(Page 1 of 3) A Walking Tour of Javabeans What Javabeans IS, How IT Works, And why you want to use it

zhaozj2021-02-16  83

A Walking Tour of Javabeans

What Javabeans IS, How IT Works, And why you want to use it


The Success of Rapid Application Developments (RAD) Systems Like Borland's Delphi and Microsoft's Visual Basic Have Brought A Great Deal of Attention To The Concept of

Software Components. Java Has Now Entered The Ring With ITS OWN Component Software Specification, JavaBeans. This Article - The First of Many

JavaBeans Column - Gives A High-Level Description of JavaBeans, Explains Why It's Useful To Developers, and Introduces Basic JavaBeans Concepts.

(2,800 Words)

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