Added Workers2.Properties file content under Apache's Conf directory

zhaozj2021-02-16  75

This is the previous supplementary material.

Note: For the convenience, I will replace "[" and "]" in the file to "{" and "}".


Level = Debug


#file = $ {serverroot} /conf/

# This is this configuration file path file = d: /apache/apache2/conf/

Debug = 0

Debugenv = 0

# Define environment variables here, even if the external environment variables are not defined, Java_Home = D: J2SE

Tomcat_Home = D: OMCAT


INFO = Maps the Requests. Options: Debug

Debug = 0

# Alternate File Logger

# {logger.file: 0}

# level = debug

#file = $ {serverroot} /logs/jk2.log


INFO = Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess Servers

# 注: The $ {serverroot} here is the installation path of Apache file = $ {serverroot} /logs/jk2.shm

SIZE = 1000000

Debug = 0

Disabled = 0


INFO = Global Server Options


Debug = 0

# Default native logger (apache2 or win32)

# Can be overriden to a file logger, useful

#Hen Tracing Win32 Related Issues

# Logger = logger.file: 0

{lb: lb}

INFO = Default loading balancer.

Debug = 0

# {lb: lb_1}

# info = a second load balancer.

# debug = 0

{CHANNEL.SOCKET: Localhost: 8009}

INFO = ajp13 forwarding over socket

Debug = 0

Tomcatid = localhost: 8009

# {CHANNEL.SOCKET: Localhost: 8019}

# info = a second Tomcat Instance.

# debug = 0

# Tomcatid = localhost: 8019

# lb_factor = 1

# group = lb

# group = lb_1

# disabled = 0

# {channel.un: /opt/33/work/jk2.socket}

# info = a second channel channeling to localhost: 8019 Via UNIX Socket

# Tomcatid = localhost: 8019

# lb_factor = 1

# debug = 0


Info = The Jni Channel, Used if Tomcat is Started Inprocess


Info = Status Worker, Displays Runtime Informations


Info = Parameters use to load a jvm in the server process

# Note: The following paragraph is the key, mainly ClassPath, will affect the TomcatStarter class search JVM = $ (java_home) /jre/bin/server/jvm.dll classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /bin/bootstrap.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /bin/commons-logging-api.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /bin/commons-daemon.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /ser/lib/tomcat-jni.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_home} /server/lib/commons-modeler.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /server/lib/tomcat-util.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /server/lib/commons-digester.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} / server /lib/commons-beanutils.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /ser/lib/catalina-ant.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_home} /server/lib/catalina-Optional.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} / server / lib /commons-fileupload-1.0.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /server/lib/jakarta-regExp-1.3.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /ser/lib/tomcat-jk.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} / server /LIB/Tomcat-http11.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /ser/lib/servlets-invoker.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /ser/lib/servlets-common.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} / server / lib / Catalina .jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /server/lib/jkshm.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /server/lib/jkconfig.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /ser/lib/catalina-i18n-ja.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home }-webdav.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /ser/lib/tomcat-coyote.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_home} /server/lib/tomcat-jk2.jar classpath = $ { TOMCAT_HOME} /server/lib/servlets-default.jar classpath = $ {TOMCAT_HOME} /server/lib/catalina-cluster.jar classpath = $ {TOMCAT_HOME} /common/lib/jmx.jar classpath = $ {TOMCAT_HOME} / common /LIB/JASPER-COMPILER.JAR classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /common/lib/jmx-remote-tools.jar classpath =

$ {Tomcat_Home} /common/lib/commons-dbcp-1.1.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /common/lib/commons-el.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /common/lib/commons-collections.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /common/lib/naming-java.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /common/lib/commons-pool-1.1.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /common/lib/jmx-remote.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /common/lib/jasper-runtime.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /common/lib/naming-factory.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /common/lib/servlet-api.jar classpath = $ { Tomcat_home} /common/lib/naming-resources.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} /common/lib/ant.jar classpath = $ {tomcat_home} /common/lib/naming-common.jar classpath = $ {Tomcat_Home} / Common /LIB/JSP-API.jar classpath = $ {java_home} /lib/tools.jar Opt = -djava.class.path = d: /tomcat/bin/tomcat-jni.jar; D: / Tomcat / Server / lib /commons-logging.jaropt=-dtomcat.home = $ tcat_home}

Opt = -dcatalina.home = $ {tomcat_home}

OPT = -xmx128m

# OPT = -djava.compiler = none

Disabled = 0

{worker.jni: onstartup}

INFO = Command to Be Executed by The VM on Startup. This One will start Tomcat.

# jk2 is to start Tomcat through this class, and the ClassPath above is not set correctly, JK2 will record NoclassDefound anomalies in logfile. Class = ORG / APACHE / JK / APR / TOMCATSTARTER

Arg = startd

Disabled = 0

Stdout = D: /Apache/apache2/logs/stdout.log

STDERR = D: /Apache/apache2/logs/stderr.log

{worker.jni: onshutdown}

INFO = Command to Be Executed by The VM on Shutdown. This One will stop Tomcat.


# Here is the Tomcat service, which is also used by the above class.

Disabled = 0

{URI: / jkstatus / *}

INFO = Display Status Information and Checks The Config File for Changes.

Group = status:

# {uri: 8003}

# info = example Virtual Host. make Sure myvirtualhost is in / etc / hosts to test it # alias = myvirtualhost: 8003

# {uri: 8003 / ex}

# info = example Webapp in The Virtual Host. It'll Go To LB_1 (I.E. Localhost: 8019)

# context = / EX

# group = lb_1

{URI: / example}

INFO = Example Webapp in The Default Context.

Context = / example

Debug = 0

# {uri: / example / *}

# info = a second Webapp, this time going to the second tomcat only.

# group = lb_1

# debug = 0

{URI: / Examples / Servlets / *}

INFO = prefix mapping

{URI: / example / *. jsp}

INFO = extension mapping

{uri: / examples / *}

INFO = Map the whole WebApp

{URI: / example / servlets / hellow}

INFO = Exampel with debug enabled.

Debug = 10


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