Web Service Description Language WSDL Detailed (5)

zhaozj2021-02-08  240

Array XSD provides the structure to declare an array, and there is space between the elements. However, SOAP is not using XSD to encode an array, it defines its own array type - "soap-enc: array". The following example reveals the method of giving an integer array from this type:

< / xsd: restriction>

The new Complex type is derived from SOAPENC: ARRAY. Then declare an attribute of the Complex type. Quote "SOAPENC: ARRAYTYPE" is actually completed:

WSDL: ArrayType property value determines the type of each member of the array. Members of the array can also be the COMPLEX type. :

< / xsd: restriction>

WSDL requires the type of array from "ArrayOf" and the type of each array element. Obviously, as the name suggests, "arrayofperson" is an array of Person structures. Below I will use ArrayOfPerson to declare a , and add more than one person:

< XSD: sequence>

and Elements Porttype define some abstract operations. The Operation element in PortType defines the syntax of all methods in the porttype, each Operation element declares the name, parameter (using element) and its own type () ). In a WSDL document, you can have a few elements, each with some related operations, similar to the interface between COM and a set of operations. In the element, there may be at most one element, one element, and a element. The three elements have a name and a message attribute. , , The name of the element attribute is what is the meaning? They can be used to distinguish two intended operations (overloaded). For example, look at the following two C functions: void foo (int Arg); Void foo (string arg);

This overload can be represented in WSDL:

(/operation "(/binding"> There is no SOAP implementation support overload. This is based on Java's client is important because the interface used by the Java server uses the Java's overload feature. The COM-based client is not that important, because COM does not support overload.


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