1. Number of threads
Such as: an example of a multi-thread drawing in MSDN.
method one:
Examples are used in two events
A hkillevent // main thread is sent to sub-thread - I want you to die
HDeadEvent // Sublines are sent to the main thread - I am dead. ^ _ ^
IF (WaitForsingleObject (psubservice-> hkillevent, 0)! = Wait_timeout
:: setEvent (psubservice-> hdeadevent);
Exit thread
Main thread
Cycle for each sub-thread
SetEvent (m_mainservice.hkillevent);
WaitforsingleObject (m_mainservice.hdeadevent, infinite);
Method 2: WaitFormultiobject
Transfer from: http://expert.9cbs.net/expert/topic/3000/3000689.xml? Temp = .311413 Cheeralen (summer aroma)
/ *
DWORD NCOUNT, / / How many threads do you have?
Const Handle * LPHANDLES, // A Handle array, used to store the handle of the thread you want to wait
Bool bwaitall, or wait for all threads, or only one of them is OK
DWORD dwmilliseconds // Waiting time
Handle Handle1 = CreateThread (...);
Handle Handle2 = CreateTHREAD (...);
Handle Handle3 = CreateThread (...);
Handle Handle4 = CreateThread (...);
Handle LPHANDLES [4] = {Handle1, Handle2, Handle3, Handle4};
Ncount = 4;
BWAITAll = True;
dwmilliseconds = infinite;
This will wait for 4 threads to be executed, will return
* /
2. Do not specify the number of threads
In multi-threaded network programming, such as forwarding data, the service receives a message, and the service thread at this time also has another one.
Thread mode is:
Threadproc ()
IF (accept (socket))
AFXBEGINTHREAD (send thread)
AfxBeginThread (ThreadProc) // Take yourself again, so you can get the return value of the thread each time, and for network programming, the time to process data is saved.
Return 1;
AfxBeingThread (threadproc);
Return -1;
It is impossible to enumerate all the Handle of all sending threads (if the service thread is available in the While mode). So use a deciple NACTIVE, and a critical_section (to prevent thread access conflicts)
When the sub-thread goes in,
When the main thread is to exit
INT NCNT = 0; // Waiting
While (NCNT <10 && nactive> 0)
:: Sleep (200);
Exit it directly outside the waiting time.
And another, is also the most written method in the network, this: threadproc ()
While (! threadexit)
IF (accept (socket))
AFXBEGINTHREAD (send thread)
Return -1;