Delphibbs first programming competition

zhaozj2021-02-16  71

1. Come come and see how high your level! --AImingoo Sending Project (more than 600 yuan)

2. Start evaluation of code in the plan of the last "512-byte Delphi code", please pay attention.

3. The results of the first Delphi programming competition were announced!

Occasional footprint




Time: 2001-10-1 23:37:00,

ID: 654070

Let's make a lively, it is chinakiss8848 to write yourself!

The original program (336 bytes):

Const s: string = 'var i: word; f: text; begin assign (f,' 'm.dpr'); REWRITE (f); Write (f, '' const S: string = '); for I: = 1to Length (s) Do Write (f, '' # '', ORD (S [i])); Write (f, ''; '' s); Close (f); end. '; VAR i: Word; F: text; begin assign (f, 'm.dpr'); REWRITE (F); Write (f, 'const S: string ='); for i: = 1to length (s) do Write (F, '#', ORD (S [i])); Write (f, ';' s); Close (f); end.

However, after writing, the program becomes (632 bytes) unquest request:

Const S: String = # 86 # 65 # 82 # 32 # 73 # 58 # 87 # 79 # 82 # 68 # 59 # 70 # 58 # 84 # 69 # 88 # 84 # 59 # 66 # 69 # 71 # 73 # 78 # 32 # 65 # 83 # 83 # 73 # 71 # 78 # 40 # 70 # 44 # 39 # 77 # 46 # 68 # 80 # 82 # 39 # 41 # 59 # 82 # 69 # 87 # 82 # 73 # 87 # 82 # 73 # 87 # 82 # 73 # 84 # 69 # 40 # 70 # 41 # 59 # 87 # 82 # 73 # 84 # 69 # 40 # 70 # 44 # 39 # 67 # 79 # 78 # 83 # 84 # 32 # 83 # 58 # 83 # 84 # 82 # 73 # 78 # 71 # 61 # 39 # 41 # 59 # 70 # 79 # 82 # 32 # 73 # 58 # 61 # 49 # 84 # 79 # 32 # 76 # 69 # 78 # 71 # 84 # 72 # 71 # 84 # 72 # 40 # 83 # 41 # 68 # 79 # 32 # 87 # 82 # 73 # 84 # 69 # 40 # 70 # 44 # 39 # 35 # 39 # 44 # 79 # 82 # 68 # 40 # 83 # 91 # 73 # 93 # 41 # 41 # 59 # 87 # 82 # 73 # 84 # 69 # 40 # 70 # 44 # 39 # 59 # 39 # 43 # 83 # 41 # 59 # 67 # 76 # 79 # 83 # 69 # 40 # 70 # 41 # 59 # 69 # 78 # 68 # 46; var i: word; f: text; begin assign (f, 'm.dpr'); REWRITE (f); Write (f, 'const S: string = '); For i: = 1to Length (s) do Write (f,' # ', ORD (S [i])); Write (f,'; ' s); Close (f); end.

Change to, a total of 398 bytes:

Const s: string = 'var i: word; f: text; begin assign (f,' 'm.dpr'); REWRITE (F); Write (f, '' const S: string = '' # 39) For i: = 1to Length (s) do if s [i] = # 39 h Write (f, # 39 # 39) Else Write (f, s [i]); Write (f, # 39 ''; '' S); Close (f); end. '; Var i: word; f: text; begin assign (f,' m.dpr '); REWRITE (F); Write (F,' Const S: string = ' # 39); for i: = 1to length (s) do if s [i] = # 39 h Write (f, # 39 # 39) Else Write (f, s [i]); Write (f, # 39 '; ' S); Close (f); end. Don't know if you meet?




Time: 2002-4-12 21:15:00,

ID: 1040672

Evaluation of a section of ProgSoft's writing:



The code is very simple, it is easy to read. Almost just that people who have learned PASCAL should read this code. Haha.

There is no and any extended unit in the code, only some basic PASCAL file operation functions are used.

The program should be like this:

1. Open the file WritestSelf.dpr in a rewriting method

2. Write a string definition

3. Recipulate the contents of the S-string to the WriteSelf.dpr file in the form of #xxx. This encoding is actually the string.

4. Some end flags defined by writing strings

5. Close the file


To be old truth, I don't understand what this program can be used. Ha.

If this program is running, what is the use of this result file, that is, the modified WriteSelf.dpr file is used?

I have thought about it carefully. This don't even be compiled again. If this is the encryption of the source file, then this encryption method

It is also too bad.



Time: 2003-4-13 1:05:00,

ID: 1253825


To be old truth, I don't understand what this program can be used. Ha.

(This program is changed from the 1983 ACM Dirin Awards Awards Conference, one of the founders of Unix nasal ancestors, C language,

The Draft Award won the Ken Thompson program, the source program written in C language)

as follows:

Char s [] = {

'/ t',


(221 Lines Deleded) This place originally deleted a part



Main ()



Printf ("CHAR / TS [] = {/ N");

For (i = 0; s [i], i )

Printf ("/ t% d, / n", s [i]);

Printf ("% s", s);


If this program is running, what is the use of this result file, that is, the modified WriteSelf.dpr file is used?

(Nothing is very meaningful, but it is said that Ken has been published in this, as if it is an implementation of the virus program self-replication.

The program after this program is modified, you can also generate yourself. If it is not a byte limit, you can make a 0.DPR generated 1.DPR, 1.DPR generation 2.DPR

............, anyway, it is entertainment.


I have thought about it carefully. This don't even be compiled again. If this is the encryption of the source file, then this encryption method

It is also too bad.


It should be able to compile, not to encrypt yourself.



Comment on the following valid code list:

1. ZWMA's modification screen mode code

2. BLADE11's "Make Control Surveying / Response Event"

3. Darkiss's SafePtr's code

3. L_x_yuan's Using the text Dataset method Make the code for login logs

5. Code of Netup's batch delete file

6. CREATION_ZY's random number generator code

6. A SIZB sees a multilateral program

8. Example programs for BRAVE implementation rounded form

9. Jjams_King an example program for implementing text templates

10. Luyear's example of a Windows system desktop

11. PROGSOFT writes a program 12. QiUBole's program for demo the "polymorphism" concept in object-oriented design

13. Singlboy's segment using a program that is mapping on Tcanvas

14. If the test port of Wolf_CYJ is open with UDP protocol

15. YHJVC's operational registry to modify the program for IE's homepage and title bar

16. A sample program that displays a database and related records on a TTREEVIEW

17.Hubdog's "Parental Sub-control Nested Crystal Example"

18.Zjlcc's modification IE Home Page code

19.Creation_zy for statistics source code valid character packsrc () functions

20.Wheel's calculation of the number of Delphi source code characters

21. A program of statistical characters of theAizb

Now, I am very honored to announce the prize!

The top three of the competition is:

17.Hubdog's "Parental Sub-control Nested Crystal Example"

18.Zjlcc's modification IE Home Page code

19.Creation_zy for statistics source code valid character packsrc () functions

The first place in the competition, also on the Borland T-shirt.


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