Hanhua your Redhat Raiders

zhaozj2021-02-16  77

Hanhua your RedHat fullness (


Hanhua your Redhat fullness (1)


There is a lot of articles about how to Chinese Redhat. I have written this manuscript. It is only a summary. I strive to write him more than a person who reads this manuscript.

Can enjoy Chinese yourself.

Thanks to Wu Yulun to help me in this time. Thank you for writing chinput. Thanks to people who contribute to Chinese Locale and despise those companies that make Linux's secrets as a secret and secret.

The package mentioned in this article can download cn.hongnet.com> cnhongnet.com> http://biglucn.hongnet.com, they are:

Locale-zh-0.97.src.rpm - Linux Chinese Environment Document.Packaged By Wu Yulunchinput-3.0 - Chinese Input Method. develop bu yu mingjianpth-1.3.7 - Montageable line library unicon2 - chinput needs table code package

One. Install Chinese environment

1-1 Determine the version of GLIBC

This locale-zh is for Glib 2.1.3 (RH 6.2), so if your GLIBC <2.1.3, please upgrade him. If your glibc> 2.1.3, you can go to my homepage to download the appropriate

Locale environment definition file zh_cn, then use LcoaleDef to generate the corresponding Chinese environment. My RH is a version 6.1, so I found a CD of RH6.2, upgraded the following packages:

* EGCS * EGCS-C * libstdc * Glibc * gtk ** xfree86makeautoconfautomakekernel (Note: Tell, you must update)

1-2 Install Chinese Locale Environment

If you use RH 7, please download zh_cn for glibc 2.2, then use LcoaleDef to generate the corresponding Chinese environment, (For details, please refer to WU Yulun)

What is installed in RedHat7.0 Installing a text3.0 Chinese input method).

Install Locale is very simple,

Rpm -ivh local-zh-0.97.src.rpm- will generate a locale-zh-0.97.spec at / usr / src / redhat / specs.

RPM -BA local-zh-0.97.spec- Rebuild this package. It will generate a corresponding binary package in / usr / src / rpms / i386, install it!

He will generate 3 environment definitions

ZH_CN.GB2312 We need this zh_cn.big5 traditional Chinese environment zh_cn.gbk author said this is he borrowed from TLC, except for testing.

1-3 Test Chinese LOCALE

Do not need to write a program to test it. Very simple, first

EXPORT LC_ALL = zh_cn.gb2312 - Setting Chinese Environment

Enter the command rpm -qi kernel, see if the time part is from * D- * M- * D => * Y- * m- * D, if there is no problem, the local-zh installation is successful.

1-4 Let GNOME support Chinese

Modify /usr/lib/x11/locale/locale.alias, join a line:

en_cn.gb2312 en_cn.euccn

This command specifies that when the terminal Locale is en, X Windows uses zh_cn / xlc_locate as a place definition.

/ usr / lib / x11 / locale / no zh_cn / xlc_locale, so we can do a connection:


Modify /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn Changes all font definitions to:

FontSet = "- * - * - Medium-R-NORMAL - 16 - * - * - * - * - * - ISO8859-1, / - * - * - Medium-r-NORMAL - 16- * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.1980-0 "

With 16-point Chinese characters, it will look comfortable.

two. Install Chinese input method chinput

2-1 installation PTH

TAR -ZXVF PTH-1.3.7.Tar.gz. / configure --prefix = / usr # so that PTH LIB is installed in / usr / lib / makemake install

2-2 Install Unicon

Solve the Unicon2-IM to / usr / lib directory.

2-3 Installing ChINPUT 3.01

Tar -zxvf chinput-3.0.tar.gz

Copy chinput-3.0-1.patch to chinput 3.0 directory Patch -p1

Makemake Install

Modify /usr/lib/zwinpro/chinput.ad file:

Since Xfree86 does not own the BIG5 code font, if you don't need to enter a BIG5 code character, do the following adjustments to chinput.ad:

... chinput.gblocale = zh_cn.gb2312 chinput.big5locale = zh_cn.gb2312 ... chinput.gbfont = - * - * - medium-r-NORMAL - 16 - * - * - * - c - * - GB2312. 1980-0 chinput.big5font = - * - * - Medium-r-Normal - 16 - * - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0

Note: Space cannot be displayed in the font definition of chinput.ad, which is due to chinput limits. (Should use TAB)

Since Chinput requires libstdc - lib6.1-2.so.3, while redhat's Compat-libstDC compatible library contains only libstdc - 2-libc6.1-1-2.9.0.so, you need to

Establish a library link:

Ln -s libstdc - 2-libc6.1-1-2.9.0.so libstdc - libc6.1-2.so.3

2-4 Starting chinput

Let you have Chinese support every time you start XWINDOWS, modify your .bashrc, join:

Export lc_all = zh_cn.gb2312export lc_lang = zh_cn.gb2312export xmodifiers = @ im = chinput

At this point, Linux's Chinese is basically completed and enters the X Windows environment. Select RUN, enter chinput, and the Chinese input server is loaded. You can open a software that supports Vim

(GEDIT), the input strip will appear in Ctrl-Space.

Note: The Chinput Enter the server, only the software that supports XIM is valid. If the software supports this input method, the input strip will appear, otherwise no significant



The above is the steps in the XFree86 3.3.6 Glibc 2.3, install the Chinese environment and input method, fully passed, if you have any questions, please send it to bigluo@china.com. Hanhua your RedHat fullness (2)


In the previous article, I introduced you to how to install the Chinese environment and input method. I don't know if you haven't payable, Gnome's desktop font is very ugly. I want a way to let him look good.

Click. The best way is of course letting RedHat accept TrueType fonts.

If you are not using Redhat 7.0, it is unfortunate that the support of the XF86 they came to the TrueType font is not very good, and even the very difference can be used. So, make sure you

The XFree86 version is 4.0 or later is very necessary. (RH 6.2 XFree86 is 3.3.6 version)

Note: There is an article on the Internet how to let Xfree 3.3.6 support TrueType, I have tested it, it seems that I don't have anything, the younger brother is not only, please expert guidance! !

One. Xfree86

1-1 Determine the version of XFree86

If you are using the version of RedHat 7.0, you need to upgrade your xfree86.

1-2 get XFee86 4.01

Download these packages (from Xree86.org) xlib.tgzxetc.tgzxdoc.tgzxf100.tgz xfcyr.tgz xfnc.tgz xfnts.tgz xfscl.tgz xfsrv.tgzextract

XINSTALL.SHXINSTALL.BIN XJDOC.TGZ XHTML.TGZXMAN.TGZ Xnest.tgz Xprog.tgz xnest.tgz xprt.tgz xps.tgz xvar.tgz xvfb.tgz xxserv.tgz

A total of approximately 20m, more than an hour can be downloaded!

1-3 Upgrade XFree86

In fact, the upgrade of XFree86 is super simple, but before the upgrade, please back up the following two files:

/ etc / x11 / xinitrc / xclients - In the future, he can use his pre-read file / usr / x11r6 / bin / startX - new StartX does not read GNOME GTK resource files.

Go to the new Xree86 directory

. / Xinstall.sh - Install Xfree86 and then all the way [Y] can be.

Then, you have to configure the XF86config file with commands such as XF86Config. For details, please refer to other articles.

Then: cp startX / usr / x11r6 / bin / startx - covered new with old StartX. CP XClients / etc / x11 / xinitrc / xinitrc - StartX reads this file and selects a given desktop. (Generally gnome)

Modify / etc / xinitrc, annotation Focus Final these XClock -Geometry 100x100-5 5 & xterm -geometry 80x50-50 150 & IF [-f / usr / bin / netscape -a -f / usr / doc / html / Index.html]; Then netscape /usr/doc/html/index.html & fi if [-f / usr / x11r6 / bin / fvwm]; The Exec FVWM Else Exec TWM FI (different versions of RH may be used Same) If everything goes well, STARTX will enter the GNOME environment!


2-1 XFS

The new XFree86 is not using XFS by default. If you want to use TrueType, I don't recommend using XFS. So Setup-> System Service-> Close XFS

2-2 get the TrueType font

MKDIR / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TRUETYPE - Create TrueType's storage directory CP /Windows/fonts/simsun.ttf / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / trueType - Win98 SIMSUN fonts Copy it under Linux.

Cd /usr/x11r6/lib/x11/fonts/tRueTtmkfdietyFonts.dir - Generate fonts.dir

The Windows 98 I use is a SE version, and the generated Fonts.dir is changed to the following.

3 SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ASCII-0 SIMSUN.TTTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0- 0-0-P-0-GB2312.1980-0 SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ISO8859-1

Generate Fonts.Scale: Cat Fonts.dir> Fonts.Scale

2-3 Let XFree86 can analyze TrueType

Modify / etc / x11 / xf86config, locally find Fonts, because Freetype and XTT parsing cannot coexist, we turn off the freeType resolution, open XTT analysis.

# This loads the type1 and freetype font modules Load "type1" # loading "freetype" loading "xtt"

Then, or modify / etc / x11 / xf86config, add the font search path:

Fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / local /" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc /" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi /: unscaled" FONTPATH ​​"/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 100dpi /: unscaled" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / type1 /" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / speedo /" Fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi /" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 100dpi /" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / trueType /" <- Join this (Note: Default conditions, new XFree86 does not use XFS)

2-4 Let GNOME use TrueType

Modify /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn, let GTK use the TrueType font.

STYLE "gtk-default-zh-cn" {"-misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 12-0-0-0- 0 - * - *"}

Three enjoy TrueType

To here, you can enjoy TrueType fun!

Set the lc_all environment variable to zh_cn.gb2312 (for the installation of the Chinese environment and Chinese input method, please refer to the last chapter), startX look! !

Let Netscape use trueTypeEdit-> preference-> Fonts to change the corresponding font item to Chinese.

Menu Item of Chinese Gnome: In / usr / share / gnome / apps / under, there are some files with .desktop, open the file, join a line

Name [zh] = Chinese name you want

The other menu item can be added to the corresponding menu item, it is easy, and it will be seen. GNOME's personal menu item is stored in the .Gnome / Apps directory in the home directory.


The above is the whole process of installing the TrueType font, if you have any questions, please send it to bigluo@china.com.

Things seem to be very perfect, X-Windows has Chinese support, with Chinese input method, you can use TrueType fonts. But the truth is not like this, Bugs is a lot,

Chinese support is also very incomplete:

The process included with GNOME, it seems that there is a gedit to support the VIM protocol.

At QT 1.42, there is a zh_qt-1.4.2.patch allows KDE to support Chinese, 1.44 QT to join a better oriental language support but it seems to have a patch, so when you are

The content of the KDE menu in the GNOME environment is Chinese, but once you use the KDE desktop, it will become garbled.

Gedit's support for TrueType is not too good. Once it is set to TrueType, he will go.

and many more. . . . Too much

The reason why we choose Linux is its freedom. The Taiwanese is very selfless, and we can see the Chinese support we can see, many from Taiwan. What did we do again? Look at the version of the version of the version of the Chinese Linux, but it is just that redhat is coming back. Hanhua, how is it? - Don't tell you, because this is what they earn

Money magist of money!

Linux is now, it is not a stable mature system. It is just a year or two in China. Now he wants to make money, there will always be a day. Hanhua your Redhat fullness (3)


Today, I only got another redhat 7.0 (Beijing Linux Club version, Zhongguancun just listed), it feels great. Don't say anything else, because it uses xfree86 4.0 and

Glibc 2.2 makes it a very good support for the oriental language and TrueType, and I only have used it for ten minutes. Ready? Let's Go Free

One required package

EN_CN for Glibc 2.2 - Glibc 2.2 Chinese Definition File ChINPUT 3.0 CHINPUT 3.0-PATCH - Chinese Input Method and Patch Unicon 2 - CHINPUT Book Code Library PTH - Montable Route Library

The above package you can go to my homepage (http://www.linuxorb.net)

Second English environment installation

2-1 Generating Simplified Chinese Locale Put the downloaded zh_cn.gz unpack: gunzip zh_cn execute command: localedef -f gb2312 -i zh_cn zh_cn.gb2312 If there is no accident, increase the zh_cn.gb2312 directory under / usr / lib / locale .

2-2 Test Simplified Chinese Locale Because this zh_cn definition contains more Chinese information, the Chinese information is much more than that of the previous two articles. Use Chinese local: export lc_all = zh_cn.gb2312 test Chinese locale: Execute command DATE to see if there is any change.

Note: On the Redhat 7.0 I used, I only did the above work, and StartX can see Chinese, the most obvious is the desktop clock of GNOME to become Chinese. If you are in your

What is wrong with Redhat 7.0, I hope to tell me.

Three trueType fonts

Since Redhat 7.0 uses Xfree86 4.0, it has good support for the TrueType font.

2-1 XFS Font Service By default, RH 7 uses XFS, turn it off: setup-> system service-> Remove the XFS front *. Also change /etc/x11/xf86config.4, put fontpath

"UNIX /: 7100" This line comes out.


CD / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TRUETYPE TTMKFDIR> FONTS.DIR - Generate Fonts.dir I use Windows 98 is a SE version, and the generated Fonts.Dir is changed to the following. 3 SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ASCII-0 SIMSUN.TTTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - 0-0- 0-0-P-0-GB2312.1980-0

SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ISO8859-1

Generate Fonts.Scale: Cat Fonts.dir> Fonts.Scale

2-3 Let XFree86 can resolve TrueType to enter the / etc / x11 directory, open the XF86Config-4 file, change the fontpath to the font path you need. Section "Files" # fontpath "UNIX /: 7100" FontPath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc: unscaled" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi: unscaled" fontpath "/ usr / X11R6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 100dpi: unscaled "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / type1 "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / SPEEDO "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 100DPI "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / TrueType "fontpath" / usr / share / fonts / default / type1 "endsection

Load the X-TrueType font interpreter. Section "Module" ... Load "XTT" endsection

2-4 Let gnome use TrueType to modify /et_gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn, let GTK use the TrueType font.

STYLE "gtk-default-zh-cn" {"-misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 12-0-0-0- 0 - * - *"}

Four CHINPUT installation

Please refer to the Chinese environment and Chinese input method installation.

Five gnome desktop Chinese display

RH 7.0 / usr / share / local directory has a zh_cn.gb2312, including many Chinese Mo, because our Chinese locale is zh_cn.gb2312, so it is possible to do a connection. LN -S /USR/SHARE/LOCALE/EN_CN.GB2312 /USR/SHARE/LOCALE/EN_CN.GB2312

If you enter X, some menus are Chinese! Since gnome's Chinese translation team is only translated part of PO, we can only see a part of Chinese.

Of course, you can also display Chinese by modifying / usr / share / gnome, the article in front of the article has been introduced, no longer repetition. Six-Gedit and Netscape

These two software are the most frequent two software I use in RH, they can also support the I18n protocol, and change the associated encoding and font to Chinese under menu edit-> preformed.

Yes. Hanhua your Redhat fullness (four)

Foreword: I originally wanted to talk about the problem of Mo document, but the question of several manuscripts in the previous manuscript, I put it down and wrote this article. Mainly to answer some questions and put forward some yet.

Solution to a problem,

1: FAQ

Q: I am a Linux beginner, can I understand these articles? A: As long as you often use the Linux command, you can basically complete the Chinese environment and input method installation on RedHat. The article is detailed in detail the specific installation process.

Q: Why install Chinese environment on the RedHat 6.x platform with local-0.97, and use the zh_cn.gz Chinese environment definition file on the Redhat 7.0 platform? A: locale-0.97 is essentially a part of Taiwan CLE, the most transparent of CLE's Chinese culture work, and is done for RedHat, so its Chinese Locale is best used. WU Yulun

Netizen also compiled TLC's Chinese environment zh_cn.gbk. The most important thing is that this local is built in the Glibc 2.13 environment, and RH 6.2 is just GLIBC

2.13. This is why we recommend to upgrade GLIBC to GLIBC 2.13. The RedHat 7 uses Glibc 2.2, no ready-made Chinese locale it,

Do you with you with a definition file.

Q: Is there a direct Chinese package? A: CLE is one, but it is mainly for traditional Chinese, and the input method is XCIN. In general, CLE is a quite excellent Chinese kit. But recently CLE's server hard disk is broken


Q: I am wrong when compiling pth, report ln ... error! Permition denied.a: Because I recommend configure --prefix = / usr, install PTH below / usr / lib, so as not to compile Chinput To specify the position of the PTH, so at make install is

This problem may occur. The simplest solution is configure --prefix = / usr / local / test, after installing PTH, manually put the related content of / usr / local / test to Move to

/ USR's corresponding directory and is connected.

Q: Why do I run chinput, Xwindow is dead, but chinput reports chinputload succultfully? A: The most likely reason is that you didn't configure the chinput.ad file. There are four parts in this file that we need to pay attention: chinput.gblocale = zh_cn.gb2312 chinput.big5locale = zh_cn.gb2312 ... chinput.gbfont = - * - * - medium-r-normal - 16- * - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0Chinput.big5font = - * - * - medium-r-normal - 16- * - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0 or more is in RedHat 6.2 , Glib 2.1.3, Locale-0.97 Environment Change, if you use Redhat 7 Glibc 2.2 compile Glibc 2.2 Chinese definition zh_cn generated zh_cn.gb23212: chinput.gblocale = zh_cn.gb2312 chinput.big5locale = zh_cn. The main reason for GB2312 without traditional support is that redhat has no traditional Chinese branch library.

Note: When configuring chinput.ad, use Tab instead of space.

Two: Chinese Chemicalization of KDE

After our Chinese culture, STARTX, if you use the desktop environment is gnome, Chinese display and input should be no problem! But KDE is not. KDE's Chinese

To focus on the Chinese support of QT, I found a Chinese patch of QT 1.42. I can't find a Chinese patch in the later version. According to Taiwan Clem's Xemacs Pages, it seems

It is the version after QT 1.42, it can support Chinese very well, but I found that it is not like this? I deleted the QT and KDE-related bags on RH 7, installing Xteam 3.2.

Package, found Chinese display and input are no problem. Stable netizens also did a similar test:

The problem with KDE is quite strange. There are two QT libs, QT-1.44 and QT-2.01 on RH6.1. The KDE desktop is compiled with QT-1.44, but the default is QT-2.01? QT-1.44 to support

If you need to play patch, I will replace the RH6.1 QT-1.44 library into TLC's taps, but KDE can't come. Later, people listened to TLC said, they were first to QT-1.44 I18n Patch, edit

Translation pass, compile the entire KDE SRC. (- Preliminary study on TurboLinux 4.02 Chinese)

It seems that we want to use Chinese KDE, we either take the qt of other Chinese Linux, recompile KDE on this basis, or simply take QT and KDE a piece! But most

A good way is to have a corresponding version of the QT Chinese patch, but who will write him and open him up? ? ? ? ?

I haven't tested it yet, have anyone to help me?

Three: KERNEL's Chinese support

I have too little to Kernel SRC, just introduce the relevant information here! KERNEL's Chinese support, the most important is to modify the input and output of the Kernel SRC.

The TLC has a KERNEL's Unicon patch plan, and now it is very good, interested friends can go to the relevant website! 4: Introduction to MO file

I have collected some Chinese Mo. If you have already installed the Chinese environment and input method, copy him to /usr/share/locale/en_cn.gb2312/lc_messages/, you will find

XWindows window menu and message becomes Chinese, some, such as GFTP, the whole Chinese is very cool! You can guess what these things are doing. Its translation work

It is quite incomplete to date until the following table is the translation progress:

Module Translated Fuzzy Untranslated% balsa 132 strings 161 strings 303 strings 22% bug-buddy 89 strings - 24 strings 78% control-center 293 strings 17 strings 7 strings 92% dia 41 strings - 555 strings 6% gdm2 123 strings 18 strings 8 strings 82% GEDIT 39 STRINGS 55 STRINGS 112 STRINGS 18% GFLOPPY 26 STRINGS 3 STRINGS 5 STRINGS 76% GGV 77 STRINGS - 54 STRINGS 58% Ghex 79 Strings 11 Strings 17 Strings 73% Glade - - - 0% GNOME-Applets - - - 0 % gnome-core 437 strings 163 strings 179 strings 56% gnome-db - - - 0% gnome-games 350 strings 121 strings 162 strings 55% gnome-libs 293 strings 18 strings 67 strings 77% gnome-media 87 strings 19 strings 143 Strings 34% GNOME-PILOT - - 0% GNOME-PIM 360 STRINGS 37 STRINGS 65 STRINGS 77% GNOME-Utils 371 Strings 117 Strings 198 Strings 54% GNOMEICU - - 0% GNORPM 222 STRINGS 35 STRINGS 81 STRINGS 65% GNUMERIC 201 Strings 384 Strings 1002 Strings 12% GTK 100 Strings - 5 strings 95% GTM - - - 0% GTOP 242 STRINGS 18 STRINGS 17 STRINGS 87% Libgtop 2 39 strings 13 strings 56 strings - - 100% MC 688 STRINGS 374 STRINGS 459 STRINGS 45% RP3 207 STRINGS - 1 Strings 99% Sawfish - - - 0% Xchat - - - 0% Total 4707 1564 3520 35%

There is a http://www.i18n.org.cn in China, saying that they are specializing in maintaining this Chinese translation plan, and now it seems to be a virtual name! If you want to join the translation, it is best to contact your netizen wu yulun. - a job for Linux's Chinese culture! Hanhua your Redhat fullness (5)

1. Before the machine configuration begins, I must first be self-reported: PIII 450 128m Ram 20GHARDDisk Dimond V770 Dimond S90. The entire configuration compiled in the compilation process for 24 hours, including Kernel, the whole QT KDE, Unicon Source looked at 22 hours. Therefore, if the fans' machines are still below this configuration, they should imagine the time to compile these Sources.

Second, I am a successful Chinese RedHat on my own machine, but I don't guarantee that all friends who have finished reading this article can. This article is just a reference. Software packages and patches needed in this article, you

You can go to my homepage http://www.linuxorb.net download.

Third, what is the way? With the Unicon 3.0 provided by Turbolinux, GBK Code Page provided by the kernel, we can get a kernel that supports Chinese encoding, a thorough Chinese terminal, and

The support of Chinese file name under xwindows. With GLIBC-2.2, we can get better Chinese Locale support. With Xfree86 4.01, we can get more graphics support and support of TrueType fonts. The QT-2.2.2 CODEC PATCH VIM PATCH enables KDE to relatively support Chinese display and Chinese input. With KDE-2.01, we can get a desktop environment that is still beautiful than Win 98. Use CXTERM to get Chinese XTERM.

Fourth, Redhat 7.0 Chinese Locale's question RedHat 7.0 uses GLIBC-2.1.96, support for Chinese support is already very good. We just need to modify / usr / lib / gconv / gconv-modules, join a line:

Alias ​​GB2312-1980 // EUC-CN //

Simplified Chinese can support the LC_all environment variable export as zh_cn, zh_cn.gb2312, and zh_cn.gbk can support Simplified Chinese. If you have made the above modification, start to the GNOME environment, see if gnome is not

It is possible to support Chinese. The most obvious is the clock of the GNOME desktop turns to Chinese.

V. The kernel used by recompilated kernel RedHat 7.0 is 2.2.16, Unicon 3.0 has a patch of Kernel 2.2.17 and kernel 2.4.0 Test10. I use KERNEL 2.2.16 kernel 2.2.17.

-patch. If you use Kernel 2.4 Test10 Kernel 2.4 Test10-Patch, the last effect may be better. Installation method and similar in this article.

1, download unicon-3.0release.tar.gz, and unpack. # Cp unicon-3.0release.tar.gz / tmp # tar -zxvf unicon-3.0Release.Tar.gz

2, determine that kernel-source is installed, if not, install it. # Rpm -uvh kernel-Source *

3. Remove the corresponding kernel patches and give the kernel patch. #cp /tmp/unicon-3.0/kernel-patch/kernel-2.2.17.patch.gz / usr / src # cd / usr / src # gunzip kernel-2.2.17.patch.gz # patch -p0

4, compile kernel #CD / usr / src / linux # make mrproperty # make MenuConfigcode maturity level options -prompt for development and / or incomplete code code / drivers

Console Driver -support Frame Buffer Devices -unicon Support -Vesa VGA Graphics Console

File System-> Native Language Support -code Page 936 (GBK)

In most cases, our machines are running in a stand-alone manner, so when compiling the kernel, I suggest it is enough, such as USB, SCSI, ISDN these devices if you have no,

You can not choose, NetWork Driver, in most cases, we only need to select the PCI N2K or ISA N2K, and others can do not.

#make dep # make bzimage # make modules # made modules_install

If there is no problem, the / usr / src / linux / arch / i386 / boot / below will generate a BZImage, which is the new kernel.

5, use new kernel boot #CP / usr / src / linux / arch / i386 / boot / bzimage / boot

Edit /etc/lilo.conf, join:

Image = / boot / bzimagevga = 771 label = zhlinux

Note: VGA = 771, 771 represents the use of frame buffer mode: 256 colors, 800x600 resolution. See the table below for other display modes:

640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024

256 769 771 773 775

32K 784 787 790 793

64K 785 788 791 794

16m 786 789 792 795

# lilo # reboot

Then select the new kernel boot.

6. Compilation and installation Unicon 3.0

1. I don't sure Unicon 3.0 is not supported by PTH. Anyway, when you install chinput, you need it to say it again. A few more time, some netizens came to letter to compile

When PTH encountered such a problem, I finally had a PTH RPM4 package. Install PTH-1.37-2.i386.rpm:

# rpm -UVH PTH-1.37-2.i386.rpm

2. Since Unicon contains the core component, you have to make a backup of the kernel. Otherwise, when you compile some third-party kernel module programs, you will have problems.

# Cd / usr / include # mv Linux Linux.old # ln -s / usr / src / linux / include / linux linux

3. We also need some original code for Unicon 3.0 because some compile marks and header files. In the Unicon / Unicon directory, you need to Immhzinput.cpp and

The head of UniKey.cpp is added:


In the Tools directory, in makefile.in, with CFLAGS = -V2.96 -I, the original CFLAGS tag is replaced.

4, then start compiling Unicon.

# Cd /tmp/unicon-3.0# ./confugre --prefix = / usr / local # make # make install # make data <- This step requires some time # make data-install5, test

# Insmod unikey # insmod encode-gb # loadingunimap /usr/local/lib/unicon/direct.uni# unicon --GB

If there is no problem, you can see the following input strips. #export lc_all = zh_cn.gbk # Date You should see Chinese dates!

6. Automatically start Unicon when booting

Modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local, add the following code to the last:

#Start unicon support encode-gbloadunimap /usr/local/lib/unicon/direct.uni/usr/local/bin/unicon --GB

In this case, you will start automatically every time you boot.

7. Use Chinese Man Pages

1, Cman is a Chinese Man Pages program launched by China Linux, now has its 0.2 version. But he is still quite incomplete, everyone wants to join this plan

If you can see: http://www.cmpp.net.

2, unpackage #cp cman-0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz / tmp # tar -zxvf cman-0.0.2-alpha.tar.gz

3, install CMAN #CD /TMP/cman#./install.sh

4, re-landed # Ctrl D

5, test cman # cman socket

Take a look at the Chinese Socket Man Page. Hanhua your Redhat fullness (six)

Eight, TrueType fonts

1. The problem of Chinese LOCALE has been said before, so I started the TrueType font portion. Sorry, I just used only Win98 SE and WIN ME SIMSun.ttf fonts. Other

The font is not possible, I don't know! It is said that MSSong.ttf in English IE5.5 can also be well supported. Before starting, please turn off the XFS first.

# setup # system service-> xfs-> remove the front *

2, get TrueType font # mkdir / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / trueType # CP Windows / FONTS / SIMSUN.TTF / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TRUETYPE # CD / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TRUETYPE # TTFMKFDIR> FONTS.DIR I obtained with the fonts.dir as follows: 4 SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-r-Normal - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ASCII-0SIMSUN. TTF-MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0-0-0-P-0-FCD8859-15SIMSUN.TTTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0- P-0-ISO8859-15SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ISO8859-1 Modified to: SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R -NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-P-0-ASCII-0SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-P-0-FCD8859-15SIMSun.ttf -Misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 0-0-0-0-0- P-0-GB2312.1980-0SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0-0-0 -p-0-iso8859-1 # cp fonts.dir fonts.scale

3, modify / etc / x1 / xf86config-4, find the section "files" segment, join the font search path, and comment out Fontpath "UNIX /: 7100:

Section "Files" #fontpath "UNIX /: 7100" FontPath "/ USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / LOCAL /" FontPath "/ USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / MISC /" fontpath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi /: unscaled "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / type1 / "fontpath" / usr / X11R6 / lib / x11 / fonts / spetedo / "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi / "fontpath" / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / trueType / "

Add XTT analysis in the section "Module" segment: section "Module" Load "GLCORE" LOAD "DBE" LOAD "dri" load "extra" load "GLX" Load "PEX5" Load "Record" load "xie" load "V4L "LOAD" XTT "<- Join this line endsection

4, in order to let GNOME support new TrueType fonts, modify /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_cn:

STYLE "gtk-default-zh-cn" {"-misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 12-0-0-p-0 - * - *"} KDE itself provides font selection, wait We said in detail. In this way, when you set a Chinese environment variable, you can see the TrueType font at GNOME.

Nine, CHINPUT 3.01 installation

1. In order to omit the troubles of compilation, we can try to use I386.rpm package, I have already introduced the installation of the PTH package, if you haven't installed it, install it. My website is included

Wuyulun made of the RPM4 package, downloaded back. Installation. Simultaneously download unicon2-im.tar.gz

# rpm -ivh chinput-3.0.1-1.i386.rpm --Nodeps # cp unicon2-im.tar.gz / usr / lib # cd / usr / lib # TAR -ZXVF Unicon2-im.tar.gz # rm Unicon2-im.tar.gz

2. After installing these packages above, there are also some modifications:

#CD / USR / LIB # ln -s libstdc - 2-LIBC6.1-1-2.9.0.so libstdc - libc6.1-2.so.3

And guarantees the relevant part of /usr/lib/zwinpro/chinput.ad below:

... chinput.gblocale = zh_cn.gbk chinput.big5locale = zh_cn.gbk

... chinput.gbfont = - * - * - medium-r-NORMAL - 16 - * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.1980-0 chinput.big5font = - * - * - Medium-r-Normal --16- * - * - * - c - * - GB2312.1980-0

3. In order to let each time you log in, you will be a Chinese environment, modify ~ / .bashrc file, add the following statement at the end:

Export lc_all = zh_cn.gbkexport lang = zh_cn.gbkexport xmodifiers = @ im = chinput

Setting environment variables lc_all and lang to zh_cn.gbk is to allow GNOME and KDE to support Chinese.

4, re-landing, see if your gnome can support Chinese input. (Open Gedit, press Ctrl Space to see if there is an input strip appearing). At this point, KDE is still

Hold Chinese display and input. Hanhua your Redhat fullness (7)

Ten, KDE 2.01 installation and Chinese culture

1, KDE 2.0 and GNOME 1.2, whether it is visual feeling or function, I feel better than KDE, this may also be the domestic Linux publisher consistent with KDE as a desktop environment.

Reason. Due to QT's problem, the Chinese CDE of Redhat has not progressed until recently I have found Chinese patch on the KDE station in Japan. I have included QT on my website.

2.2.1, qt-2.2.2, Chinese patch of KDE 2.01.

2. Because Redhat 7.0 uses QT-2.2.0 and KDE-1.1.2, there is basically no thing we use, so we have to compile the entire QT-2.2.2 and KDE-2.01 Source. Big

If you use the standard installation disc of RedHat 7.0, you should be 2 CD, where the second CD's preview directory has KDE-2.0 packages, don't install it! Otherwise it will get your local Locale.

3. In order to facilitate everyone to install, I also provided the connection between QT-2.2.2 and KDE-2.01 on my website. In fact, the basic KDE installation only needs the following packages:


Since the Source, compiled QT KDE needs a very long time (above these packages in my machine, you have compiled 8 hours), you have downloaded the related software package and Chinese patch,

It is best to write a shell to block compilation.

4, find an empty directory, such as / TMP, unwinder QT and KDE package, and play patch

#CP QT-X11-2.2.2.tar.gz / TMP # cp kdeadmin-2.0.1.tar.bz2 / tmp # cp kdebase-2.0.1.tar.bz2 / tmp # cp kdesupport-2.0.1.tar .BZ2 / TMP # cp kdelibs-2.0.1.tar.bz2 / tmp # cp * .diff / tmp # CD / TMP # bunzip2 * .bz2 # tar -zxvf qt-qt-x11-2.2.tar.gz #tar -xvf kdeadmin-2.0.1.tar # tar -xvf kdebase-2.0.1.tar # tar -xvf kdesupport-2.0.1.tar # tar -xvf kdelibs-2.0.1.tar

For example, give the QT-2.2.2 patch (only to put this patch, you can use Chinese input method in KDE):

#CD / TMP # patch -p0

QT-2.2.2 has a total of ten patches, it is best to hit. At the same time, please play the related patches of KDE-2.01. then:

#mv QT-2.2.2 / USR / LIB

5. In order to compile QT-2.2.2 and KDE, we modified ~ / .bashrc, add the following SHELL to the end of ~ / .bashrc and re-landed.

Qtdir = / usr / lib / qt-2.2.2 ## << --- QT-2.2.2 position ## kdedir = / opt / kde2 ## << - KDE-2.01 installation path ## path = $ KDEDIR / BIN: $ PATDIR / BIN: $ PATH MANPATH = $ Kdedir / Doc / Man: $ qtdir / doc / man: $ manpath ld_library_path = $ KDEDIR / LIB: $ qtdir / lib:

$ Ld_library_path export kdedir qtdir path manpath ld_library_path

6, compile Qt Source:

#CD /usR/CONFIB/QT-2-2.2.2#./configure -sm -system-jpeg -gif (can ./configure --help look at the option)

Then Qt will ask you a copyright license to answer Yes.

#make <- takes a few hours # make clean

7, write a shell to compile KDE SOURCE

# / TMP / Install.sh #! / bin / bash

#Specify Where is your kde orginal cots. / TMP is default!

Install_dir = / TMPEXPORT Install_Dir

#WE Must Compile Kdesupport-2.0.1 First! CD $ INSTALL_DIR / Support-2.0.1. / Configuremakemake Installmake Clean

#andim, we must compile kdelibs-2.0.1! cd $ install_dir / kdelibs-2.0.1. / configuremakemake installmake clean

# THEN, WE MUST Compile KDebase-2.0.1! CD $ Install_Dir / KDebase-2.0.1. / Configuremakemake Installmake Clean

# After the 3 Packages, We can Free Compile Any Kde Packages! CD $ INSTALL_DIR / KDEADMIN-2.0.1. / Configuremakemake Installmake Clean

# other kde package! ## End compiled!

#RM / TMP / * -RF # halt your machine! Halt

In this case, KDE will be installed below / OPT / KDE2. This process takes a long time, you can sleep!

7. After the compilation is completed, you can enjoy KDE 2.01, Redhat default desktop environment is gnome, so we need to add a line in ~ / .xinitrc (if not, build one)


At the same time, it is guaranteed ~ / .bashrc has the following statement:

Qtdir = / usr / lib / qt kdedir = / OPT / KDE2 PATH = $ KDEDIR / BIN: $ qtdir / bin: $ path manpath = $ Kdedir / Doc / Man: $ qtdir / doc / man: $ manpath ld_library_path = $ KDEDIR / LIB: $ qtdir / lib:

$ Ld_library_path export kdedir qtdir path manpath ld_library_path

Export lc_all = zh_cn.gbk export language = zh_cn.gbk export xmodifiers = @ @ = chinput

8, Chinese MO Translation File I didn't find KDE-I18N-en-zh_cn.gb2312 under KDE.ORG, so I used this package on the RedHat 7.0 installation disk (under the preview directory of the second disk).

surface). By default, it will be installed under / usr / lib / kde2, we have to move it to the appropriate position in the correct KDE2 installation directory.

# rpm -ivh kde-i18n-zh_cn * # CD / usr / lib / kde2 / share / local # cd ..gb2312 / opt / kde2 / share / local # cd .. # cd doc / html # cp zh_cn.gb2312 / OPT / KDE2 / Share / Doc / HTML # CD / OPT / KDE2 / Share / DOC / HTML # ln -s zh_cn.gb2312 default

Note: Since my memory is limited, these file names and directory names may not be completely correct, but it is probably this look!

9. At this time, STARTX can enter Chinese KDE. If there is no Chinese, change the control center -> Personalization -> Country & language, change it to the Chinese GB2312. By the way, Control Center -> Looks & Feels -> FONTS is changed to our installed Chinese TrueType font. Restart KDE. You can see Chinese, run chinput, see if you can enter Chinese. Here is my Chinese KDE. Hanhua your Redhat fullness (eight)

Eleven, Chinese file name

When you compile the kernel in front, I will let you choose:

File System-> Native Language Support -code Page 936 (GBK)

If you do this, try it:

#mount -t vfat -o iocharset = CP936 / DEV / HDXX / MOUNT POINT

Then start KDE, Kedit should support the Chinese file name on the FAT32 partition. However, under the Chinese terminal environment, those Chinese file names still have garbled. Burred version of 2.2

There is a Chinese file name patch, and I haven't found this patch of kernel-2.2.16. In order to enter such a long command each time, we can modify / etc / fstab, let each time

When the machine is used, the system automatically hangs. Here is my / etc / fstab

Label = / / ext2 defaults 1 1 / dev / cdrom / mnt / cdrom iso9660 ocharset = cp936, noauto 0 0 0 / dev / fd0 / mnt / floppy noauto, Owner 0 0 None / Proc Proc Defaults 0 0 None / dev / PTS Devpts gid = 5, mode = 620 0 0 / dev / hda9 swap swap defaults 0 0 / dev / hda6 / mnt / hda6 vfat ocharset = cp936 1 1 / dev / hda1 / mnt / hda1 vfat ocharset = cp936 1 1

Twelve, Chinese team

1. In the Console environment, there are many Chinese terminals, such as CCE, etc., we have Unicon, these Chinese terminals don't need it. There are some programs such as ctelnet.

Take advantage of them. Chinese editor in the Console environment, I haven't found it yet!

2, in the X environment, we need a Chinese terminal, starting with a CXTEAM tool very early, you can find it almost in the FTP server. One is also included on my website.

Thirteen, gnome

GNOME has very good support for Chinese locale. It is necessary for us to do very few, almost set the environment variable lc_all to become zh_cn.xxx. And in the previous article,

I have almost all of the issues of gnome, they will no longer be repeated.

14, the rest of the problem

1, everyone knows that KDE has a very good development tool KDevelop, but unfortunately, this thing is too slow to develop about Qt. The latest kdevelop-1.3beta, you need 1.44 <= qt

<2.0, this is why almost all Linux distributions have two QT reasons. I have a Chinese patch of QT-1.44. When I compiled KDevelop, QT is no problem, but KDevelop has a problem with my KDE2.01, trying for a long time, no success.

2, Chinese terminal Chinese file name display is still a problem, nor does it know how to find the latest version of this patch. Gay is that Chinese can support Chinese in the KDE environment

The piece name.

3, the Chinese terminal, Vim is not supported by default, I don't know what to do. Which prawn knows, tell the younger brother, thank you! There are some Emacs Chinese input patches for a long time, I haven't payable for a long time. I don't know how it is now!

4, using ghostscript to resolve postscript for Chinese PostScript font printing, I almost don't know, I don't dare to say.

Fifteen, summary

To now, everyone should have a more satisfactory Chinese redhat Linux, although there are still many problems. If you don't understand the article, you are welcome to go

Http://www.linuxorb.net/ The Chinese Culture is talking about inquiry, I will force the answer. At the same time, I hope that my article can promote the role of promotion, encourage more people to localize LINUX.

make a contribution. For this article, I have not solved or solve the problem, you are welcome to give me your opinion.


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