SHARK interface 1 analysis (3) - Resume process

zhaozj2021-02-16  72

Shark process resume process

1) Get the execution manager interface

ExecutionAdministration EA = Shark.GetInstance (). GetAdmininterface () .. getExecutionAdministration ();

2) Connect the workflow server

Ea.Connect (username, password, engineenename, scope);

3) Get the process with the process instance number

WfProcess WFP = EA.GETPROCESS (ProcessinsKey);

4) Resume process

WFP.Resume ();

Below is the specific analysis of the resume operation

// There is no pending process can't be resme

IF (! STATE (T) .Equals (SharkConstants.State_Open_not_running_suspend) {

Throw New NotSuspended ("The Process IS Not Suspend");


// Source code Description: if this is a subsflow process of suspended activity, and it is executed as synchronous, do not allow process to resume

WFrequesterinternal Requester = GetRequester (t);

IF (Requester! = Null && (Requester InstanceOf WFActivityInternal) {

WFActivityInternal Waimpl = (wfActivityInternal) Requester;

IF (WAIMPL.STATE (T) .Equals (SharkConstants.State_Open_not_running_suspend) {

// determine subsflow type

IF (XPDLUTILITIES.issubflowsynchronous (Sharkutilities.GetActivityDefinition (t, waimpl, getProcessDefinition (t)))) {

SharkengineManager.getInstance (). GetCallbackutilities (). Error ("Process" TSTRING () "- Cannot Resume Because The Requester Activity Is Suspend");

Throw New CannotResume ("Cannot Resume - The Requester Activity is Suspend");




// change the state

Change_State (T, SharkconStants.State_Open_Running);

// put all the events, RESUME

Iterator it = getActiveActivities (T) .Itemrator ();

While (it.hasnext ()) {

WFActivityInternal Act = (wfActivityInternal) ();

IF (act.state (t) .Equals (SharkConstants.State_Open_not_running_suspend) {

Act.Resume (t);



5) Disconnect

Ea.disconnect ();


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