AutoCAD shortcut

zhaozj2021-02-16  69

If you are modeled. I tell you. It is best to use CAD R14 English version. Stable, all CAD standard shortcuts are the following stuff:

REC space rectangle. square

RO space rotation

Z space selection zoom

e space deletion

EX space stretching

s space zoom ratio

Z space e space>

Z space a space> full screen scaling

Z space p spaces> Back to the previous zoom task

M space movement

PL space PL line

l Space straight line

C space

a space arc

Di space measurement linear distance

Li space whole graphics information

LA space layer

P Skate

Z space space zoom and small hands

F space to the corner

ML space ML line

Mirrtext space mirror

Dxfout exported closed shape

PL space J space closed graphic

TR space trim

X space fried

These are enough to model or construct pictures! Oh! Work hard!

CAD shortcut f1: Get Help F2: Switching F3 for the Table Window and Text Window: Control whether to implement the object automatic capture F4: Digitalizer Control F5: Isometric Plane Switch F6: Control Status Row Coordinate Display F7: Raster display mode Control F8: orthogonal mode Control F9: Raster Capture Mode Control F10: Polarial Mode Control F11: Object Tracking Control Ctrl B: Raster Capture Mode Control (F9) Ctrl C: Objects will be selected Copy Ctrl F on the shear plate: Control whether to implement the object Auto Capture (F3) Ctrl G: Raster Display Mode Control (F7) Ctrl J: Repeat the previous command CTRL K: Super Link Ctrl N: New Graphics File Ctrl M: Open Options Dialog AA: Measurement Area and Perimeter (AREA) Al: Align Ar: Array (Array) AP: Load * LSP Circuit Box AV: Open View Dialog (DSViewer) : Open the phase automatic capture dialog ST: Open Font Settings Dialog (Style) SO: Draw Biji (2D SOLID) SP: Pinyin Calibration (SPELL) SC: Scaling (Scale) SN: Raster Capture Mode Setting (SNAP) DT: DTEXT DI: Measuring the distance OI between two points: Insert the external pair Ctrl 1: Open Feature dialog Ctrl 2: Open Image Explorer Ctrl 6: Open Figure Icon data atom Ctrl o: Open Image File Ctrl P: Open Print Picture Box Ctrl S: Save File Ctrl U: Polarial Mode Control (F10) Ctrl V: Paste Content on Clipboard CTRL W : Object Tracking Control (F11) Ctrl X: Cut Selected Content Ctrl Y: Reduction Ctrl Z: Cancel Previous Operation A: Pain Arc B: Defining Block C: Drawing Circle D: Size Resources Manager E: Delete F: Round G: Phase H: Fill i: Insert S: Stretch T: Text Enter W: Define Block and Save to Hard Disk Medium L: Line M: Move X: Fried V: Set the current coordinate U: Restore the last operation O: Offset P: Move Z: Zoom

Custom AutoCAD command shortcut keys and menu shortcuts 1: Custom command shortcuts If you don't have a third-party custom command shortcut key software (actually not used), then AutoCAD-SUPORT -

Acad.pgp is your ideal choice, you can change the default shortcuts in AutoCAD, of course, to make each time while changing

The key is very familiar, so that it will be changed in the future and there have been conflicts.

3a, * 3darray3do, * 3dorbit3f, * 3dface3p, * 3dpolya, * arcadc, * adCenteraa, * areaal, * alignap, * coploadar, * array-ar, * -Atrayatt, * attdef-att, * -attdefate, * attedit- Ate, * -ttedittte, * -tteditb, * block-b, * -blockbh, * bhatchbo, * boundary-bo, * -boundarybr, * Breakc, * Circole, * Properties-Ch, * Changecha, * Chamfercol, * ColorColour , * COLORCO, * COPYD, * DIMSTYLEDAL, * DIMALIGNEDDAN, * DIMANGULARDBA, * DIMBASELINEDBC, * DBCONNECTDCE, * DIMCENTERDCO, * DIMCONTINUEDDA, ​​* DIMDISASSOCIATEDDI, * DIMDIAMETERDED, * DIMEDITDI, * DISTDIV, * DIVIDEDLI, * DIMLINEARDO, * DONUTDOR, * DIMORDINATEDOV, * DIMOVERRIDEDR, * DRAWORDERDRA, * ​​DIMRADIUSDRE, * DIMREASSOCIATEDS, * DSETTINGSDST, * DIMSTYLEDT, * DTEXTDV, * DVIEWE, * ERASEED, * DDEDITEL, * ELLIPSEEX, * EXTENDEXIT, * QUITEXP, * EXPORTEXT, * EXTRUDEF, * FILLETFI, * FILTERG, * GROUP-G, * -GROUPGR, * DDGRIPSH, * BHATCH-H, * HATCHHE, * HATCHEDITHI, * HIDEI, * INSERT-I, * -INSERTIAD, * IMAGEADJUSTIAT, * IMAGEATTACHICL, * IMAGECLIPIM, * IMAGE- IM, * -Imageimp, * importin, * intersectinf, * interfereio, * inserto BJL, * LINELA, * LAYER-la, * -Layerle, * Qleaderlen, * Lengthenli, * ListLineWeight, * Lweightlo, * -Layoutls, * list, * linety-lt, * -LineTypeltype, * lineType-LType, * -LineTypelts , * LTSCALELW, * LWEIGHTM, * MOVEMA, * MATCHPROPME, * MEASUREMI, * MIRRORML, * MLINEMO, * PROPERTIESMS, * MSPACEMT, * MTEXTMV, * MVIEWO, * OFFSETOP, * OPTIONSORBIT, * 3DORBITOS, * OSNAP-OS, * - OSNAPP, * PAN-P, * -PANPA, * PASTESPECPARTIALOPEN, * -PARTIALOPENPE, * PEDITPL, * PLINEPO, * POINTPOL, * POLYGONPR, * OPTIONSPRCLOSE, * PROPERTIESCLOSEPROPS, * PROPERTIESPRE, * PREVIEWPRINT, * PLOTPS, * PSPACEPTW, * PUBLISHTOWEBPU , * PURGE-PU, * -PURGER, * REDRAWRA, * ​​REDRAWALLRE, * REGENREA, * REGENALLREC, * RECTANGLEREG, * REGIONREN, * RENAME-REN, * -RENAMEREV, * REVOLVERM, * DDRMODESRO, * ROTATERPR, * RPREFRR, * Renders,

* STRETCHSC, * SCALESCR, * SCRIPTSE, * DSETTINGSSEC, * SECTIONSET, * SETVARSHA, * SHADESL, * SLICESN, * SNAPSO, * SOLIDSP, * SPELLSPL, * SPLINESPE, * SPLINEDITST, * STYLESU, * SUBTRACTT, * MTEXT-T, * -Mtextta, * Tabletth, * Thicknessti, * Tilemodeto, * Toolbartol, * Tolerance, * Torustr, * trimuc, * dducsucp, * dducspun, * units-unity, * -Unitsuni, * unionv, * view-v, * Viewvp, * ddvpoint-vp, * vpointw, * wblock-w, * -wblockwe, * wedgex, * xiDexa, * xattachxb, * xbind-xb, * -xbindxc, * xclipxl, * xlinexr, * xref-xr, * XREFZ, * zoom; The Following Are Alternative Aliases and Aliases As Supplied; In AutoCAD Release 13.


Aliases for HyperLink / URL Release 14 CompatibilitySaveurl, * SaveOpenURL, * OpenInsertURL, * Insert

; Aliases for commands discontinued in AutoCAD 2000: AAD, * DBCONNECTAEX, * DBCONNECTALI, * DBCONNECTASQ, * DBCONNECTARO, * DBCONNECTASE, * DBCONNECTDDATTDEF, * ATTDEFDDATTEXT, * ATTEXTDDCHPROP, * PROPERTIESDDCOLOR, * COLORDDLMODES, * LAYERDDLTYPE, * LINETYPEDDMODIFY, * PROPERTIESDDOSNAP, * Ospnapdducs, * ucs ------------------------ Each command should correspond to the corresponding shortcut, now you can show your hand, huh, you must remember. , Back up one, then apply it to you, you can feel bold.


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