Summary of methods using VMware + Softice

zhaozj2021-02-16  82

Summary of using VMware Softice:

1) Install the VMware and operating system Windows2000 Professional. Specific step 省 省 ...

2) Install Softice in the virtual operating system Windows2000 Professional. I installed DriverStudio 2.7 here, with Softice software.

3) Make some unsuitable default settings by Softice's setup program setting. For example, modify the original settings in Softice Initialization / General / INITIZATION to

Faults Off; Lines 60; Code ON; WD 10; WC 20; X; additional files are added to Softice Initialization / Exports. For example, kernel32.dll user32.dll gdi32.dll shell32.dll comdlg32.dll advapi32.dll oleaut32.dll version.dll mpr.dll

2) In my Virtual Machines directory (Note that this is not a VMware installation directory, but the VMware's working directory) Find the VMX file of the virtual operating system, for example, my Windows 2000 Professional.vmx file.

3) At the end, add the following two lines of code: vmmouse.present = false svga.maxfulscreenRefreshtick = 5 As for why you want to add, please see:

"Using the Softice Debugger in a Virtual Machine" One Text URL:

"Drive Development Forum - ABC beginner - Old Hu's Working on How to Run Softice in VMware" One Text URL:

The above is to implement the step of using the Softice debugger within VMware, but the VMware Remote SoftICE debugger can be further implemented. After the above has been completed, further operation is as follows:

1) Modify the setting of the virtual operating system Windows2000 Professional, add a PIPE, the specific settings are as follows: Device Status: Connect At Power ON Use named Pipe: //./pipe/com_1: this end is the server.: The Other End IS An Application. I / O Mode: Yield CPU ON Poll

2) Start the virtual operating system Windows2000 Professional, modify the settings of Softice Initialization / Serial Debugging by Softice Setup: Serial Connection: COM1 Serial Connection Speed: 115200 Auto Connect (Via Null Modem): Check

3) Modify the Boot.ini file in the virtual machine. Add "/ debug / debugport = com1 / baudRate = 11520" information [boot loader] timeout = -1 default = multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / Windows [Operating Systems] Multi ( 0) DISK (0) RDisk (0) Partition (1) / windows = "Microsoft Win2000 Professional" / FastDetect / NOGUIBOOT / Debug / debugport = com1 / baudrate = 115204) Let's find a modified Siremote.exe and CWS3XW32 .dll file. Copy to the remote host. And create a batch file in the same directory run.bat siremote pipe //./pipe/com_1

5) Ok. Start the virtual operating system Windows2000 Professional, and start the Softice. Then run run.bat in the remote host, it will enter the debug interface. Yeah!

As for how Siremote.exe and CWS3XW32.DLL modify, where is it obtained. Please see specific:

"Another way to configure remote Softice in VMware" with URL:

"Combine VMware with Softice network-based remote debugging function" One text URL:

Also like how VMware Remote Windbg debugger, please see the following articles:

"Combine VMware with Debugging Tools for Windows" Based on the serial remote debugging function "" attached URL: "

"With VMware to implement single-machine use windbg" with URL:


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