<% @Language = "VBScript"%> <% option explicit%>
Contacts within the Authors Database: 'Create Ado Connection Component to Connect With' Sample Database Set Oconn = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection") Oconn.open "provider = Microsoft.jet.Oledb.3.51; data source =" & filepath 'Create Ado Recordset Component Set Ors = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Recordset") 'DETERMINE What Pagenumber The Scrolling Currently Is on MV = Request ("mv") IF Request ("Pageno") = "" "" "" Pageno ") Endiff Query Recordset (4 Records Per Page) Ors.open" Select * from Authors ", Oconn, AdopenStatic ORS. PageSize = 4 'adjust Pagenumber as appropriate if mv = "page up" or mv = "Page Down" The select case mv copy "Pageno = Pageno - 1 else Pageno = 1 End if case" Page Down "if ors.absolutepage Ors.absolute = Pageno%>
<% Dim oConn Dim oRs Dim filePath Dim Mv Dim PageNo Dim j Dim i 'Map authors database to physical path FilePath = Server.mappath ("Authors.mdb") <% for j = 1 to ors.pageSize%>
<% for i = 0 to ics.fields.count - 1%> <% = ORS (i)%> td> <% next%> tr> <% ors.movenext 'DON 'T Try to print the EOF record. if ift%> table>