Numerical calculation method library

zhaozj2021-02-16  88

Sender: CANGQIONG (deciduous gum), letter area: Numcomp Title: Numerical Calculation Method Library Send Station: BBS Shuimu Tsinghua Station (Tue Jan 8 12:58:31 2002)

Excerpted Self-Peng Yuwu, Xu Xizhen "Mathematical Basic" P391, I don't know if someone has sent it.

13.6 numerical calculation method library

Regarding the numerical calculation method, including this book (Chapter 4, 13 and others), as well as a large number of un mentioned, currently have a numerical calculation method library with ready-made standards can be called, and even download from the Internet. There is no need to compile themselves. Document "Calculation Physics" (RH Landau, MJPaez, Computational Physics, Problem Solving WITH COMPUTER, WILEY AND SONS, New York, 1997; $$ 15.815.9, 15.12-15.14) There is a special chapter describes how to apply scientific libraries and The World Wide Website will get the required procedure. Some commercial use of standard science and math libraries include: lapack: Linear algebraic package Slatec: comprehensive mathematics and statistics package Netlib: Free math library IMSL: International Mathematics and Statistical Library ESSL: Engineering and Science Library (IBM) DXML: Advanced Mathematics Library (DEC) NAG: Numerical Algorithm Group (UK Labs) BLAS: Basic Linear Agent subroutine (building blocks) It covers: linear algebraic calculation matrix operational linear equation group solution System analysis interpolation, intended differential equation roots, zero and extreme value random number calculations statistical value quota

The book introduces information for obtaining the applicable subroutine ($$$ 15.8, 15.9), and the last three sections ($$ 15.12-15.14) also list short directorys for LAPACK, NETLIB, and SLATEC.

hope its good for U.S

Sender: Hansom (fat bear), letter area: Numcomp Title: [范文] [Fortran] .. Some independent libraries .. (reproduced) Sending station: BBS Shuimu Tsinghua Station (WED OCT 18 21:56 : 56 2000)

[The following text is reproduced from the New_Board discussion area] [Originally published by L41] Some independent libraries

---- Transfer from

ADIFOR automatic differentiation of Fortran codesALFPACK Legendre functions of first kindARPACK large scale eigenvalue problemsAztec an iterative sparse linear solver packageBLAS basic linear algebra subprogramsCERNLIB CERN Program LibraryCMLIB NIST core math libraryDAEPAK differential algebraic equationsDASPK * solution of systems of alg./diff. Eqns (BDF / Krylov method, CM / F90 / MPI) EDA exploratory data analysisEISPACK eigenvalues ​​and eigenvectorsFISHPAK FFT, separable elliptic pdesFLIB CHARPAK character / string manipulation GEOMPAK geometrical transformations RANPAK random number generation TIMPAK system date manipulationGSLIB GSLIB: Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide "

by CV Deutsch and AG Journel Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1992Harwell-Boeing sparse matrices (also Matrix Market) HPFlibrary HPF library in F90HSL Harwell Subroutine LibraryINTLIB interval arithmeticIMSL Visual Numerics, Inc.ITPACK sparse matrices, iterative methodsLAIPE parallel direct solvers (linear equations) LANCELOT large-scale optimization problemsLAPACK linear algebra on shared memory machinesLINALG some nonstandard solvers for linear algebraLINPACK linear algebraMPFUN a portable multiprecision packageMINPACK nonlinear problemsMINPACK-2 nonlinear problemsMINUIT nonlinear problemsMtask parallel programming language (Windows NT / 95) mUDPACK multigrid, linear elliptic PDEsNCARM NCAR's Local Math LibrariesNumeric Methods Fortran Program, Software Supplement for Numeric Methods for Mathematics, Science &

Eng. By John MathewsNumerical Recipes also ftp and gopher (So is it buggy or not?) ODEPACK LSODEODEs stiff / nonstiff, explicit / implicit methodsODE software of J. CashPIM Parallel Iterative SolversRANLIB random number generation (C, FORTRAN) ScaLAPACK MIMD version of LAPACKSCILIB a portable FORTRAN emulation of CRAY SCILIBSLATEC common mathematical librarySLEIGN2 Sturm-Liouville problemsSPARSKIT sparse matricesSPBLAS NIST sparse BLASSPHEREPACK spherical harmonicsSPECFUN special functionsSTARPAC statistical data analysisTENSOR nonlinear problems (tensor methods) TLCPACK regridding (1-4D orthogonal grids) Templates iterative solution of linear systems (html book ) Toms Algorithms from Comm. Of the acmumfpack sparse linear problem INEMENT -


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