SQLServer reading notes

zhaozj2021-02-16  70

Database log management

1 log management

When the log of SQL Server reaches a certain extent, it will block the processing of other transactions, causing the main reasons for log overflow:

1: The system management does not clear the log in time. SQL Server is under the default value, you must regularly back up data and logs, and logs cannot be automatically cleared.

2: Due to the implementation of the illegal statement, if a UPDATE statement is performed, the conditions unlimited generated log is caused until the system crashes. For different error reasons, the seriousness of the error takes different solutions:

1: The log overflows caused by small matters, and the system can start normally. Workaround: 1. Expand Database Log Space: ALTER DATABASE Database Name ON Device Name = Quantity (M) sp_logDevice Database Name, Device Name

2. Clear the log dump Transaction database name with no_log (no_truncate)

2: The log overflow is caused by big things, and the system is not available for a long time or the database cannot be restored: 1. Waiting. For longer transaction recovery time, in Wuxi, once the user performs a SQL statement that updates user information, due to the use of errors, the log overflows, and the recovery log is 14 hours. When logging is completed, the system can run normally.

2. Forcibly empty the log. Methods for an forced emptying log can be used in the case where the database is unable to restore the database or a recent backup. The consequences of this method may be thoroughly destroyed. The steps are as follows:

I Start SQL Server (No Detection Log) II in -V II Modifying Database Status to -32768 (Block Status) Update SysDatabases Set Status = -32768 WHERE Name = Database Name III Authorized Sybase_ts_Role Permissions (Sybase_ts_Role is SQL Server Special Administrator privilege, In daily database management, this role does not need this role) sp_role "grant", "Sybase_ts_role", Saset Role "Sybase_ts_role" IV Clear Log DBCC Rebuild_Log (Database Name, 1, 1)

After completing the above steps, restart SQL Server. If the database can start normally, the database is restored; if you can't start, you can only recreate the database.

Avoid generating log overflows: artificial methods and automatic methods.

Artificial Method: To periodically back up logs and clear use, to increase the space available for logging according to the different amount of task. Advantages: Safety, when the database is broken, it can restore the log of last backup. Disadvantages: It is possible to overflow log overflow for long-term statements.

Automatic Method: Valve the overflow of the log in real time through the threshold of the data. Advantages: There is no log overflow. Disadvantages: Logs may be lost, increase the burden on database processing. The threshold creation method is as follows: 1: Create a segment sp_addsegment section name, database name, device name related process: sp_helpsegment, sp_dropsegment

2: Create a valve sp_addthreshold database name, segment name, free space, execution process name related process: sp_helpthreshold, sp_modifythreshold, after the valve is created, when the idle space reaches the idle space defined by the valve, the Server automatically activates the threshold definition. The stored procedure name. This stored procedure processes the log. The following is an example of the simplest processing process. Create procedure sp_thresholdaction @ dbname varchar (30), @ segmentname varchar (30), @ space_left int, @ status intasdump transaction @dbname to tapedump1print "LOG DUMP: '!% 1' for '!% 2' dumped", @ segmentname, @dbname

/ * Back up the log to the tape, then print the segment name of the backup, database name * /

2 detection of consistency

Database If you often abnormally shortdown may cause an error in data; a long run is possible to cause an index. Direct consequences are obviously declining the running speed, and the BCP backup data (BCP execution result is incorrect). In addition, it will affect the allocation of physical space. The database detection can be implemented by the database, the most important process is as follows:

1: DBCC CHECKCATALOG (Database Name) Check the consistency problem of data in the system data table, such as verifying a type in the syscolumns table contains a line in the SYSTYPES table.

2: DBCC CHECKDB (Database Name, Skip_ncindex) Check the spatial allocation of each table in the database. When data dumps, methods with Skip_ncindex parameters can be used to speed up the check speed.

3: DBCC CheckTable Checks the allocation information of each table, contains the following: page connection, index sorting, pointer consistency, the data line on each page In the Object Assignment Mapping (OAM) page.

4: DBCC Checkalloc (Table | Database Name, FULL, NOFIX) Checking the verified page is all correctly assigned, the unallocated page is not part of the page chain, and the page that is not part of the page chain is not The tag is assigned. In addition to the assigned pages, Checkalloc also checks all assigned pages in the database to make sure they contain valid information.


SQL Server 6.5:

Update sysdatabases set status = -32768 where name = 'database name'

Update sysdatabases set status = 12 where name = 'database name'

DBCC CHECKDB ('Database Name ")

DUMP Transaction Database Name with no_log

Database restart

SQL Server 7.0:


This is the easiest way to have a full backup of the database, and then restore it.


1. Delete the original database:

Use master



2. Establish the same name database:

Use master


Create Database DB_SUSPECT


(Name = dbname_dat,

Filename = 'c:',

Size = 10,

FileGrowth = 5)


(Name = 'dbname_log',

Filename = 'g:',

Size = 5MB, FileGrowth = 5MB)


3. Restore the database:

Restore Database DB_SUSPECT

From dbname_backup.dat

4. Database integrity detection:

DBCC Checkdb ('db_suspect')

5. Restart the MSSQLServer service.

If there is no full backup, then use some special methods:

1. Set the database to emergency mode

Use master


sp_configure 'allow updates', 1

Reconfigure with override


Update sysdatabases set status = 32768 where name = 'db_suspect'


2. Stop the SQL Server service:

Net Stop MSSQLServer

3. Remove the data file DBNAME_DAT.mdf of the original database, DBNAME_LOG.LDF:

4. Start SQL Server service:

Net Start MSSQLServer

5. Re-establish a database DB_SUSPECT for the same name;

Use master


Create Database DB_SUSPECT


(Name = dbname_dat,

Filename = 'c:',

Size = 10,

FileGrowth = 5)


(Name = 'dbname_log',

Filename = 'g:',

Size = 5MB,

FileGrowth = 5MB)


6. Set the database to run in a single user:

Use master




7. Stop SQL services:

Net Stop MSSQLServer

8. Cover the original data file back:

9. Start SQL Server service:

Net Start MSSQLServer

10. Reset the status of SQLServer:

Use master



11. Database integrity detection:

DBCC Checkdb ('db_suspect')

12. Restore the database for multi-user mode:

Use master




13. Restore the original configuration of SQLServer:

Use matter


Update sysdatabases set status = 4194320 Where name = 'db_suspect'


14. Configure SQLServer does not allow update system tables:

Use master


sp_configure 'allow updates', 0

Reconfigure with override


15. Restart the MSSQLServer service:

It is best to restart the operating system

16. Backup Database:

You can use SQLServer Enterprise Manager or T-SQL. Need to back up Master and DB_SUSPECT

ISQL strange phenomenon

Use SQLServer 7.0 isql to use on SQLServer 6.5 servers:


There will be an execution script is not completed. You need to press CTRL C to continue, plus -c parameters Some machines can solve, some can't.

After replacing the SQLServer 6.5 version of the isql.exe file can be successful.

SQL statement import export

Export to Excel

EXEC MASTER..XP_CMDSHEC 'BCP Northwind.dbo.region Out C: /Temp1.xls -c -q -s "gnetdata / gnetdata" -u "sa" -p ""

Import Excel


From OpenDataSource ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0',

'Data Source = "C: / Test.xls"; user ID = admin; password =; extended proties = excel 5.0') ... xactions

/ * Dynamic file name

Declare @fn varchar (20), @ s varchar (1000)

Set @fn = 'c: /test.xls'

Set @S = '' 'Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0' ',

'' Data Source = "' @ fn '"; user ID = admin; password =; extended Properties = Excel 5.0 '' '

Set @S = 'SELECT * OPENDATASOURCE (' @ s ') ... Sheet1 $'


* /

SELECT CAST (CAST (Subject No. AS Numeric (10, 2)) AS NVARCHAR (255)) '' Convert alias

From OpenDataSource ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0',

'Data Source = "C: / Test.xls"; user ID = admin; password =; extended proties = excel 5.0') ... xactions

Excel Guide to Remote SQL

INSERT OpenDataSource


'Data Source = Remote IP; User ID = SA; Password = Password'

). Name .dbo. Table name (column name 1, column 2)

SELECT column name 1, column name 2

From OpenDataSource ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0',

'Data Source = "C: / Test.xls"; user ID = admin; password =; extended proties = excel 5.0') ... xactions

Import text file


Export text file

Exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp dbname..tablename out c: /dt.txt -c -ssrvername -usa -ppassword'


Exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "Select * from dbname..tablename" Queryout C: /Dt.txt -c -ssrvername -usa -ppassword "

Export to TXT text, separate the exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "with comma" library name .. Table name "D: /tt.txt" -c -t, -u sa -p password'



OpenRowSet ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0'

, 'DBASE IV; HDR = NO; IMEX = 2; Database = C: /', 'SELECT * FROM [Customer Data 4.DBF]')



OpenRowSet ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0'

, 'DBASE III; HDR = NO; IMEX = 2; Database = C: /', 'SELECT * FROM [Customer Information 3.dbf]')

FoxPro database

Select * from OpenRowSet ('msdasql',

'Driver = Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver; SourceType = DBF; SourceDB = C: /',

'Select * from [aa.dbf]')

Import DBF file

Select * from OpenRowSet ('msdasql',

'Driver = Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver;

SourceDB = E: / VFP98 / DATA;

SourceType = DBF ',

'Select * from customer where country! = "USA" ORDER BY Country')


Export to DBF

If you want to export data to a structure (ie, existing) FoxPro list, you can directly use the following SQL statement

INSERT INTO OpenRowSet ('msdasql',

'Driver = Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver; SourceType = DBF; SourceDB = C: /',

'Select * from [aa.dbf]')



SOURCEDB = C: / Specify the folder where the FoxPro table is located

AA.DBF Specifies the file name of the FoxPro table.

Export to Access

INSERT INTO OpenRowset ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0',

'x: /a.mdb'; 'admin'; '', a table) SELECT * FROM database name ..b table

Import Access

Insert Into B Sleet * from OpenRowSet ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0',

'x: /a.mdb'; 'admin'; '', a table)

File name is parameter

Declare @fname varchar (20)

Set @fname = 'd: /test.mdb'

EXEC ('SELECT A. * from OpenDataSource (' 'Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0' ",

'' ' @ fname ' ';' 'admin' ';' '' '', Topics AS A ') SELECT *

From OpenDataSource ('Microsoft.jet.OleDb.4.0',

'Data Source = "f: /northwind.mdb"; Jet OLEDB: Database Password = 123; User ID = Admin; PASSWORD =;') ... Product

Import XML file

Declare @IDOC INT

Declare @doc varchar (1000)

--Sample XML Document

Set @doc = '

Customer Was Very Satisfied


Happy Customer.


- Create An Internal Representation of the xml document.

EXEC SP_XML_PREPAREDocument @idoc output, @doc

- Execute A Select Statement Using OpenXML ROWSET PROVIDER.


From OpenXML (@idoc, '/ root / customer / order ", 1)

With (Oid Char (5),

Amount float,

Comment nText 'text ()')


Guide the entire database

Stored procedure implemented with BCP

Implement data import / export stored procedures, according to different parameters, import / export can be implemented / exported throughout the database / single table

Call example:

- Export call example

---- Export a single table

Exec file2table 'zj', '', '', 'xzkh_sa .. Regional Information', 'C: /Zj.txt', 1 ---- Exporting the entire database

Exec file2table 'zj', '', '', 'xzkh_sa', 'C: / DOCMAN', 1

- Imported call example

---- Import a single table

Exec file2table 'zj', '', '', 'xzkh_sa .. Area,' c: / zj.txt' ,0

---- Import the entire database

Exec file2table 'zj', '', '', 'xzkh_sa', 'C: / DOCMAN', 0

* /

If EXISTS (SELECT 1 from sysobjects where name = 'file2table' and objectproperty (id, 'isprocedure') = 1)

Drop Procedure File2Table


Create Procedure File2Table

@servername varchar (200) - server name

@ username varchar (200) - Username, if using NT authentication mode, it is empty ''

, @ Password Varchar (200) - Password

, @ TBNAME VARCHAR (500) - Database. DBO. Table name, if not specified: .dbo. Download, export all user tables for the database

@ filename varchar (1000) - Import / Export Path / File Name, if the @TBName parameter indicates that the entire database is exported, this parameter is the file storage path, the file name is automatically used .txt

@ isout bit --1 is exported, 0 is imported


Declare @SQL VARCHAR (8000)

If @tbname like '%.%.%' - If the table name is specified, the single table is exported directly.


Set @ SQL = 'BCP' @ TBNAME

Case when @ ixout = 1 TEN 'OUT' ELSE 'IN' END

'"' @ filename '" / w'

'/ S' @ ServerName

Case When Isnull (@username, '') = '' TEN '' ELSE '/ U' @ Username End

'/ P' isnull (@password, '')

Exec master..xp_cmdshell @SQL



Begin exports the entire database, define a cursor, remove all user tables

Declare @m_tbname varchar (250)

IF Right (@ filename, 1) <> '/' set @ filename = @ filename '/'

Set @ m_tbname = 'declare #tb cursor for select name from' @ TBNAME '.. sysobjects where xtype =' 'u' 'EXEC (@m_tbname)

Open #TB

Fetch next from #TB INTO @m_tbname

While @@ fetch_status = 0


Set @ SQL = 'bcp' @ TBNAME '..' @ m_tbname

Case when @ ixout = 1 TEN 'OUT' ELSE 'IN' END

'"' @ filename @ m_tbname '. txt" / w'

'/ S' @ ServerName

Case When Isnull (@username, '') = '' TEN '' ELSE '/ U' @ Username End

'/ P' isnull (@password, '')

Exec master..xp_cmdshell @SQL

Fetch next from #TB INTO @m_tbname


Close #TB

Deallocate #TB




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