How to make the window do not appear on the taskbar

zhaozj2021-02-08  292

This article is translated from

How to: make the window appear on the task bar

ID: Q205158

Information about this article is applied to:

Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit (SDK), based on platform:

Microsoft Windows 95 Microsoft Windows 98 Microsoft Windows NT Microsoft Windows 2000

(Translator Note: When this article is published, Windows Millennium has not been released)

to sum up

Sometimes it is necessary to hide the main window of the application in the taskbar (Translator Note: Programs minimizing the system tray usually hide yourself on the taskbar) This article describes two ways to complete it. .

More information

There are two ways to prevent the window from appearing in the taskbar of the system housing and the task list that presses Alt Tab.

Set the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extension to the window and remove the WS_EX_APPWindow style. A by-product is that the window will have a slice barrier than the usual window. To set the WS_POPUP style to the window and make it owned by a hidden window. If the window is created / display so that it appears on the taskbar, the window should be in the same state when the wig is hidden / destroy. If the visibility on the taskbar is not synchronized, the list of the taskbar will end with a blank button, he thinks this window should be there.

Last updated: August 28, 2000