Reading Egyle's SGA adjustment summary

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

The first is a few wrong information:


skgpspawn failed: category = 27142, depinfo = 12, op = fork, loc = skgpspawn3Tue Mar 23 13:42:02 2004skgpspawn failed: category = 27142, depinfo = 12, op = fork, loc = skgpspawn3: q prompts the database can not be described Spawn a new session. (Create a new session)


Error: ORA-12540: TNS: Beyond the internal restrictions exceeded, usually indicated that certain system resources are insufficient.

3) The following error message is recorded, indicating that the disk asynchronous IO has problems: warning: AiOwait Timed Out 2 Timestue Aug 26 15:33:32 2003Warning: Aiowait Timed Out 2 Timestue Aug 26 15:33:34 2003

4) The following error message is also recorded in the Alert file: Tue aug 26 21:37:40 2003Warning: Einval Creating segment of size 0x0000000190400000Fix SHM Parameters In / etc / system or equivalent This information Description The kernel parameter is set too small or the SGA does not match

Some commands used in debug:

1) Use the LSnrctl Services to check the status of the listener, see if the connection is rejected, as follows:

Routines "hswapdb", status ready, 1 handler containing this service ... Handle: "Dedicated" has been established: 21 Rejected: 6 Status: Readylocal Server Service "" contains 1 case Process. Routines "HSWAPDB", status ready, including 1 handler for this service ... Handle:

2) Under UNIX check system log

Wapplatform: /> dmesg3) Check the system memory and exchange area (this is very important)

# / usr / local / bin / Top Last Pid: 16899; Load Averages: 0.82, 0.81, 0.83 21: 49: 051230 Processes: 1228 Sleeping, 1 Running, 1 On CPUCPU State: 50.1% iDLE, 7.4% User, 8.6% Kernel, 33.9% iowait, 0.0% SwapMemory: 8192m Real, 118m Free, 12G swap in use, 11g swap free We found that the system only 8G RAM, physical memory only 118M can be used in the SWAP area 12G5) Add SWAP area

Increase SWAP zone Wapplatform: /> DF -K file system kilobytes with available capacity hooks / dev / dsk / c0t1d0 3099093 105421 2931691 4% // dev / dsk / c0t2d0 24866 82% / usr / proc 0 0 0 0% / procfd 0 0 0 0% / dev / fdmnttab 0 0 0 0% / etc / mNTTab / DEV / DSK / C0T1D0S3 1018382 285914 671366 30% / Varswap 3904 24 3880 1% / var / runswap 3936 56 3880 2 % / tmp / dev / dsk / c0t1d0s5 1671823 459202 1162467 29% / opt / dev / dsk / c0t2d0s7 7087473 6068462 948137 87% / export / home / dev / dsk / c2t1d0s7 17413250 15900222 1338896 93% / export / home2 / dev / dsk / c0t3d0s7 17413250 13749782 3489336 80% / export / home1 / dev / dsk / c0t1d0s1 771110 382410 334723 54% / usr / openwin / export / home / wapgw / luke7087473 6068462 948137 87% / home / wapwapplatform: / var / swap> cd / export / home1wapplatform: / export / home1> lsTT_DB lost found oracle oracli9wapplatform: / export / home1> mkdir swapwapplatform: / export / home1> cd swapwapplatform: / export / home1 / swap> mkfile -v 1g swapfile1swapfile1 1073741824 byteswapplatform: / export / Home1 / Swap> iDuid = 0 (Root) GID = 1 (Other) Wapplaterform: / Export / Home1 / Swap> SWAP -A / EXPOR T / home1 / swap / swapfile1wapplatform: / export / home1 / swap> SWAP -S total: Assigned 623160k bytes reserved 162704K = Use 785864K, 1010936K Available 6) Check SYSTEM Profile $ CAT / ETC / SYSTEM ... .................... set shmsys: shminfo_shmmax = 4096000000 set shmsys: shminfo_shmmin = 1set shmsys: shminfo_shmmni = 200set shmsys: shminfo_shmseg = 200set semsys: seminfo_semmap = 1024set semsys: seminfo_semmni = 2048SET SEMSYS: SEMINFO_SEMMNS = 2048SET SEMSYS: SEMINFO_SEMMNU = 2048SET SEMSYS: SEMINFO_SEMUME = 200set Semsys: seminfo_semmsl = 2048


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