Javatm 2 SDK, Standard Edition, 1.4 Edition New Features and Enhanced Content Overview

zhaozj2021-02-08  254

Javatm 2 SDK, Standard Edition, 1.4 New Features and Enhanced Content Summary


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The new features of the Java 2 SDK 1.4 Standard Edition are listed below. A complete list of features that contain the feature of the previous SDK version can be

Features Guide.

Java 2 platform

XML Processing New I / O API Safety Java 2DTM Technology Graphics I / O Structure Java Print Services AWT Swing Drag and Wave Failed Record API JavaTM Web Start Products Long - term Continuous JavaBeanSTM Components JDBCTM 3.0 API Assembly Tool Parameters Select API Java Virtual Machine Performance Including IPv6 Network Support RMI Serialized Java Names and Directory Interface TM (JNDI) CORBA, Java IDL, and RMI-IIOP JavaTM Debugger Structure Product International Javatm Plug-In Product Collection Structure Owsenger Rule Expression Math Reflection Java Native Interface


Tools and utilities

Java 2 platform

XML processing


XML processed JavaTM API has been added to the Java 2 platform. It provides support for the basic processing of XML through a set of standard Java platform APIs.

New I / O Apis

New I / O (NIO) APIs provide new features and improved performance in buffering, character set support, rule expressions, file I / O, and upgraded network I / O fields.


Now JavaTM Password System Extension (JAVATM Secure Socket Extension (JSSE), And JavaTM Identification and Authentication Service (JAAS) security features have been integrated into Javatm 2 SDK, standard version (J2SDK), 1.4, not As an optional package. There are two new security features here:

The JavaTM GSS-API can be used using the communication application of the Kerberos V5 mechanism for secure exchange information. JavaTM Certification Path API in the package contains new classes and methods that allow you to create and verify the certificate path (that is, the "Certificate Chain"). Due to import control restrictions, J2SDK, 1.4 The introduced JCE permission policy file allows the use of "strong" but limited cryptographic systems. These files can be obtained in the "unrestricted" version of the encryption intensity. Due to import control restrictions, this released JSSE implementation provides a powerful password kit, but the default SSLSocketFactory and SSLServersocketFactory are not allowed to be replaced. To learn more, please see the JSSE Reference Guide. As JaaS is integrated into J2SDK, Java.Security.Policy API handles the principal-based challenge, and the default policy implementation supports the certification record based on the entrustment. Therefore, access control now is not only based on what code is running, but also based on who is running it. Support for dynamic policies has also been added. J2SDK 1.4, the class is static and licensed by querying security policies during loading. This binding survival period is controlled by the survival of the class loader. In version 1.4, this binding is different until the security check is executed. Binding life is controlled by the survival of security policies. Java 2DTM Technology Java 2D contains many new features: performance improvement, hardware acceleration support for buffer graphics, plug-in graphics I / O structure, new print service API, and several new fonts.

Graphical I / O structure

The Java graphics I / O structure provides a pluggable structure that works in the file and the graphic accessed through the network. It sufficiently provides greater adaptability and powerful support than current APIs in graphics.

Java Print Service API


TM Print Services is a new Java printing API that enables clients and server-side applications:

Discover and select print services based on their capabilities. Specify data print format. Submit print jobs for support document types.


The AWT package changes focuses on improving the robustness, behavior, and performance of the GUI program. The new focus structure replaces the original implementation and solves many errors due to the incompatibility between the platform and the incompatibility between the AWT and SWING components. The new full-screen exclusive mode API provides high-performance graphics through the suspend window system, which is beneficial to applications like games or other drawing intensive programs. By new graphics environment, pointed out whether the display, keyboard, and mouse are supported in a graphical environment.

Ignorance support (Headless Support). For programs that need to be fully controlled to the application's appearance, the processed frame modification is now available. Activate this feature prevents the framework bar, system menu, border, or other graphics component dependent on the local operating system. The built-in support of the pulley mouse with a roller wheel in the middle can also be used. Similarly, the new mouse pulley listener class allows the user to customize the behavior of the mouse pulley. The AWT package has been modified to all 64-bit adaptation and can run on the Solaris machine with 64-bit and 32-bit addresses.


Many new features have been added to swing. The new Spinner component is a single-line input domain that allows users to select a number or value by using a pair of small up / down arrow buttons. The new formatted text domain component allows formatted dates, numbers, and strings, just like only the text domain of the decade price. Windows Look and Feel implements support for 2000/98 versions. Seamless Drag and drop between the new drag-and-drop structure provides a seamless drag and drop support at the same time to deliver your own Swing Components - Write a detail describing your own data model is all what you need. Swing's progress bar components have been enhanced to support fuzzy states; fuzzy progress bars showing a continuous animation to display a time-consuming operation instead of display completion degree. Due to huge customer requirements, tab components have been enhanced to support scrollable tabs. Due to this feature, if all options cannot be displayed in a row, the tab component will display a scrollable option strip instead of putting the options multiple lines. The Popup and Popup Factory classes that have been packaged in prior to private methods are now public, so the programmer can customize or create their own pop-up components. The new focus structure is completely integrated into swing. Drag and drop

Swing has added data transfer support between applications. A drag and drop operation is a data transfer request that has been specified by the graphical pointing device. In the case of copy / paste, data transmission often starts with a keyboard. There are two forms of data transfer: drag and drop (DND) support and transmissions through clipping / copy / paste. See

Swing data transmission.

Fault Record API

The Java Fault Record API promotes the service and maintenance of software in customers by providing fault records for end users, system administrators, domain service engineers and software development team. Fault Record API captures errors such as security failure, configuration errors, performance bottlenecks, and / or applications or platforms.

Javatm Web Start Products

Java Web Start products are new application development technologies bonded by J2SE 1.4.0. With Java Web Start, you start the application to see the link to the web page. If the application is not on your computer, the Java Web Start automatically downloads all files you need. It then caches those files on your computer, so those applications can start from your computer when you want it to start - either from an icon on your desk or a link on your browser . No matter what method you use, start the application, the latest version of the application is always present.

Long-term sustained JavaBeans components

The new continuous model is designed to handle the transformation process of the graphic JavaBean and the fixed outer shape. The new API is suitable for graphic JavaBean creates files like their feature described in text.



Java.sql package and

Javax.sql package is composed, providing generic data access for Java languages. With JDBC 3.0 API, you can actually access any data sources, from the relational database to the electronic data table, and normal files. What tools and optional interfaces can be established.

The new feature includes the ability to set the save point in the transaction, maintaining a result set of submitted transactions, reuse the previous declaration, get metadata in the declared parameter, get the automatically generated keyword, and open multiple result sets at a time. There are two new JDBC data types, Boolean and Datalink, which can be operated outside the data source using the Datalink data type. This release also established a relationship between JDBC service provider interfaces and connector structures.

Assertion tool

The assertion tool has been added to the Java 2 platform. As a programmer, the status of the computer program is the true boolean expression. For example, after sorting a list, the programmer can assert the column ascending order. The rule of assessment is one of the most powerful tools to determine the correctness of the code because it is quickly disclosed by the programmer 's behavior of the program.

Parameter selection API

This new feature is a simple API for manipulating user parameters and configuration data. The application requires parameters and configuration data to accommodate different users, environment and needs. Applications require a way to store, get, and modify these data. This demand is satisfied by the parameter selection API. Parameter selection API is intended to replace usually used class, correct it, while maintaining it.

Java virtual machine

This released Java virtual machine contains several enhancements.

Support for 64-bit SolaristM-SparctM platforms. Error handling mechanism. Candle garbage collector. Record a new tool for garbage collection events. The Classic virtual machine is no longer part of Java 2 SDK.


This release contains a lot of performance enhancements in many aspects of the platform. See

Performance enhancements have been described in detail.

Network support, including IPv6

The new feature contains IPv6 support based on TCP and UDP applications, unconnected / non-binding socket support, more flexible socket creation, binding, and connection. A mechanism called Java security socket expansion provides encrypted data through a socket; new class

The URI allows URI constructors and parsing without presence the protocol handler. The FTP protocol handler is modified to comply with the current standard. The default character set is now UTF8 and the API that can be used with other character sets has been added.

A new class, network interface, enumeration of the interface, and address, JNDI DNS SP support in inetaddress enables the application to be a pure Java naming service provider. The TCP extracted data is supported for previous applications; a UDP connection method registers the address of the destination address to the operating system, allowing an asynchronous error in the UDP socket; SOCKS V5 and V4 TCP all support include and the agent on the version. Consult. In addition, there is also improved in the flow availability, response header processing and error processing.


Some static methods in java.rmi.server.rmiclassloader are now representative of their behavior representative of the new service provider interface.

Java.rmi.Server.rmiclassLoaderspi. For a given application, this service provider object can be set to increase RMI dynamic product loading behavior. By default, service providers are implemented

Standard behavior of all static methods of RMiclassLoader. See class documentation

RMiclassLoader and

RMiclassLoaderspi gets detailed information.


This release has several on the serialization API

Change and strengthen, including

Support for known non-serialized objects are not accessed serial data streams. Support type method readObjectNodata. Important error correction.

Java naming and directory interface TM (JNDI)

The Internet Domain Name Service System (DNS) service program is now part of V1.4. This component allows applications to read data stored on DNS. JNDI Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Services has increased security, which makes applications to establish security conferences based on existing LDAP connections and can use different authentication protocols. JNDI CORBA Object Services (COS) Naming Server supports the Interoperable Naming Service (INS) specification (99-12-03).


JNDI enhances more information.

Corba, Java IDL, and RMI-IIOP

Java 2 now contains a portable object adapter (POA) object request agency (ORB). ORB enables communication between the CORBA objects through the object requestor (client) and object requesting the server to arrive at each other. The POA ORB allows programmers to create objects to implement portability between different ORB products and provide support for fixed identity objects. Learn more about IDLs between J2SE V.1.3 and J2SE V.1.4, please connect to

Java (TM) IDL: Change between J2SE 1.3 and 1.4.

JavaTM debugger structure

Heat exchange

This feature has been added to allow class to be updated under the control of the debugger.

Example Filters EventRequests can now specify an instance filter that can limit the generation of events that can only be generated by those specified objects. VMDeathRequests now a request to control the termination notification of the target virtual machine, allowing synchronous clearance to close.


Unicode 3.0 support

Character processing in J2SE 1.4 is based on Unicode 3.0 standard. This affects the Character class and String classes in the java.lang package, while affecting the text finishing and two-way text analysis capabilities in the java.text package.

Thai and Hindi support Thai and Hindi support in all functions. See the local support documentation to get the full information of the local support and output system.

Javatm Plug-in Product

Java Plug-in 1.4 provides the following new features: Multi-version support, so multi-version JRE can develop in the same environment and Java Plug-in can choose the version it needs; through Java security socket extension (JSSE) Not a browser HTTPS support; enhancement applet hide, so other files such as GIF, JPEG, XML can be hidden with class files into the jar; Applet continues, so Applets can still talk through the browser.

1.4 version also provides access to DOM; assertion and fault record support by standard, W3C definitions; including availability of Applet loading progress bar; improved JAR compression to speed download speed.

Collect structure

The collection structure in J2SDK1.4 has several enhancements, including a tag interface for advertising random access, identity (rather than equivalent) MAP, INSERTION-ORDER-PRESERVING MAP, and SET implementation, and manipulating from the list and New algorithm for return values. See

Collecting structure enhancements to obtain detail.

Ease of use

New feature support:

Memorant navigation on JTabbedpane's text editing the ease of use of HTML components by helping technology, the ease of use of the HTML components, the list of the first letters of the list of the first letters of the list navigation

Rule expression

New package

Java.util.Regex includes a class that matches a character sequence that relies on the specified mode.


A new high-efficiency method for generating the number of places has been added

In java.math.biginteger, this method does not require a caller to specify what.


Some reflection operations, that is


Java.lang.reflect.method.invoke (),

Java.lang.reflect.constructor.newinstance (), and

Class.newInstance (), is rewritten for higher performance. Reflection calls and instantiations are several times better than the previous release.

Java native interface

The JNI in V 1.4 has been strengthened to reflect

New features of Java.nio package:

Direct buffer. Direct buffering content can reside in the machine's memory rather than in the usual garbage collection stack. See

JNI enhancements.

Tools and utilities


The tool changes to the detailed details of the summary here.

The Java Application Launcher provides command line option support to support the new assertion tool. In the SolarisTM operating system environment (SparctM Platform Standard Edition) The new command line option can specify 64-bit or 32-bit operations. On all platforms, new options-xloggc: file records each garbage collection event in the specified file. The Javadoc tool now includes a value of a static member inside the document. See the tool change connection for the bug fixes. Mif Doculets (downloaded from SDK) has a primary update - it produces the API documentation from the source file to FrameMaker and PDF format. Native2ASCII Tools Configurable, now correctly handles source files encoded using Unicode, such as the default encoding under WinNT. The IDLJ tool now produces the server binding under Portable Servant Inheritance Model. This change contains new default behaviors and new command line options that allow you to continue to generate backward compatible server bindings. Learn more Portable Servant Inheritance Model. ORBD Tools, or Object Request Broker Daemon, instead of Transient Naming Service, TNameServ. ORBD includes Transient Naming Service and a persistent name service. ORBD Tools make the client transparent in the CORBA environment and calls a permanent object on the server. The ORBD tool combines the server manager, INS (Interoperable Naming Service), and features that boot the named server (Bootstrap Name Server). When using ServerTool, when the client wants to access the server side, the Server Manager is positioned, registered and activated a server. ServerTool is a new tool for this release. ServerTool provides an easy-to-use interface for application developers on a server on registration, logout, launch, and closing a server. The RMIC compiler provides a new option for the portable object adapter (POA) that supports remote method (RMI). POA makes the portability of ORB's sellers in other applications. Learn more about POA content. Activate PoA support when using the RMIC compiler, use parameter rmic -ily -poa. Graphics policy kit has been enhanced so that you can specify that the primary domain is used to indicate what user is granted specific access control permissions.

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