itemid) .ItemText) * (GetSystemMetrics) * (SM_CYMENU) / 2.5) Barwidth

If myiteminfo (measureInfo.itemid) .ItemType <> mit_separator then

MeasureInfo.itemheight = getSystemMetrics (SM_CYMENU)


MeasureInfo.itemheight = 6



CopyMemory Byval LParam, MeasureInfo, Len (MeasureInfo)


End Sub

'Draw menu items

Private Sub DrawItem (Byval LParam As Long)

DIM HPEN AS Long, Hbrush As Long

DIM ITEMRECT As Re, BarRect As Rect, IconRect As Rect, TextRect AS Rect

DIM I as long

CopyMemory Drawinfo, Byval Lparam, Len (DrawInfo)

If Drawinfo.ctltype = ODT_MENU THEN

SetBKMode Drawinfo.hdc, Transparent

'Initialization menu rectangle, icon rectangle, text rectangle

ItemRect = Drawinfo.rcitem

iconRect = Drawinfo.rcitem

TEXTRECT = Drawinfo.rcitem 'Sets menu attached to rectangle

With barRect

.Left = 0

.Top = 0

.Right = barwidth - 1

For i = 0 to getMenuItemcount (HMENU) - 1

IF myiteminfo (i) .ItemType = mit_separator the

.Bottom = .bottom 6


.Bottom = .bottom measureinfo.itemheight


Next i

.Bottom = .bottom - 1

End with

'Set the icon rectangle, text rectangle

IF barStyle <> lbs_none kilnness 2

IconRect.right = iconRect.Left 20

TextRect.Left = iconRect.Right 3

With drawinfo

'Painting menu background

ItemRect.Left = BarRect.right

Hbrush = createsolidbrush (bkcolor)

FillRect .hdc, itemRect, Hbrush

DeleteObject Hbrush

'Painting the attached strip on the left side of the menu

Dim Redarea As Long, Greenarea As Long, Bluearea As Long

Dim Red As Long, Green As Long, Blue As Long, BLUE AS LONG

Select Case BarsTyle

Case lbs_none 'no attachment


Hbrush = createsolidbrush (barstartcolor)

FillRect .hdc, BarRect, Hbrush

DeleteObject Hbrush

Case LBS_HORIZONTALCOLOR 'level transition

Bluearea = Int (Barendcolor / & H10000) - Int (BarstartColor / & H10000)

Greenarea = (int (Barendcolor / & H100) and & HFF) - (INT (BarstartColor / & H100) and & HFF)


For i = 0 to barwidth - 1

Red = int (BarstartColor and & HFF) INT (I / Barwidth * Redarea)

Green = (int (BarstartColor / & H100) and & HFF) Int (I / Barwidth * Greenarea)

Blue = int (BarstartColor / & H10000) Int (I / Barwidth * Bluearea)

HPEN = Createpen (PS_SOLID, 1, RGB (Red, Green, Blue) Call SelectObject (.hdc, HPEN)

Call MoveToex (.hdc, i, 0, 0)

Call Lineto (.hdc, i, barRect.bottom)

Call DeleteObject (HPEN)

Next i

Case LBS_VerticalColor 'vertical transition color

Bluearea = Int (Barendcolor / & H10000) - Int (BarstartColor / & H10000)

Greenarea = (int (Barendcolor / & H100) and & HFF) - (INT (BarstartColor / & H100) and & HFF)


For i = 0 to barRect.bottom

Red = int (BarstartColor and & HFF) INT (I / (BarRect.Bottom 1) * Redarea)

Green = (int (BarstartColor / & H100) and & HFF) INT (I / (BarRect.Bottom 1) * Greenarea)

Blue = int (BarstartColor / & H10000) INT (I / (BarRect.Bottom 1) * Bluearea)

HPEN = Createpen (PS_SOLID, 1, RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

Call selectobject (.hdc, HPEN)

Call MoveToex (.hdc, 0, I, 0)

Call Lineto (.hdc, barRect.right, i)

Call DeleteObject (HPEN)

Next i

Case LBS_IMAGE 'image

IF barImage.handle <> 0 THEN

Dim Barhdc As Long

Barhdc = CreateCompatibleDC (Getdc (0))

SelectObject Barhdc, Barimage.Handle

Bitblt .hdc, 0, 0, Barwidth, BarRect.Bottom - BarRect.top 1, Barhdc, 0, 0, VBSRCCopy

DeletedC Barhdc



'Painting menu item

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemType = mit_separator the

'Painting menu partition (MIT_SEPARATOR)

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemType = mit_separator the

itemRect.top = ItemRect.top 2

itemRect.bottom = ItemRect.top 1

ItemRect.Left = BarRect.Right 5

Select Case SepStyle

Case MSS_NONE 'Non-breaking

Case MSS_DEFAULT 'Default Style DrawEdge .hdc, ItemRect, Edge_etched, BF_TOP

Case Else '

HPEN = CREATEPEN (SepStyle, 0, Sepcolor)

Hbrush = createsolidbrush (bkcolor)

SelectObject .hdc, HPEN

SelectObject .hdc, Hbrush

Rectangle .hdc, itemRect.Left, ItemRect.top, ItemRect.Right, ItemRect.bottom

DeleteObject HPEN

DeleteObject Hbrush




If not cbool (.ItemInfo (.ItemInfo (.ItemId) .ItemState and mis_disabled) THEN 'When the menu item is available

If .ItemState and ODS_SELECTED THEN 'When the mouse moves to menu items

'Set the menu item highlight

IF selectscope and iss_icon_text kil

ItemRect.Left = iconRect.Left

Elseif SelectScope and ISS_Text Then

ItemRect.Left = TextRect.Left - 2


ItemRect.Left = .rcitem.Left


'Handling the menu item without icon or when checkbox

IF (MyItemInfo (.ItemId) .ItemType = mit_checkbox or myiteminfo (.ItemId) .Itemicon = 0) And selectscope <> ISS_LEFTBAR_ICON_TEXT THEN

ItemRect.Left = iconRect.Left


'Painting menu item border


Case ISES_NONE 'Borderless

Case ISES_SUNKEN 'recessed

Drawedge .hdc, itemRect, BDR_Sunkenouter, BF_RECT

Case ISES_RAISED 'raised

Drawedge .hdc, itemRect, BDR_RAISEDINNNER, BF_RECT

Case Else '

HPEN = CREATEPEN (EdgeStyle, 0, EdgeColor)

Hbrush = createsolidbrush (bkcolor)

SelectObject .hdc, HPEN

SelectObject .hdc, Hbrush

Rectangle .hdc, itemRect.Left, ItemRect.top, ItemRect.Right, ItemRect.bottom

DeleteObject HPEN

DeleteObject Hbrush


'Painted menu items

InflateRect ItemRect, -1, -1select Case FillStyle

Case isfs_none 'no background

Case isfs_horizontalcolor 'horizontal gradient

Bluearea = Int (FillendColor / & H10000) - Int (FillStartColor / & H10000)

Greenarea = (int (FillendColor / & H100) and & HFF) - (INT (FillStartColor / & H100) and & HFF)

REDAREA = (FillendColor and & HFF) - (FillStartColor and & HFF)

For i = itemRect.Left to itemRect.right - 1

Red = int (FillStartColor and & HFF) INT ((i - itemRect.Left) / (itemRect.right - itemRect.Left 1) * redarea)

Green = (int (FillStartColor / & H100) and & HFF) INT ((i - itemRect.Left) / (itemRect.right - itemRect.Left 1) * Greenarea)

Blue = int (FillStartColor / & H10000) INT ((i - itemRect.Left) / (itemRect.right - itemRect.Left 1) * Bluearea)

HPEN = Createpen (PS_SOLID, 1, RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

Call selectobject (.hdc, HPEN)

Call MoveToex (.hdc, I, itemRect.top, 0)

Call Lineto (.hdc, I, ItemRect.Bottom)

Call DeleteObject (HPEN)

Next i

Case isfs_verticalcolor 'vertical gradient

Bluearea = Int (FillendColor / & H10000) - Int (FillStartColor / & H10000)

Greenarea = (int (FillendColor / & H100) and & HFF) - (INT (FillStartColor / & H100) and & HFF)

REDAREA = (FillendColor and & HFF) - (FillStartColor and & HFF)

For i = itemRect.top to itemRect.bottom - 1

Red = int (FillStartColor and & HFF) INT ((i - itemRect.top) / (ItemRect.Bottom - ItemRect.top 1) * Redarea)

Green = (INT (FillStartColor / & H100) and & HFF) Int ((i - itemRect.top) / (itemRect.Bottom - itemRect.top 1) * Greenarea)

Blue = int (FillStartColor / & H10000) INT (i - itemRect.top) / (itemRect.Bottom - itemRect.top 1) * Bluearea) HPEN = Createpen (ps_solid, 1, RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

Call selectobject (.hdc, HPEN)

Call MoveToex (.hdc, itemRect.Left, i, 0)

Call LineTo (.hdc, itemRect.Right, i)

Call DeleteObject (HPEN)

Next i

Case isfs_solidcolor 'solid color fill

HPEN = Createpen (PS_SOLID, 0, FillStartColor)

Hbrush = Createsolidbrush (FillStartColor)

SelectObject .hdc, HPEN

SelectObject .hdc, Hbrush

Rectangle .hdc, itemRect.Left, ItemRect.top, ItemRect.Right, ItemRect.bottom

DeleteObject HPEN

DeleteObject Hbrush


'Painting Menu items

SetTextColor .hdc, TextSelectColor

DrawText .hdc, myiteminfo (.ItemId) .ItemText, -1, TextRect, DT_SINGLINE OR DT_LEFT OR DT_VCENTER

'Painting menu item icon

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemType <> mit_checkbox kil

Drawiconex .hdc, iconRect.LEFT 2, IconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2, myiteminfo (.Itemid) .Itemicon, 16, 16, 0, 0, di_normal

Select Case IconStyle

Case IIS_NONE 'No effect

Case IIS_SUNKEN 'recessed

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .Itemicon <> 0 THEN

Drawedge .hdc, iconRect, BDR_Sunkenouter, BF_RECT


Case IIS_RAISED 'raised

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .Itemicon <> 0 THEN

Drawedge .hdc, iconRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_RECT


Case IIS_SHADOW 'Shadow

Hbrush = Createsolidbrush (RGB (128, 128, 128)))

DrawState .HDC, Hbrush, 0, MyItemInfo (.ITEMID) .Itemicon, 0, IconRect.Left 3, iconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2 1, 0, 0, DST_ICON OR DSS_MONDELETEOBJECT HBRUSH

Drawiconex .hdc, iconRect.Left 1, iconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2 - 1, myiteminfo (.ItemId) .Itemicon, 16, 16, 0, 0, di_normal



'Checkbox menu item icon effect

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemState and mis_checked then

Drawiconex .hdc, iconRect.LEFT 2, IconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2, myiteminfo (.Itemid) .Itemicon, 16, 16, 0, 0, di_normal



Else 'When the mouse is moved to the menu item

'Painting menu item border and background (clear)

IF Barstyle <> lbs_none then

itemRect.Left = BarRect.Right 1


ItemRect.Left = 0


Hbrush = createsolidbrush (bkcolor)

FillRect .hdc, itemRect, Hbrush

DeleteObject Hbrush

'Painting Menu items

SetTextColor .hdc, TextenableDcolor

DrawText .hdc, myiteminfo (.ItemId) .ItemText, -1, TextRect, DT_SINGLINE OR DT_LEFT OR DT_VCENTER

'Painting menu item icon

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemType <> mit_checkbox kil

Drawiconex .hdc, iconRect.LEFT 2, IconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2, myiteminfo (.Itemid) .Itemicon, 16, 16, 0, 0, di_normal


If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemState and mis_checked then

Drawiconex .hdc, iconRect.LEFT 2, IconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2, myiteminfo (.Itemid) .Itemicon, 16, 16, 0, 0, di_normal




Else 'When the menu item is not available

'Painting Menu items

SetTextColor .hdc, TextdisableDColor

DrawText .hdc, myiteminfo (.ItemId) .ItemText, -1, TextRect, DT_SINGLINE OR DT_LEFT OR DT_VCENTER 'Painting Menu Icon

If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemType <> mit_checkbox kil

DrawState .HDC, 0, 0, MyItemInfo (.ItemID) .itemicon, 0, IconRect.Left 2, IconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2, 0, 0, DST_ICON OR DSS_DISABLED


If myiteminfo (.Itemid) .ItemState and mis_checked then

DrawState .HDC, 0, 0, MyItemInfo (.ItemID) .itemicon, 0, IconRect.Left 2, IconRect.top (iconRect.bottom - iconRect.top 1 - 16) / 2, 0, 0, DST_ICON OR DSS_DISABLED





End with


End Sub

'Menu item response (click menu item)

Private Sub MenuItemSelected (Byval Itemid As Long)

Debug.print "Mouse click:" & myiteminfo (itemid) .ItemText

Select Case MyItemInfo (ItemID) .ItemIAS

Case "exit"


For Each FRM in Forms

Unload FRM



End Sub

'Menu item Response (Select menu item)

Private Sub MenuItemSelecting (Byval Itemid As Long)

Debug.print "Move to:" & myiteminfo (itemid) .ItemText

End Sub

OK, until this, we completely completed the writing of the menu class, and also included a test form. Now, a complete engineering should include two forms: frmmain and frmmenu; a standard module: MMenu; a class module: cmenu. Press F5 to compile, right-click on the blank of the form. How, did you have a pop-up menu? Try it again.

After reading this series of articles, I think you should have a certain understanding of the self-painted menu used by the main drawing technology, go back and look at MS Office 2003 menu, but it is not difficult. In the future, we can call this write menu class in any of your own procedures, add color to your own program. :)

The program is debugged under Windows XP, VB6.

Source code download address: http://9cbsgoodname008.51.net/sample9cbs.zip

(Full text)

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* Please inform the author and indicate the source, 9CBS welcomes you! *

* Author: Lu Peipei (goodname008) *

* Email: GoodName008@163.com ** Column: http://blog.9cbs.net/goodname008 *

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