Successful project team Winning Project Teams

zhaozj2021-02-08  623

--- Software Engineering Series Articles

By Russ Finney

(From Software Engineering Forum Seforum.yeah.Net) (Translation YANRJ)

What makes a winning techical project team? A quick look at some of the factors which seem to be consistently present on winning project teams is appropriate. The degree of attention paid to each can have a distinct impact on the success of the project as well as Elevating The Confidence of The Business Client.

What has created a successful professional project team? It is very good to browse the successful project team. The level of emphasis on each factor will have a big impact on the success of the project and the trust of business customers. System Building Competence system build capacity This is absolutely critical. The ability to succeed is established within the minds of the clients as well as the project team members in the early stages of the effort. An essential component of this perception is both the management ability, the technical skills, and the sense of direction possessed by the project leadership. Both the business clients and the team can detect fairly quickly if the project leaders have "what it takes" to take them to a final product. Without question this feeling has a Tremendous Impact on Morale.

This is absolutely critical. The success of success is built in the early stage of efforts to build in the customer's thoughts and project team members. The essence of this view is management capabilities and expertise and a sense of direction owned by the project supervisor. Business customers and teams can quickly and clearly have the idea of ​​leading them to lead them to the ultimate goal. There is no doubt that this feeling is critical to morale. Humphrey Watts in his book Managing the Software Process, describes a model for measuring the maturity of a software development organization. These ideas were further refined by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at Carnegie Mellon University. A brief summary of the maturity levels of the Model (in Terminology Which Will Relate to Some of the Central Themes of this White Paper) Are Presented Below:

Humphrey Watts describes a model of measuring software development organization maturity in his "Management Software Process". These views have been further refined by software engineering organizations in Carnegie Mellon. Related models (some terms related to some of this point) mature layer brief summary: Initial Level initial layer a Team or Organization at this level Tends to take a chaotic, ad-hoc, "Invent As We go" Approach Toward Every New The team and organization in this layer try to treat each new system construction project with a chaotic, especially, "as what we think". This layer of the team and organization Repeatable Level reusable layer A team or organization at this level uses planning techniques, gathers requirements in a systematic fashion, utilizes software quality assurance techniques, and follows a patterned approach on each subsequent effort. In the normal use of the preparation of plans Technology, collecting system model, using software quality assurance technology, and uses modeled methods in later development. Defined Level is defined as layer A team or organization at this level follows defined methodological steps, uses process improvement techniques to enhance the methodological approach, conducts regular training programs, views the entire systems development process from an integration perspective, and utilizes more disciplined information engineering and Structured Development Techniques. In this layer, the organization uses the definition method steps to improve the technique of improved processes to improve methods, manage ordered exercises, view the entire system development process from integrated views, using a more stringent information engineering And structural development technology. Managed Level by management A team or organization at this level actually captures and utilizes software development metrics for future estimation and process analysis purposes. In addition, some of concepts of Total Quality Management (TQM) are employed to reinforce the effectiveness of the entire development The team and organization in this layer usually capture and use software development degrees for future assessment and process analysis. In addition, some concepts of overall quality management are also used to increase the efficacy of the entire development process.

Optimized Level optimization layer A team or organization at this level utilizes continuous organizational change management techniques to optimize its own operations (as well as the company's), emphasizes defect prevention rather than defect detection, and constantly seeks technological innovation opportunities. At this level team And organizations use continuous organized change management technologies to optimize their operations, emphasizing the avoidance of errors rather than finding errors, and often seeking technology innovation opportunities. Project Team Experience project team's experience Even within organizations with high success rates, one factor which never changes on each new effort is the amount of experience possessed by the chosen project team members. Will the project team include a business expert? If not, will the assigned members be able to effectively comprehend and discuss the business requirements and issues in the client terminology? Having someone on the team (even if only in the initial phases) who understands the business is a great confidence builder! It allows the analysts and designers to ask the dumb or simplistic questions to someone other than the client. This actually makes more effective use of everyone's time and it adds an subsequent level of security. in addition, it puts someone in the position of making sure that "creative thinking" stays WITHIN REASONABLE Boundaries.

Even with high success rates, each new effort will never change the factor of the selected team member. Should the project team include a business expert? If not, the specified member can effectively understand and discuss business needs and organizations in customer terms? Is there a confident developer who did not understand this business in the team? Allow analysts and designers to ask anyone asking for simple questions, not to customers. This makes it possible to take advantage of everyone's time and increase the security of later work. In addition, it is a creative idea for everyone in a reasonable range. What about technical expertise? Is the project entering uncharted waters without a guide? Having someone on the team who is familiar with the specialized knowledge surrounding a selected technological environment provides the same confidence creating benefits as those listed above. A technical expert can assist others, make suggestions, develop standards, and prevent time consuming mistakes. in addition, he or she can provide leadership by example. by spearheading the work and creating examples for others, a technical expert can transfer knowledge and experience in a timely and effective manner. The What is the specific technology? Is the project entered the waters without a guide? Is there a member of the team to familiarize with specific knowledge of the designated technical field to provide the same confidence mentioned above? A technologist can help others, make recommendations, develop standards, and prevent errors. In addition, she or he can provide leadership through an example. By propagating work and creating examples for others, a technical expert can propagate knowledge and experience in a way that time is effective. This prevents the situation where they will be in accordance with their own situation when a team is in a new technology.

Control and cooperation Large Project Control and Coordination Project, complex undertakings which require the participation of many people throughout the development process, demand both high-level and detailed guidelines to assist in the channeling of the individual results into an integrated final product. As each person focuses on his or her's part of the system, a clearly defined set of standards and specifications must exist insure that the final result will "mesh" with the results being produced by others. In many ways, a systems building project can be thought of a series of specifications, each level spiraling from broad requirements into highly detailed procedural instructions. The collection of these efforts into a unified whole presents the ultimate challenge for the group. What are some of the ways to successfully make this happen?

Large complicated careers require many people in the development process, requires high-level detailed design details to assist independent achievements into the last complete product. When each person concentrates on part of the system it is responsible, a collection of defined standards and specifications must exist to ensure that the last result can match other people. In many ways, the construction project of the system can be seen as a series of specifications, and each layer develops from a wide range of demand spirals a highly detailed process instruction. The collection of these efforts constitutes a whole, showing the final challenge for the entire group. How can those methods have successfully happened? Ultimately, three major factors contribute to the level of success that systems building team will enjoy at each of the required integration points. One of these factors is the creation of "consistency" standards. During each phase, guidelines should be developed for both the content as well as the format of the final work products. A second important factor is cross-team communication. Common requirements, similar issues, shared data, and reusable functionality all should be openly discussed and coordinated. Sub-teams should participate in the development of overall high level shared goals and objectives which encourage cross-team interaction and decision making. A third factor is the insistence on the part of the top team leadership that individual and sub-team successes be innertwined. Consistent deliverable, quality assurance, methodological, and Review Standards Must Apply to All Team Members Equally.

Finally, three key factors will work on the system construction team will enjoy the comprehensive point of success of each requirement. One of these factors is the establishment of consistency standards. At each stage, detailed details must be set for the form of the content and the final product. The second important factor is the exchange of crossing teams. Usually demand, similar organizations, shared data and accessible functions should be discussed and collaborated. The sub-team should participate in the development of the entire high-level, sharing the goals of encouraging cross-team interactions and decision making. The third is to represent the persistence of high-level leaders, the success of individual and sub-teams. Consistency, quality assurance, methods and review standards must be colleagues with all members of the team. Team Goals and Individual Objectives team goals and personal goals A project team seems to develop a unique "personality" over time. It becomes a reflection of everyone involved, radiating confidence and certainty if spirits are high, seething with doubts and confusion when direction is lacking HOW CAN PROJECT DYNAMICS Be So Different from One Team To The Next? Leadership Certainly Plays A Vital Atitudes Make The Difference. A project team seems to develop a unique personality software. Become a reflection of each participant, if the mysterium is full of confidence and determination, when lacking the direction, it is boiling due to doubts and confusion. How can I make the project different from the team? Leadership has certainly a key role, but the attitude of team members will also have different effects. Two fundamental questions illuminate the spirit of the group effort First, is everyone on the team driving toward a well defined and articulative objective Second, whose objective is it An amazing thing can happen on development projects;.?? Everyone is busily working away on whatever it is that they individually perceive as his or her's most important tasks. Hopefully, each person's work will mesh with the rest of the group's results. This will probably happen if everyone clearly and precisely understands the ultimate phase objectives. But what if they don ' T?

Two basic problems illustrate the spirit of organizing efforts. First of all, is it the team's people going forward toward the clear goal of the established? Second, who is this goal? This surprising thing that may happen in the development project, everyone is busy with her or he thinks the most important task. I hope that everyone's work can match the work of others. If everyone is clear and accurate, the final goal is possible, but if not? This is where human nature begins to step in and things can begin to get interesting. If the attitudes of the team members tend to be goal driven (which is good) but the team leadership is fuzzy about what the objectives really are (which is bad ), individual and sometimes scattered goals begin to pop up. Unique and potentially conflicting agendas take shape. Before you know it everyone is busily working away and the atmosphere appears to be productive. But an time of reconciliation lies ahead. At some point the individual results must be combined, and depending on the fit, the attitude of the team will ultimately be affected. The group's mission or purpose at this point becomes very real, because it is at this moment that the team realizes that there may not have really been A Common Direction in The First Place, and That Fact IS Painfully Obvious.

It is interested in the place where human beings began to be involved. If the team member is a target driver, and the leader is puzzled by the final goal, independent or scattered goals suddenly appear. Affiliate an alone. You know everyone busy work, and is a productive atmosphere. But the time to be reconciled is placed in front. The independent results at a certain point must be merged, and the attitude towards the team will eventually be affected. At this time, the organizational task or purpose became very real, because the team only realized that there was no uniform direction at the beginning, and the facts were obviously very painful. Why even take this risk? Insuring that goals and objectives are clearly spelled out, and the activities and tasks which will be followed to ultimately reach them are uniformly understood, will only give the team a shared sense of purpose. Everyone needs to have a stake in, and a share of, the responsibility for the outcome of each phase. Doing this can have an incredible impact on people's attitudes. Clearly comprehending the relevance of the work and how it will contribute to the final product, is a powerful motivator for creating an air of cooperation and open channels of communication between team members. Individual goals can be visualized as a part of the larger team objectives. The goal driven attitude of the team will truly be reflected in the quality of the results.

Why do you take this insurance? Ensure that the goals are clear, the tasks and activities they are engaged in will be understood, and will share the feeling of a destination for the entire team. Everyone needs a sense of responsibility and sharing of each stage. This will definitely affect each person's attitude. Clear understanding of the key and how to affect the final product is a strong factor in the production of a cooperative environment and creating a member of the Communication channel. Independent goals can be imagined to become part of a large team goal. The goal of the team will be reflected in the quality of the product. Systems Building Vision system construction blueprint A "vision" does not do anyone any good if it is only in one person's head. Only when it has been absorbed and adopted by the team does its usefulness begin to emerge. A business or system " visionary "plays an important yet sometimes unenviable role in making this happen His or her willingness to share insight and understanding of a situation, and the necessary steps he or she envisions to arrive at a desired outcome, tend to be dependant on two factors.: the level of confidence he or she has in the ideas, and his or her tolerance for scrutiny and criticism. Regardless of these personal risks, a professional system builder must strive to be a system "visionary". With each passing phase of the project, HE or She Must Constantly Develop and Communicate His Or Her Vision of Both the system functionality and the project approach.

If the blueprint exists in a person's mind, it will not bring benefits to anyone. Only by team absorbing and adopting to make it role. "Blueprint" of a business or system is important but sometimes it is still unable. She or his hopes is to share the understanding and knowledge of the situation, and take the step to achieve the ideal results, depend on two factors: her or his ability to recruit and criticize. Regardless of these individual's adventures, a professional system builder must struggle to become a system designer. With the completion of each stage, she or he must continue to develop and communicate with her or his concept of system functions and project methods. Putting forward this vision assists in accomplishing two important results. First, it creates a baseline foundation for continuing discussion. In many cases, the original system / approach vision may not survive for long as better ideas are presented and improvement discussions occur. Second, the Vision Promotes Constructive, critical thinking. Proposal can have two important results in achieving two important results. First, it creates the basis of continuing discussion. In many cases, the initial system / method can not be more than a good idea to make a long time. Second, conceive constructive stringent thinking. People tend to provide more input in a "review and improve" mode rather than a "create from scratch" mode. The presentation of a baseline vision stimulates this process. In addition, if the "visionary" can relinquish ownership of the original idea, and subsequently encourage it to become the property of the group, the effectiveness of the process can be even more enhanced. The system builder serves to plant the "starting point" ideas, and the team members and business clients assist with, and take responsibility for The Ultimate Direction and Composition of The Shared Vision. People prefer to provide more input to "review and improve" rather than "from zero". The initial idea promotes this process. In addition, if "conceives" to abandon the ownership of the initial ideology, it becomes the property of the organization, and the effect of this process will be more improved. The system builder is responsible for generating the idea, team members, and business customers assist and responsible for sharing the direction and synthesis of the idea.

Project Team Confidence project team confidence Another important team attitude is confidence. The development of a complex system presents tremendous challenges to a project team. Sometimes it can even feel like an act of faith. An enormous amount of detail is collected, analyzed, organized, and assimilated into a functional "whole". On very large efforts, only a few key individuals may possess the total "big picture", and this may be at varying levels of completeness. This ambiguity can from time to time test the confidence of the project team members. Given these uncertainties, how does a team feel assured and confident of success throughout the process, and have this reflected in the individual team member attitudes? another important team is confident. Developing complex systems will bring a lot of challenges to the team. Sometimes it feels a belief. A large amount of details are collected, analyzed, organized and drawn into a whole function. In a very large amount, only some of the key individuals dominate the entire "drawings" and different levels of completion. The confidence of the inspection team members from time to time. Give these uncertain things, how can a team feel guaranteed and confident in the process of success and reflecting the attitude of the team? Clearly, the realization on the part of the team, that a system design is formed as a gradually evolving solution, from a process which tends to be iterative in nature, helps everyone to be patient with the slowly disappearing level of ambiguity. The more team members who participate on the project who have been through the complete system building life cycle, the more likely the overall team awareness will be that everything will come together at each major milestone. This is an important confidence builder for the less experienced members of the team . The higher the level of confidence possessed by the team, the more secure the business clients feel, and the more likely the team will actually "see" themselves succeeding, even in the face of the unknown.


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