Note that you don't need to run the script for creating the logminer again in 9i, and the logminer has been created.
Here's the common field meaning of the view v $ logmnr_contents: Name meaning ---------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------- SCN-specific data change system change number TIMESTAMP Data Change Effective Time COMMIT_TIMESTAMP Data Change Submitted Time SEG_OWNER Data Change Segment Name Seg_Name Segment Owner Name Seg_Type Data Change Segment Type Seg_Type_Name Data Change Segment Class Table_Space Change Segment Table Space Row_ID Specific Data Change Row The idsession_info data change time user process information Operation Operation (such as INSERT) SQL_REDO can change the SQL statement SQL_UNDO that changes to the redo record to rewind or resume the registered SQL change Statement
First add a initialization parameter UTL_FILE_DIR to the init file to represent the location of the data dictionary file
UTL_FILE_DIR = (E: / Oracle / Logminer)
Since I use SPFILE, start the database first, start the database, use the Create SPFile from Pfile = 'E: / Oracle / Admin / ORACLE / Admin / Nbxtdb / pfile / init.ora '; generate spfile files
Turn off the database and restart the Startup and run the show parameter UTL to view the settings that correctly sql> show parameter UTL;
Name Type Value --------------------------------- ----------------------------- UTL_FILE_DIR STRING E: / ORACLE / LOGMINER
Correct, insert the data INSERT INTO JQG_TEST VALUS ('logminer') in the table JQG_TEST;
SQL> ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE; switch log generation archive
2. Create a dictionary SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_LOGMNR_D.BUILD ('Dictionary.ora', - 'E: / ORACLE / LOGMINER', - Options => DBMS_LOGMNR_D.STORE_IN_FLAT_FILE);
3. Add an archive exec dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (logfilename => 'e: /oracle/oradata/nbxtdb/archive/1_114.dbf', options =>;
4. Initialize view EXECUTE DBMS_LOGMNR.Start_logmnr (DictFileName => 'E: / ORACLE/Logminer/Dictionary.Start_Logminer/Dictionary.Start_Logminer/Dictionary.ra', StartTime => To_date ('2004-06-25 23:12:00', 'YYYY-mm -DD HH24: MI: SS '), EndTime => to_date (' 2004-06-25 23:20:00 ',' YYYY-MM-DD HH24: MI: SS ')); 5. Query View V $ logmnr_contents
SQL> SELECT SQL_REDO, SQL_UNDO from V $ logmnr_contents where seg_name = 'jqg_test' 2 and seg_owner = 'test' and seg_type_name = 'Table';
SQL_REDO ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
SQL_UNDO ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
INSERT INTO "TEST". "jqg_test" ("name") Values ('logminer'); delete from "test". "jqg_test" where "name" = 'logminer' and rowid = 'Aaahgpaahaaaaagae';