[Reserved] Blog Trackback function (original: no hometown)

zhaozj2021-02-16  82

Original address: http://www.donews.net/amaya/archive/2004/07/03/37275.aspx

Even in the introduction of friends, I only see the content, and then spread to the technology and blog itself used by Blog, such as what is blog, what is Wiki, what is RSS, what is TRACKBACK, etc. Among them, TRACKBACK is very confused and confused from statistics. Look at my BLOG statistics:

Blog stats:

POSTS - 44

Stories - 11

Comments - 137


Take a look at Donews' blog statistics:

Column - 4162

Article - 15705

Collection - 2023

Comments - 14473

TRACK- 129

The front several projects of these statistics are clear, but the last trackback will not understand, what is TRACKBACK? What is it? how to use? Why is it so fewer?

So I google, I want to find some answers.

What is Trackback

I understand the TrackBack this: it can implement mutual notice between two blogs. This notice is actually very fixed. That is to say, if I see an article in a friend's blog, I want to comment, if you use TrackBack, you can publish this review on my own blog, friend My comment can also be displayed on Blog.

TRACKBACK is the earliest of Movable Type, which is said in the "Movable Type User Manual": Movable Type's TRACKBACK SYSTEM Allows Peer-to-Peer Communication and Conversations Between Weblogs.

To put it bluntly: Trackback, a point-to-point communication and a framework of the website.


I can't figure out how many uses of trackback, you can think of:

1. Save your own text. If your friend's blog writes comments, there will be could not find it, but if you wrote TRACKBACK, you can save these words on your own blog, not lost.

2. Modify your comments. You can't modify the comments on the BLog on others, but you can modify TRACKBACK or even delete.

3. Created a trackback actually created a join in the article you interested.

How to use Trackback

The TrackBack usage of different websites is also different. Traditional MTs have a professional article. You can refer to the TRACKBACK for bamboo shoots. (Compilation); BLOGCN.COM's own help system also has a detailed description of Trackback. In short, as long as your Blog supports the Trackback function, you can use it.

I am on the donews' blog is a TRACKBACK function, but I don't use it.

TRACKBACK for Donews Blog

I like the donews blog has a trackback function, which is not used.

Create Trackback: Creating a Trackback in Donews Blog does not require additional tools, enter the management interface, enter the statistics / reference, you will see the article you are incorporated, and the last trackback section has a created connection. Click to enter the creation interface, here there are three contents, titles, addresses, and comments / content you can edit. The address here automatically fills in the address of your article. But I am confused, I don't know what is the use of DONEWS Blog's Trackback?

The created Trackback is displayed as a comment on my own article, but the author is replaced with pingback / trackback, and is a connection to the address of your article. I feel that my brain is not enough, what is this? I add TRACKBACK can only be a comment of their own article, with a new reference address, but this reference address can be seen from the reference.

The TRACKBACK I need is, I am in my blog is a comment on the blog of my friend, but how can I do this?

Donews Blog should have its own FAQ.

Some reference materials

1. Explanation of Trackback in WebLog Encyclopedia.

2, two related articles on bamboo shoots fried meat: Trackback Novice Guide (Compilation) and TrackBack Technical Specifications.

3, Movable Type User Manual: TRACKBACK.

4, Debian HK's article: Blog trackback function.

5, the first lesson of the brown textbook: TRACKBACK.

6, TRACKBACK, UTF8 and GB2312.

Posted on July 03, 2004 11:45 PM

href = "http://www.donews.net/amaya/services/pingback.aspx" Rel = "pingback">


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