JDO resource introduction

zhaozj2021-02-16  81

Sender: Jewelry (Wolf Eat Radish), News District: Java Title: JDO Resource Introduction (ZZ) Send Station: Sun and Moonlight (May 08, 2003 18:21:13 Thursday), station letter

I mainly study questions about JDO. First introduce the background: JDO Since 1999, it has submitted an outline from some experienced developers who often write database object mappings. They have a large number of database-oriented development and objective packaging. , Finally, a variety of packaging methods have caused many compatibility issues. So some major development groups jointly, with Sun as leading sheep, developed JDO specifications. It is not to replace JDBC or EJB, but on the basis of JDBC, it can do the bottom of EJB. JDO is mainly for small and medium-sized projects, but with more and more Features, such as distributed synchronous controls, JDO is increasing. . JDO Specifications Under the leadership of Sun's experienced Craig Russel, after three years of discussion, the first edition finally formed in April 2002. The latest version is version 1.0.1, can be seen in http://access1.sun.com/jdo/. (Everyone should know that Java's standardization time is generally a long, because it is too open, anyone can express opinions, participants must consider)

Currently a few good manufacturers (Vendor): kodojdo http://www.solarmetric.com jdogenie http://www.hemtech.co.za/jdo/index.html A free product: TJDO HTTP: / /Http://sourceforge.net/projects/tjdo/ The largest JDO resource network: http://www.jdocentral.com/ More mature discussion area: http://www.jdocentral.com/forums/index.php a few more active character: http://www.jdocentral.com/forums/index.php?s=877f580c72fa2287d4a4bfe57d50e67d & act = Members & max_results = 10 & sort_key = posts & sort_order = desc among them,

Rroos: Robin ROOS, UK consulting company http://www.ogilviepartners.com's founder Rsuraparaju: US JDO vendor http://www.objectfrontier.com/jdo CTO Davejordan: David Jordan, US Consulting HTTP: ///www.objectidentity.com's founder, the world's seventh person DEZZIO: David Ezzio, USA Davidtinker: David Thinker, South African JDO Manufacturer http://www.hemtech.co.za CTO The JDoGe Nie is doing well, but it is slightly poor than Kodo: Oh, it is my Ericsamson: Eric Samson, France JDO Manufacturer http://www.libelis.com/ CTO Wbiggs: w ES BIGGS, Free JDO Products Http://xorm.sourceforge.NET/ Technical Leader Matthewadams: Matthew Adams, US JDO Expert, http://geocities.com/matthewadams Heikob: Heiko Bobzin, USA Database FastObjects JDO The technical person in charge of the product will list a few more articles I am in the JDOCENTRAL forum:

1, a JDO tool code that solves the data field length limit http://www.jdocentral.com/forums/index.php?act=st&f=11&t=564877f580c72fa22 87d4a4bfe57d50e67d 2, a tool class that visits DataSource in JDBC Driver http://www.jdocentral.com/forums/index.php?act=st&f=11472fa22 877f580c72fa22 87d4a4bfe57d50 0 67d 3 Chapter 20) Http://www.jdocentral.com/forums/index.php?act=st&f=10&t=398&s=


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