Windows EXE file (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  66

When we have finished WINDOWS, what tasks are implemented? Which file is made by a specific task? Also, from the "Start" - "Program" - Click "Tasks I want to perform", this set is really a bit cumbersome. If you know which file is often the task you want to execute, where is it? Build it on the desktop, you will not save time and effort! This needs to be clearly white. (Note: If the executable described below is not in the Windows installation directory, it may be because you are not installed, you can go to "Control Panel" - "Add / Remove Programs" - "Windows Installer", select the desired installation Component.

This article assumes that Windows98 is installed under "c: / windows".

First, C: / Windows executable

Accstat.exe Windows auxiliary status indicator

ARP.EXE TCP / IP Address Translation Protocol Command

Calc.exe calculator application

CDPlayer.exe CD Player Accessories

Cleanmgr.exe Disk Cleaning Procedure

Clipbrd.exe Clipboard View an application MS-DOS Way

Control.exe Control Panel Application

Cvt1.exe FAT32 converter

DEFRAG.EXE Disk Defragmentation Application

DRVSPACE.EXE Disk Space Management Application

Dialer.exe phone dialing program

Directcc.exe direct cable connection

Explorer.exe Explorer

Extrac32.exe Windows CAB file decompression application

FontView.exe Font View Programs

FILEXFER.EXE Microsoft file transfer application

Finger.exe is used to obtain user information from any system from running standard finger services

Freecell.exe empty

GrpConv.exe program group converter

Hostname.exe Returns the computer name defined in the DNS header window of the TCP / IP Configuration Window

IPConfig.exe Quick Browsing System TCP / IP Configuration Application

KodakPrv.exe Image Preview Application

MPlayer.exe media player

Mshearts.exe Red Heart Game

NBTSTAT.EXE Displays the status of NetBIOS (NetBT) on TCP / IP

Net.exe A very comprehensive network configuration, display network information command, has detailed help

NetStat.exe is used to check all TCP, IP, and UDP connection statistics

NetDe.exe Windows Network DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)

NetWatch.exe Network Monitor

Notepad.exe Notepad Application

Packager.exe object packaging application

PBRUSH.EXE brush app

Ping.exe Detects whether the network remote host exists and determines if the network is normal.

Program Manager in Progman.exe Windows3.x

QFecheck.exe Update Information Tool

Regedit.exe Registry Editor

Route.exe is used to manage applications for local TCP / IP routing tables

Rsrcmtk.exe display resource status

Rundll32.exe runs DLL as an application

Scandskw.exe Disk Scan Application

Smartdrv.exe SmartDrive (DOS Disk Buffer) Application

SIGVERIF.EXE Microsoft Signature Application

SNDREC32.EXE recorder accessories

SNDVOL32.EXE volume control

Sol.exe card game

SYSMON.EXE system monitor

Taskman.exe task execution bar application

TaskMon.exe Task Monitor Application

Telnet.exe virtual terminal program

TFTP.exe small file transfer protocol allows files to be transferred to TFTP server tracert.exe to determine the path between the user's system and the target system

TuneUp.exe Windows Adjustment Wizard

Vcmui.exe version conflict manager

WANGIMG.EXE image application

Welcome.exe Welcome to Widows Utilities

File Manager in Winfile.exe Windows3.x

WinHelp.exe 16-bit Windows Help

Winhlp32.exe 32-bit Windows Help

Wininit.exe Windows installation initialization application

Winipcfg.exe TCP / IP configuration utility

Winmine.exe mine-sweeping game

WinPopup.exe Windows pop-up message utility

Winver.exe displays the Windows version number

Write.exe Word board attachment

WinRep.exe Windows Report Tool

Winalign.exe arranged local file application

Wupdmgr.exe Windows Update Tools

Second, C: / Windows / SYSTEM executable

Accwiz.exe Windows Access Tool Wizard

ActMovie.exe DirectShow Installation Tools

AddReg.exe Windows Registration Tools

AWADPR32.EXE Fax Printer Setup

BRDIAG.EXE Diagnoses whether the printer is connected, and the side is connected correctly, etc.

CFGWIZ32.EXE Microsoft ISDN (Integrated Business Digital Network) Configuration Wizard


Dialmon.exe dial-up monitor

Dllhost.exe COM agent

DMCONFIG.EXE Desktop Management Configuration

DPLAYSVR.EXE Microsoft DirectPlay Service

Drwatson.exe Chinese doctor error monitor

GDI.EXE Windows graphics device interface core components

IESHWIZ.EXE IE custom file clamping guide

Imgst_tr.exe Microsoft Test Procedure

INTERNAT.EXE Keyboard Language Indicator (Applet)

IMGStart.exe Microsoft Interactive Test Procedure

JDBGMGR.EXE debugging local server

KRNL386.EXE Windows System Core Components

Lights.exe Modem Monitor (Applet)

LMScript.exe Windows NT login script handler

MAGNIFY.EXE screen enlargement tool

MPREXE.EXE multi-supplier router

Msconfig.exe system configuration utility


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