Build your Java IDE with TextPad

zhaozj2021-02-16  82

Build your Java IDE with TextPad

Most friends will complain that Java is not as easy as VC, huh, huh. In fact, this is not a shortcomings, habits are good, individual thinking that the VC6 editing environment has no Delphi, but slowly adapt. But after familiar with Java, I really don't want to write programs with Notepad - I can't find a syntax error, and every time you have to open a large string instruction compiler, run the program, more importantly, for the applet program. For complex mechanisms -, really tired. However, I can't stand the super-smart, fool-type IDE, so slow, super food, running on my Poor computer, don't turn around - may I only do J2EE to need JB9 this tool. .

Create a special IDE that is specifically used to write a small Java program, is imminent.

I have given the requirements for myself to make a request: 1. Simple appearance, beautiful, generous; (because my cleansing made me filter out multiple editing environments such as JCREATOR ^ _ ^) 2. Installation, simple, convenient; (Filtering a number of editing environments such as UltraEdit) 3. Convenient to call online JDK documents; 4. Have a speech highlighting; 5. Have a common program of program editor: such as automatically replace the Tab button to Space , Set the width of the Tab, and the like. 6. Compile, debug the Java program, and Applet programs in IDE.

So I chose TextPad. Initially I use EditPlus2, it is also very easy to use, I think it is more powerful than TextPad, but it is slightly difficult to configure Javac parameters, and its default Java syntax is bright, the purple is very ugly, so I don't need it. . TextPad can download on the official website of TextPad. There are also latest versions of downloads in many websites in China, and there is also an unofficial Chinese version, which is very easy to use.

TextPad is a good configuration as a Java editor, you first put it on it, put JDK, then configure it below. Don't tell me, you don't know where to download JDK, if you really don't know, please go to Sun's official website to download J2SE version of JDK. If you need to set the system environment variable after installation, please refer to the "Setup Xiang" of the Java environment variable under Windows. Online Help Document To select the CHM version of JDK, download in Java Documentations for WinHelp and Htmlhelp.

The TextPad setting method is simple, in order to unify the terminology, here is the original version of the original version. Select Preference in the Configure of the menu, select Tools, click Add drop-down menu, select Java SDK Commands. Okey now Tools 3: Compile Java, Run Java Application, Run Java Applet. Simple, from this point, it is indeed a good configuration than EditPlus, and you can choose Compile Java in the tree structure on the left, to customize its specific parameters, of course, the default parameters are general enough us to pull. The default is to simplify these commands with Ctrl 1, Ctrl 2, Ctrl 3, and the Chinese version is the ALT key, but we can modify it.

Let's click on the add drop-down menu, select Online Help File, select the CHM version of the CHM version you just downloaded, OKEY.

In this way, my setting is complete, write a small program to try: //: myfirstprogram.javaimport java.util. *; Public class myfirstprogram {public static void main (String [/ color] [] [color = White] args ) {System.out.println ("Hello World."); System.out.println (New Date ());}}: ~ Save file name:, pay attention to case sensitive. OKEY, CTRL 1 compile, the Tool Complated SuccessFully is displayed in the CommandResults window, indicating that the compilation is successful. Run in Ctrl 2, pop up a CMD window, showing: Hello World.thu Dec 18 22:55:40 cst 2003press any key to contact: In note: If the above operation is unsuccessful, please check your JDK environment variable configuration. There is a detailed introduction in the "Setup of the Java Environmental Variable under Windows".

Below, I briefly introduce the optimization of the TextPad Java IDE environment to make it more suitable for writing Java programs. Configure -> Preference -> General -> Display Startup logo When you start TextPad, turn off the logo window, turn off configure -> preference -> file -> default file extansion default editing document type, I fill JavaConfigure -> preference - > View -> Line NumBers Here is the line number here on the left of each line, tick: PConfigure -> preference -> Document Classes -> Java -> font Select FixSystem, this Chinese English shows very beautiful Configure -> Preference - > Document Classes -> Java -> Tabulation here regards individual habits. My Default Tab Spacing and Indent Size are set 4, and Convert New Tabs to Spaces and Convert Existing Tabs to Spaces When Saving File hook, so that my program is not deformable in that editor, convenient Go to the forum. Configure -> Preference -> Associated files Associated files, you can use TextPad to open in the folder, add a * .javaconfigure -> preference -> File Name Filters file name filter, of course, put Java on top So your saving file is relatively easy to pull. Configure -> preference -> Folders change the Startup into your place, for example, my is: f: / freedebug / source / javaconfigure -> preference -> Keyboard If you set the Tools hotkey If you can change it here, you can find the corresponding item in Categories to select Tools.

Ok, I will introduce so much today, I am absolutely encouraged to play free. It's almost 0 o'clock, I feel it. P-Qiankun smile [freedebug] at 2003-12-18 night


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