Precisely check the Email address in PHP (including connectivity to Host)

zhaozj2021-02-16  67

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* Email_validation.php



* /

Class email_validation_class


// var $ email_regular_expression = "^ ([A-Z0-9_] | // - | //.) @ (([A-Z0-9_] | // -) //.) [AZ] {2,4} $ ";

Var $ TIMEOUT = 0;

Var $ localhost = "";

Var $ localuser = ""

Function Getline ($ Connection)


For ($ line = ";;)


IF (Feof ($ connection))

Return (0);

$ line. = FGETS ($ Connection, 100);

$ length = Strlen ($ line);

IF ($ Length> = 2 && Substr ($ LINE, $ Length-2, 2) == "/ R / N")

Return (Substr ($ Line, 0, $ Length-2);



Function Putline ($ Connection, $ LINE)


Return (FPUTS ($ Connection, "$ LINE / R / N");


Function ValidateEmailAddress ($ email)


// return (EREGI ($ this-> email_regular_expression, $ email)! = 0);

Return (EREGI ("^ ([A-Z0-9_] | // - | //.) @ (([A-Z0-9_] | // -) //.) [AZ] {2 , 4} $ ", $ email)! = 0);


Function ValidateEmailhost ($ Email, $ Hosts = 0)


IF (! $ this-> ValidateEmailAddress ($ email))

Return (0);

$ USER = STRTOK ($ Email, "@");

$ domain = strtok ("");

IF ($ Domain, & $ Hosts, & $ Weights))


$ mxhosts = array ();

For ($ host = 0; $ host

$ MXHOSTS [$ Weights [$ Host] = $ HOSTS [$ Host];

Ksort ($ MXHOSTS);

For ($ MXHOSTS), $ Host = 0; $ Host

$ Hosts [$ host] = $ mxhosts [key ($ mxhosts)];




$ hosts = array ();

IF (Strcmp (@gethostbyname, $ domain)! = 0)

$ Hosts [] = $ domain;


Return (count ($ hosts)! = 0);


Function VerifyResultLines ($ Connection, $ CODE)


While ($ line = $ this-> getline ($ connection)))))


IF (! STRCMP (STRTOK ($ LINE, "), $ code))

Return (1);

IF (STRCMP ($ Line, "-"), $ CODE)) RETURN (0);


Return (-1);


Function ValidateEmailbox ($ email)


IF ($ this-> ValidateEmailhost ($ EMAIL, & $ HOSTS))

Return (0);

IF (! Strcmp ($ localhost = $ this-> localhost, "") &&! strcmp ($ localhost = getenv ("Server_name"), "" "&&! strcmp ($ localhost = getenv (" Host ")," "" ))

$ localhost = "localhost";

IF (! Strcmp ($ localuser = $ this-> localuser, "") &&! strcmp ($ localuser = Getenv ("UserName", "") &&! strcmp ($ localuser = getenv ("user"), "" ))

$ localuser = "root";

For ($ host = 0; $ host


IF ($ connection = ($ HOSTS [$ Host], 25, & $ Errno, & $ Error, $ this-> timeout): fsockopen ($ Hosts [$ Host], 25) )))))))


IF ($ this-> VerifyResultLines ($ Connection, "220")> 0 && $ this-> Putline ($ Connection, "Helo $ localhost") && $ this-> VerifyResultLines ($ Connection, "250")> 0 && $ this-> Putline ($ Connection, "Mail from: <$ localuser @ $ localhost>") && $ this-> VerifyResultLines ($ Connection, "250")> 0 && $ this-> Putline ($ Connection, "RCPT To: <$ email> "&& ($ results = $ this-> verifyresultlines ($ Connection," 250 ")> = 0)


Fclose ($ Connection);

Return ($ Result);


Fclose ($ Connection);



Return (-1);




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Application example:

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Check the correctness of the email address:"

$ newmail = "";

Require ("email_validation.php3);

$ validator = new email_validation_class;

$ Validator-> Timeout = 10;

IF ($ newemail && strcmp ($ newemail, ")))


IF ($ Result = $ VALIDATOR-> ValidateEmailbox ($ newemail) <0)


Echo "You cannot determine if your mailbox is correct. Your mailbox is too far away from here?";





IF (! $ results)


Echo "The mail address your entered is incorrect! :);




Echo "mailbox legal!"




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