State SELECT [March 21, 2004 22:47]

zhaozj2021-02-16  76

As mentioned earlier, it should be a relatively special SQL statement.

Note: The following repost is not tested


Tell everyone to import DBF directly into SQL Server, and TXT imported Access method, everyone discards BatchMove From: Blood sword tells you a fastest way, use SQLServer to connect DBF to execute SELECT? *? INTO? BMKFROM ? OpenDataSource (? 'Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0', ?? 'data? Source = "e: / share"; user? Id = admin; password =; extended? Properties = dbase? 5.0') ... BMK This way can you introduce the BMK.DBF table in the E: / Share, and the speed is the fastest way to put the bottom of the pressure box. Tell everyone to put an adoconnection on the Form, and the connection pointing to the target Access library, such as a TXT file in C: /TEMP/AAAA.TXT executes adoconnection.connected?: =? true; adoConnection.execute ('select? *? INTO? Abcd? from? [text; database = c: / temp] .aaaa.txt'); Everything OK, this method must be sure, I have been working hard to study these two examples, and the problem between the heterogeneous database will give a non-three, and the blank is solved.


1.Select * INTO [; Database = E: /DB/AA.MDB] .t1from T1;

T1 -> aa.mdb T1

2.Select * INTO [; Database = E: /DB/AA.mdb] .t1from [select from Test from T1]. AS Result;

Table T1 ID, TEST -> aa.mdb T1

3.Select * INTO T2FROM [SELECT ID, TEST from T1]. AS Result;

Table T1 ID, TEST -> T2


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