Call the cmd.exe program and external programs (transfer)

zhaozj2021-02-16  75

Using system; using system.diagnostics;

Namespace ApplyCmd {///

/// cmdutility's summary description. ///

Public class cmdutility



/// Execute the cmd.exe command ///


Command text


Command output text

Public Static String Execommand (String CommandText)


Return Execommand (New String [] {CommandText};



/// Execute multiple cmd.exe commands ///


Command text array


Command output text

Public static string execommand (string [] CommandTexts)


PROCESS P = new process ();

p.Startinfo.fileName = "cmd.exe";

P.Startinfo.uShellexecute = false;

P.Startinfo.redirectStandardInput = true;

P.Startinfo.RedirectStandardOrdoutput = true;

P.StartInfo.RedirectStandarderror = true;

P.StartInfo.createnowindow = true;

String stroutput = NULL;



p.Start ();

Foreach (String Item in CommandTexts)


P.Standardinput.writeline (item);


P.standardinput.writeline ("exit");

Stroutput = p.standardoutput.readtoend ();

p.WaitForexit ();

p.Close ();


Catch (Exception E)


Stroutput = E.Message;





/// Start the external Windows application, hide the program interface ///


Application path name


True said successfully, FALSE said failed

Public Static Bool StartApp (String Appname)


Return StartApp (Appname, ProcessWindowStyle.hidden);



/// Start the external application ///


Application path name


Process window mode


True said successfully, FALSE said failed

Public Static Bool StartApp (String Appname, ProcessWindowStyle Style)


Return StartApp (AppName, Null, Style);



/// Start the external application, hide the program interface ///


Application path name


Start parameters


True said successfully, FALSE said failed

Public Static Bool StartApp (String Appname, String Arguments)


Return Startapp (AppName, Arguments, ProcessWindowStyle.hidden);



/// Start the external application ///


Application path name


Start parameters


Process window mode


True said successfully, FALSE said failed

Public Static Bool StartApp (String Appname, String Arguments, ProcessWindowStyle Style) {

Bool blnrst = false;

PROCESS P = new process ();

P.StartInfo.FileName = Appname; // EXE, BAT and SO ON

P.Startinfo.windowStyle = Style;

P.startinfo.arguments = arguments;



p.Start ();

p.WaitForexit ();

p.Close ();






Return BLNRST;




PS: Using System.Diagnostics.Process to compress file or folder

String string strunt = "a -r {0} {1}"; system.diagnostics.process.start (@ "c: / program files / winrar / rar.exe", string.format (strarg, txtapp.text ". RAR ", txtapp.text));

STRARG is a command parameter for WinRAR, please refer to the help.


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