RFC2757-long Thin Networks-Chifire self-translation (8)

zhaozj2021-02-08  291

- Share network performance information (TCP control block and congestion management module)

Some information should not be shared. For example, TCP sequence numbers are used to prevent spoofing attacks, and even sharing of performance parameters will cause opportunities for denial of service attacks [Touch97].

- Performance Enhancing PROXIES

From a secure attack perspective, such systems play a Men-In-the-middle role. Therefore, it must be taken particularly care to avoid the system being hijack or abuse (MISUSE).

The final point of view should not be underestimated: As long as the operation of the intermediate medium node is different from the end of the end, there will be security issues. This is not a special performance enhancement agent. IPSEC-based protection should be applied in advance to make the HTTP proxy, such as Snoop modules, head compression (TCP, UDP, RTP, etc.).

Some high-level security mechanisms (such as RTP encryption, TLS encryption in TCP load) have alleviated the impact of this security issue, however, the protocol header is still visible and may still be cracked by communication and suffering from a refusal service attack.

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