/// Server //1. Oracle creation table Login System / Manager Create Table Customer (20), Memo Varchar (200)); 2.BCB File / New / MultitierCoccoClassName: Custinfosvr3. Control Data Access / DataBaseDataBaseName: CUSTINFODriverName: ORACLELoginPrompt: falseParams:. SERVER NAME = ORCLUSER NAME = SYSTEMPASSWORD = MANAGER4 control Data Access / updateSQL: Name: CustInfoUpdateSQLDeleteSQL: delete Customer where CustID =: old_CustIDInsertSQL: insert into Customer values (: CustID,: CustName, : Memo) ModifySQL: update Customer setCustID =: CustID, CustName =: CustNamename, Memo =: Memo where CustID =: old_CustID 5. control Data Access / TQuery: Name: CustInfoQueryUpdateObject: CustInfoUpdateSQLUpdateMode: UpdateWhereKeyOnlyDatabaseName: CUSTINFO6 control Midas / DataSetProvider:. Name : CustinfoproviderOptions <
DataSet: CustInfoQuery
Updatemode: UpwhereKeyOnly
7. MAIN form constructor
Custinfosvr = New Tcustinfosvr (Application);
IF (FindWindow (Null, "Borland Socket Server) == NULL)
Winexec (ANSISTRING (ExtractFilePath (Application-> Exename)
"Scktsrvr.exe"). C_str (), sw_show);
Open Borland Socket Server and add port 27241
The program will be released at this port through the BCB Socket Server
1.File / New / Data Modules
Name: CustinFodata
2. Midas / SocketConnectionName: Custinfoconnection
Port: 27241
ServerName: DataModulesvr.custinfosvr
// Note: You need to open the client and socket server to choose ServerName
3.Midas / ClientDataSetName: CustinfoCDS
RemoteServer: CustInfoconnection
Providername: Custinfoprovider
4.Data Access / DataSource
Name: Custinfosource
DataSet: CustinfoCDS
5. MAINFORM constructor
Custinfodata-> CustinfoCDS-> Open ();
DataSource = CustinFodata-> Custinfosource;
DBGRID1-> DataSource = CustinFodata-> Custinfosource;
Catch (Exception & E)
ShowMessage (E.MESSAGE);
// Configuration End This program provides services primarily through DataSetProvider
I haven't worried about DCOM yet, but I think this should be an application of DCOM.
DataSetProvider can provide remote call as long as you provide a data set
Related resources: Midasgts in geotechnical engineering [Li Zhi edited] 2013