Upload files to the server with ASP.NET

zhaozj2021-02-16  74

9CBS - Document Center - .NET Title Using ASP.NET to Upload File KWKLOVER (Original) Keyword File Upload, ASP.NET, NET

Using ASP.NET to upload file file uploading technology is a very practical technology, with a wide range of applications, in the previous version of ASP.NET itself implements this function, you must use third-party components or development components Now, it is simple to implement with ASP.NET, and we don't need to use any components to achieve uploaded features. For convenience, we can upload files into two types: single file upload and multi-file upload.

Single file Upload us to introduce the method of single file upload, single file upload is relatively simple, below is the full code uploaded by single file: <% @ Import namespace = "system"%> <% @ Import namespace = "system .Web.httppostedfile "%> <% @ Import namespace =" system.Web.ui.htmlControls.htmlinputfile "%>