Install Oracle9.2 for Redhat Linux9.0

zhaozj2021-02-16  75

Oracle 9i (Oracle 9_20) for Linuxoracle9i can only be installed on redhat 7.x 8.x, there is a problem with Redhat 9. At least 512M memory is required.

Preparing before installation: # mkdir / usr / install # cd / usr / install # cpio -idmv

# GroupAdd DBA # UserAdd Oracle -g DBA # MKDIR / USR / ORACLE # mkdir /usr/oracle/9.0# chown -r oracle: DBA / USR / ORACLE

Set shared memory # sysctl -w kernel.shmmax = 500000000

Start installation Log in as Oracle (Su - Oracle), and then execute. $ export oracle_home = / usr / oracle / 9.0 $ export lc_all = en_us // must have this line when there is garbled in the Chinese operating system. $ ./runinstaller

When Question: What Database You want, select "Software Only" will not create a database at installation, and create a database in the future.

After installation

$ cd ~ // Enter the Oracle home directory $ VI .BASHRC

Add the following environment variables

Export oracle_home = / usr / oracle / 9.0export path = $ PATH: $ oracle_home / binExport ld_library_path = $ ld_library_path: $ oracle_home / libexport oracle_sid = ORA9

Note that after editing the above file, you must use su - oracle to make the above environment variables to take effect.

Create a database $ DBCA &

SQL NET LISTENER management: $ NETCA &

Start and close Database $ SQLPLUS "/ as sysdba" StartupShutdown

Start and stop Listener $ LSNRCTL Start $ LSNRCTL STOP

Start the database management environment. $ OEMAP DBASTUDIO &


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