Hello, Guys!
During your programing, you cald meet how to get your application's version of how to get the application's version from the vs_version_info resource.
First, You Should Make a Project Named Getversion from MFC AppWizard (Exe) Depends on Dialog!
Next, we create a butten control named idc_btn_getversion, it uss To get the application function.in this button, we add the function named getApplicationVersion (), IT Uses to get the application's version!
Before add the function, we shop add a library named version.lib, code just like:
#pragma comment (Lib, "Version.lib")
Now, we add the function named getApplicationVersion (), And no return value, Just Void Prefix.
This Function's Code, As Follows:
GetModuleFileName (NULL, szFullPath, sizeof (szFullPath)); dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize (szFullPath, & dwVerHnd); if (dwVerInfoSize) {// If we were able to get the information, process it: HANDLE hMem; LPVOID lpvMem; unsigned int uInfoSize = 0; HMEM = GLOBALLOC (GMEM_MOVEABLE, DWVERINFOSIZIZE); LPVMEM = Globalock (HMEM); GetFileVersionInfo (SzfullPath, DWverHnd, DWVERINFOSIZE, LPVMEM);
:: VerQueryValue (LPVMEM, (LPTSTSTSTR) _T ("//"), (void **) & pfileinfo, & uinfosize;
WORD m_nProdVersion [4]; // Product version from the FILEVERSION of the version info resource m_nProdVersion [0] = HIWORD (pFileInfo-> dwProductVersionMS); m_nProdVersion [1] = LOWORD (pFileInfo-> dwProductVersionMS); m_nProdVersion [2] = HIWORD (pfileinfo-> dwproductversionls); m_nprodversion [3] = loword (pfileinfo-> dwproductversionls); CString strVersion; strVersion.format (_T ("The file's version:% d.% d.% d.% d"), m_nprodversion [ 0], m_nprodversion [1], m_nprodversion [2], m_nprodversion [3]); GlobalUnlock (HMEM); GlobalFree (HMEM);
AfxMessageBox (STRVERSION);
IT's Very Easy, Do Not you think?
VC6.0 VSP6 WinXP!