Frequent Internet error message description

zhaozj2021-02-16  73

Frequent Internet error message description


SUMMARY This article briefly introduces the most common Internet error message type.

More information five most common Internet error classes:

Web Browser Error File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Error USENENENENENEN Error Gopher / Veronica Error Email Error

Web browser error

404 Not Found

The browser can't find a specific document you requested on the host. To resolve this issue, check the "Unified Resource Locator" (URL) syntax (some URL is case sensitive). In addition, it is also possible that this page has been deleted, change the name or move to a new location.

403 Forbidden / Access Denied

Your requested Web site requires special access (for example, a password).

503 Service Unavailable

The host is too busy. Please try to view this page after 30 seconds.

Bad File Request

Form error or Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) code of the online form has an error.

Cannot Add form Submission Result to Bookmark List

The result of the form (such as WebCrawler search results) cannot be saved as a bookmark. Bookmarks can only be a document or address.

Connection Refused by Host

This is a type of 403 error. You requested a special access to the Web site.


The URL of the Web site cannot be converted to a valid Internet protocol (IP) address. This error is common in the business site, because the computer load that is responsible for converting the IP address is overweight. Please try again when Internet traffic is less. URL syntax errors (URL format is incorrect) may also result in this phenomenon.

HTTP Server At Compressed replies: http / 1.0 500 error from proxy:

This error is common in a proxy server (where you can connect you without using the modem to connect to the Internet). The proxy server may be a stopped, busy or unable to interpret the command sent to it. You may need to wait for 30 seconds or longer, then try to view this page again. If the problem still exists, contact the network administrator of the proxy server.'s XXX represents the usual is your Internet service provider.

File Contains no data

The browser finds the site, but there is no content in the required file. Try to add ": 80" (without quotation marks) to the first slash in the URL, for example: 80 /

Helper Application Not Found

You try to download a file that needs to be associated, and your browser can't find this program. In the Preferences or Options menu of the browser, make sure the correct folder name and file name of the associated program are entered. If there is no associated program, save this file to disk and try to get this association.

NTTP Server Error

The browser can't find the USENET newsgroup you try to access. Make sure this news server address is correctly listed in your browser's preference or option menu, then try again.


This link does not exist.

Site unavailable

The reason for this error message is: Try to access this site too much, site shutdown maintenance, noise on the line, or this site is no longer existing. This problem will also cause this problem.

TCP Error Encountered While Sending Request to Server

This error is caused by the error data on the line between you and the request. This may be related to hardware. Please report this error to the network administrator and try again later.

Too Many Users

The site is too busy. You may need to try again after 30 seconds. Unable to locate host

May be that the URL has not returned any content, the site is not available or the Internet connection is disconnected. Please check the hardware connection and URL syntax.

Cannot Connect To Server

This error may occur if you connect to some web servers, if you use the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security mechanism (the URL of this class is started with an "HTTPS"), this error may occur. This issue may occur on the C2 Strongarm server in the Internet Explorer 3.x and 4.0 in Windows 95 and WINDOWS NT.

FTP error Because there are a variety of FTP programs available, the error message will also be diverse.

Invalid host or unable to resolve

This is an FTP error with the 404 error peer of the web browser. The FTP program does not find the requested site. This may also be caused by URL syntax errors.

Your FTP Program Connects the Suddenly Stops Responding.

Note: This is not an error message. If this problem has occurred shortly after you log in, try using a shortline (-) as the first character of the password. This will turn off the information message of the site, such messages may conflict with the FTP program.

Too Many Consecutive Transmit Errors

Note: This is not an error message. It indicates that the line noise makes the FTP program cannot continue. This may be because there is a hardware problem, the command string sent to the modem is incorrect, or the modem is not configured correctly.

UseNet Error USENET is a collection of some computers and networks for sharing news articles. It overlaps with Internet, but is not exactly the same as the Internet.

These types of errors are often specific to your news reader.

Invalid newsgroup

This is caused by URL syntax errors or may be due to the newsgroups that the news server does not carry you tried access. Please seek support to network administrators.

No Such Message

This message indicates that a message is outdated. The message you requested is still in an index, but has been removed from the server.

COULD NOT Connect to Server

The news server is too busy or shut down, or because you don't have access to this news server. Another possible reason is that your browser or news reader program is not set correctly.

The Message Appears Unintelligible

Note: This is not an error message. This is caused by binary (non-text files, movies or programs, etc.) encoded as text characters. Most news readers have functions that automatically decode binary files. To decode files, use a decoder or purchase a news reader that supports automatic decoding.

Gopher / Veronica Error Gopher protocol is a menu-based interface to open resources on the Internet. These menus have the same functionality as the hyperlink on the Web. Gophers (and its search engine Veronica) rarely returns an error. The most common message returned is "can't find the site" or "too busy".


This error occurs when the menu lists a no existing item. This may have been moved or renamed. The Gopher menu must be updated manually, so they sometimes reference the outdated directory.

Your Search on


Search items have not appeared in the directory or menu.

Sorry, But We don't allow Off-site access to this server

This error occurs when you try to access a strict settings that are strictly set to use for local users or sites. Unless you are seen as part of the local network, you cannot access the Gopher site.

Multi-mail errors are errors in URL syntax. A comma and spaces are not allowed in the email address. Unknown User

This may be caused by URL syntax errors. Name Type incorrect or address type is incorrect.

Mail for a mail list stops Appearing

Note: This is not an error message. This may be caused by a temporary problem on the site or Internet. You may have inadvertently "cancel your reservation" by the mailing list program on the site. Alternatively, this list may have stopped.

WARNING: Message Still Undelivered After

XX Hours

This is a warning message indicating that the message may be delayed. The mail program will continue to send, but it depends on the configuration of the mail program.

The information in this article applies to:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Macintosh Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Windows 3.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 1.0 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.x for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x for Windows 95 Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 .0 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 for Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 for Macintosh Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Macintosh Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 for Macintosh Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 for Macintosh Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 For Windows 3.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 for Windows 3.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 for Windows 3.1 Received: 2004-1-20 (3.0) Keywords: kbinfo KB151117


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