1. Create a table and import data:
Create Table A (ID INT, Data Varchar (10))
INSERT INTO A (ID, DATA) SELECT 1, 'DS'Union All Select 2,' DSF'Union All Select 3, 'Sdf'Union All Select 4,' AdS'Union All Select 5, 'SDA'go
2. Create a stored procedure, return a result set
Create Procedure SP_TestasBegin Select ID, Data from A ORDER BY ID DESC END
3. Import the results of the stored procedure into a temporary table
Create Table #tmp (ID Int, Data Varchar (10)) Insert Into #tmp (ID, DATA) EXEC SP_TESTSELECT * from #tmpdrop table #TMP
4, display result
(The number of rows affects is 5 lines)
ID DATA ------------ ---------- 5 SDA4 ADS3 SDF2 DSF1 DS
(The number of rows affects is 5 lines)