Tomcat installation steps

zhaozj2021-02-08  283

Tomcat installation procedure: 0, Apache and JDK have been installed. Otherwise the installation is installed. This installer version is 1.3. JDK is 1.4.01, download the Tomcat installation package, the latest version is 4.0, which is used as a formal release 3.2.1, download address is: 2, download the source code of Mod_jk. The download address is the same. 3, open the downloaded Tomcat release to a directory, such as / usr, at which time there is a Jakarta-Tomcat-3.2.1 directory in this directory, it is best to change the name of a short image, for example Tomcat. 4, set the environment variable Java_Home, Path, ClassPath, Tomcat_Home, where: Java_Home: The primary directory installed for JDK, should be: /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0 path: in the original PATH: The front includes Java compiler and running programs, this example is /usR/java/j2sdk1.4.0/bin. ClassPath: contains JDK class libraries, this example is: /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0/lib/tools .jar, can also be set for JDK1.4.0. Tomcat_Home: The main directory of Tomcat, this example is / usr / tomcat. 5. If you have previously configured Tomcat, it is now turned to use MOD_JK instead of the original mod_jserv, you need to remove any APJServmount instructions from the original httpd.conf, if Tomcat-apache.conf or tomcat.conf, you need to delete them. 6. Compile the downloaded mod_jk land source code to generate the desired library. The method under Linux is: Unpacking Jakarta-Tomcat-3.2.1-src.tar.gz, enters the unproved Jakarta-Tomcat-3.2.1 / src / native / apache1.3 directory, put this directory All files are copied to the JK directory of the upper layer of this directory, the command is cp. /* ../jk/ Enter the JK directory: CD ../jk compile generation library file, command is: apxs -o -i ../ JK -I / USR / LOCAL / JDK / INCLUDE -I / USR / local / jdk / include / linux-c *. generates library file under the jk directory. 7, copy generated library file to / etc / httpd / modules Under 8, set Tomcat to support better AJPV13 protocols.


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