Roser S. Pressman exchanges in UMLCHINA

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UMLCHINA No. 13 Experts Experts Record Back to Home Back to Directory

Beijing time January 10, 2002 (Thursday) Night 21: 30-23: 30

Guest: Roser S. Dr. Pressman is the founder of internationally renowned consultants and authors, R.S. Pressman & Associates, Inc, founders, which have more than 30 years of industrial experience, mainly engaged in the development technology work and management of engineering software and system software. As a practitioner and manager of the industry, Pressman Bo Tu is mainly engaged in the development of advanced projects and manufacturing in aerospace applications, and he is also engaged in the design of scientific and system programming. In addition to his industrial experience, Dr. Pressman is a part-time professor of the BRIDGEPORT University Computer Engineering and the University's Computer Aided Design and Director of the Manufacturing Center. Dr. Pressman is the editor of the MANager (administrator) column of the IEEE Software of the IEEE Software of the IEEE Software's MANager (IEE Software). He is also a member of ACM, IEEE, Tau Beta Pi, PHI Kappa PHI, ETA Kappa Nu and Pi Tau Sigma. Dr. Pressman has 6 books. The most famous is that "Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach" has been released for more than 20 years. This book is widely used by the world for software engineering materials and the latest version of the fifth edition. The fifth version of the photocopying is issued by Tsinghua University Press, the fourth edition Chinese translation "software engineering - practitioner research method" is issued by Machinery Industry Press.

Communication focus: software engineering, software process improvement ...

Moderator: Qian Wu Ge

Website: Focus Network UMLCHINA Group chat room (must log in to the focus of the net) Http://

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RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:21) CSliuyb said to everyone: Hello Roger (2002/01/10 21:22) Seeseax said to everyone: Not as many persons as i imagine (2002/01/10 21:22) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Hello all. I'm a little early! (2002/01/10 21:22) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: Hello! RU THE ONE WE TAITING FOR? (2002/01/10 21:22) Umlchina said to everyone: Hello (2002/01/10 21:22) Umlchina said to everyone: Hello (2002/01/10 21:23) Umlchina said to everyone: guest arrived (2002/01/10 21 : 23) Brook0344 said to everyone: I do not get anything to ask, I Just Want to Get Some Useful IDEA (2002/01/10 21:23) UMLCHINA said to everyone: Everyone is welcome (2002/01/10 21:23 Siltboy said to RogerPressman: Hello! (2002/01/10 21:23) Seeseax said to everyone: Welcome So Much !! (2002/01/10 21:23) Goaha enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21 : 23) LUV said to everyone: Hello Master (2002/01/10 21:23) Jameshwoo said to RogerPressman: How are you, Dr. Pressman? (2002/01/10 21:23) M Huang enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 21:23) Brook0344 said to everyone: Anybody THE SAME AS ME? (2002/01/10 21:23) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:24) h_gaofeng said to everyone: Hello Rogerpressman (2002/01/10 21:24) Javaor enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:24) Brook0344 said to everyone: Hello, Master 2002/01/10 21:25) Oysterlqd enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:25) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Sorry, My Server is acting strangly. Do you know what murphy '

S Law IS: -) (2002/01/10 21:25) Siltboy Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:25) RogerPressman said to everyone: Does anyone has question of software engineering? (2002/01 / 10 21:25) M Huang said to everyone: Hello Everybody (2002/01/10 21:25) CSliuyb said to everyone: Dr Pressman, in your opinion, What is The Relationship Between Programing and software engineering? (2002/01/10 21:26) Smiling RogerPressman said: Could u please evting (2002/01/10 21:26) Xuefg Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:26) Xuefg said to everyone: Good night! (2002 / 01/10 21:26) H_Gaofeng said to Xuefg: WHO Are you (2002/01/10 21:26) M Huang said to CSLiuyb: Maby is is a big topic (2002/01/10 21:27) xuefg to everyone Say: I am A Programmer (2002/01/10 21:27) Umlchina said to RogerPressman: How do you think About XP? (2002/01/10 21:27) CSliuyb said: Dr Pressman, in Your Opinion, What is The RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PROGRAMING AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING? (2002/01/10 21:27) Rogerpressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:27) yin_feng Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:28) Yin_FENG enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:28) Charity_zhou enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:28) Vickyday enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:28) DERTA enters chat Tsino enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:29) H_Gaofeng said to RogerPressman: How do you think About Rup and cmm? (2002/01/10 21: 29) Umlchina said to everyone: guest links have problems, slightly (2002/01/10 21:29) Hyuan66 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:29) Siltboy said to UMLChina: i can '

(2002/01/10 21:29) Rogerpressman said to everyone: SE is a discipline That Requires a process. Programming is a bit less in formal. Both Work to Accomplish The Same Thing. (2002/01/10 21 : 29) Siltboy said to Umlchina: Sorry, IT Works. (2002/01/10 21:29) Silentsnake enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:30) Skyoldx left the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:30) Skyoldx enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:30) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Any Process Model (and the related method) Maturity Are Worthwhile. However, it is important to note That Process Can Be overkill Every Organization Must Choos (2002/01/10 21:31) Umlchina said to RogerPressman: How do you think About XP? ((2002/01/10 21:31) Vickyday enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21 : 31) FCX123 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:31) Umlchina said to RogerPressman: EXTreme Programming (2002/01/10 21:31) RogerPressman said to everyone: XP is an Excellent IDEA, But it is not A Replacement for SE DISCIPLINE. IT IS A Variant Of Se, in My Opinion. (2002/01/10 21:31) Zydedueast enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:31) YIN_FENG enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 21:32) H_Gaofeng said to RogerPressman: if we don't make request Clear, But Manager ORDER WE MUST Begin To Design and Code, What Do We do? (2002/01/10 21:32) CHARITY_Zhou said to RogerPressman: How to choose an appropriate process model? (2002/01/10 21:32 Anon enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:32) ATLAS_TAO said to RogerPressman: What's the position of com in se? (2002/01/10 21:32) Tsino left the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 21:32) Brook0344 said to everyone: Yeah, IT '

S Not So Formal As SE (2002/01/10 21:32) Umlchina said to everyone: Ask with blue (2002/01/10 21:32) Rogerpressman said to everyone: You Must Understand Requirements, But There Are Many Ways To do this. One is to prototype. That Satisfied The Manager, But Also Gets You Info (2002/01/10 21:33) YIN_FENG enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:33) Javaor said to RogerPressman: DR you think J2ee is better Than .Net in Mis (2002/01/10 21:33) Vickyday left the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:33) CHARITY_Zhou said to RogerPressman: How to Choose An Appriate Process Model FOR A TEAM OR A PROJECT? (2002/01/10 21:33) Vickyday enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:33) QLW5 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:34) Netd enters Chat room. (2002/01/10 21:34) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: Could you give us Some Direction About Software Size Estimate? (2002/01/10 21:34) Wenjiamin enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:34) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Choosing the right process model requires a knowledge of the point on the team, The Nature of the project and nurse Other factors. Visit (2002/01 / 10 21:34) SiltBoy said to RogerPressman: i Have a Fact Question. A is a class, b is anther.but a is buy in b '

S to describe the relation? (2002/01/10 21:34) QLW5 said to everyone: HELLOE EVERYONE, SORRY for My Late (2002/01/10 21:34) H_Gaofeng said to RogerPressman said: WHEN We Begin To Program, We Should Get Rid Off Prototype or Not? (2002/01/10 21:34) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: Could You Give US Some Direction About Software Size Estimate? (2002/01/10 21:34) Openeyes Enter Chat Room. (2002/01/10 21:35) Luzhiming enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:35) zhangqike enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:35) RogerPressman said to everyone: Software Size: One is loc counting. Today, this is widely used busspect. (2002/01/10 21:35) Rogerpressman said to everyone: The Other is fp. This is not easy applied in Engineering-type apps, But Can Be Useful In IT Apps (2002/01/10 21:36) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear RogerPressman, What does Suspect mean? (2002/01/10 21:36) Zik enters the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 21:36) Xuefg enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:36) Xuefg smiled and said to QLW5: Is it not there? Why don't I go? (2002/01/10 21:36) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: But how to Estimate More Effectively? (2002/01/10 21:36) Xchyj enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:37) QLW5 is everyone Say: The homepage still exists, but the server limits IP (2002/01/10 21:37) RogerPressman said to everyone: Isuspect means That's Difficult To DETERMINE What a LOC IS in Many Modern Languages ​​(EG, Visula App development). HOWEVER , IT Can Be Used Effectively, IF Proper Conv (2002/01/10 21:37) Seeseax said to RogerPressman said: What's new it will bring to us? (2002/01/10 21:37) RogerPressman To everyone: To Estimate Effectively, You Must Develop Estimates in More Than One Way. You the Reconcile The Different Estimates. (2002/01/10 21:37) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:38) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: We are useful delphi method to make the results more creditable (2002/01/10 21:38) Sun221 Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:38) Xuefg smiling and said to QLW5: How to ?

(2002/01/10 21:38) QLW5 said to everyone: [To Jameshwoo] I am not today's guest, but I hope that your course and practice are close (2002/01/10 21:38) Vickyday said: BUT FP Sounds like Too Delicate and Complex (2002/01/10 21:38) Rogerpressman said to everyone: UML IS AnalogTant Analysis and design Approach. Altho it's buy in May Placed, There Area More Ses Who Not Use it at all. Before We Worry About The next Generati (2002/01/10 21:38) Goldarcher enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:39) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Before we worry about the next generation, I'd like to To See WiderUsage of The Current Model (2002/01/10 21:39) CHARITY_ZHOU said to RogerPressman said: I am Reading your book << Software Engineering >> 5th, Any Advice About your book? (2002/01/10 21:39) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Re my book: it's very long :-). Pick and cho.,. Also Visit The Web Site. (2002/01/10 21:40) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 21:40) Xuefg Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:40) Xuefg smiled and said to RogerPressman: How are you thank ABOUT CMM? (2002/01/10 21:40) Jameshwoo said to RogerPressman: do You Think a Person Mainly Having Mechanical EN ? Gineering background may become a good software engineering professional (2002/01/10 21:40) rogerpressman told us: The CMM is a worthwhile process model, but it is NOT a religion You must apply it with common sense (2002.. / 01/10 21:41: Zik said to RogerPressman: How About Rational Unified Process? (2002/01/10 21:41) Vickyday said to RogerPressman said: do u think the Tools develop by Rational Will Do Great Help to the engineering of OF The process? (2002/01/10 21:41) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Jameshwoo, Do Yo Uthink CMM is Applicable for Most Project, Which Project Type Is The MOT SUITABLE? (2002/01/10 21:42) RogerPressman To everyone: Many Year, AGO, AS A Young Man, My First Engineering Degree Was in Me. What a coincide !!

(2002/01/10 21:42) Y_Z enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:42) Siltboy said to RogerPressman: How do you think Test in Software Engineering? And now do the American companies Test Their Product (2002/01/10 21:43) Rogerpressman said to everyone: The cmm is Applicable To All Projects. However, IT May Be overkill for Some Rapid Response Projects and Smaller Projects (2002/01/10 21:43) Siltboy Rogerpressman said: I thinking is very important in function. (2002/01/10 21:43) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Dear RogerPressman, Do you think new project can use cmm model? (2002/01/10 21:43) rogerpressman told us: Testing is the weakest of all SE disciplines, yet is is the activity that absorbs the most time we need good strategies and very good tactics (2002/01/10 21:44) netd to rogerpressman said:.. Do YOINK SOFTWARE ENGINEERING REALLY CAN SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF SOFTWARE? (2002/01/10 21:44) Longzhifang Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:44) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Sorry, I do not know who is Jameshwoo? (2002/01/10 21:44) RogerPressman said to everyone: a New Project Can Use the cmm model. 2002/01/10 21:44) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: Do U Think The Tools Developed by Rational Will Do Great Help To The Engineering of the Process? (2002/01/10 21:44) Siltboy said to RogerPressman said: Now, I don '

T Know How To Do a Good Thing in Oot. (2002/01/10 21:45) Xuefg Smiling with RogerPressman: Now Can I Thank That CMM IS Not Suit Smaller PROJECTS? (2002/01/10 21:45) Siltboy enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:45) Detective entered the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:45) Xuefg Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:45) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: HOWEVER I do Not Think Pure New Project Can Use CMM, The REASON IT THAT IT IS Not REATABLE? (2002/01/10 21:45) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Rational Tools Are Extremely Useful. The Add to the Ses Insight. But IT IS More Important The The SE HIMSELF / HERSELF UNDERSTAND Good Practices. (2002/01/10 21:45) Siltboy said: Siltboy said to RogerPressman: Can you give some advice in oo testing? (2002/01/10 21:46) M Huang said to everyone: How do you think About the importance regarding a architecture or infrastructure to an application development? (2002/01/10 21:46 CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:47) Charity_zhou said to RogerPressman: Accoding to Jacobson's Talking, In The Future The Analysis Will Take The Larest Part of The W Hole Process, How About UR Think? (2002/01/10 21:47) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Oo Testing is DiffERENT THAN Conventional Testing. See My Book, Chapter 23 for a complete discussion. (2002/01/10 21: 47) Sun221 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:47) Brook0344 said to everyone: Hi, what does the key "Smaller Projects" in Your Opinion? (2002/01/10 21:47) Brook0344 said to everyone : mean? (2002/01/10 21:47) Atlas_tao enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:47) Atlas_tao said to RogerPressman: What do you think About MS COM? (2002/01/10 21:47 Siltboy said to RogerPressman: And i can '

.? T get difference of OO Intergration Test and Unit Test How do you think (2002/01/10 21:47) rogerpressman told us:. Architecture has become one of the most important design ideas Infrastruture depends on good architecture (2002. / 01/10 21:48) CHARITY_Zhou said to RogerPressman: The Same As Rup Says? (2002/01/10 21:48) CSLiuyb said to everyone: could you tell me what kind of asks does the se study efforts INTERESTED in Now (2002/01/10 21:48) Jeffray enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:49) RogerPressman said to everyone: in General "Smaller Projects"

Involve 2 - 3 People for No More Than 1 to 2 Months and Are Not Business critical. (2002/01/10 21:49) Netd said to RogerPressman: What DOSE INFRASTRUCTURE means? Can you give me an example to explain the Difference Of Infrastructure and architecture? (2002/01/10 21:49) Brook0344 said to everyone: Ok (2002/01/10 21:49) RogerPressman said to everyone : You Questions ON OO Testing Area Good, But Are Beyond The Scope of a chat. See my book, where your Question is answered. (2002/01/10 21:50) QLW5 said to RogerPressman, Dear RogerPressman, by my experience , Ifact0, it is getut, what is your opinion? (2002/01/10 21:50) QLW5 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:50 ) rogerpressman told us:. Stated very simply, architecture describes the relationship among processing and data components in a system, how they communicate and how they interact (2002/01/10 21:50) jeffray told us: hi I am coming (2002/01/10 21:51) M Huang entered the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:51) M Huang said to everyone: Will you ? Use a free and open source infrastructure in your project (2002/01/10 21:51) rogerpressman told us: Infrastructure defines the support systems that enable the software to work (eg, operation systems, external components, etc. (2002 / 01/10 21:51) Siltboy said to RogerPressman: Thank you very much! (2002/01/10 21:51) LIYAJIA129 Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:52) Jameshwoo said to RogerPressman: dear Pressman Do you have any opinion on educating of software engineering, especially in China? (2002/01/10 21:52) Rogerpressman said to everyone: i don '

THETERFALL. IT Defines Those Aspects of Process That Should Exist in Every Software Organization. (2002/01/10 21:52) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:52) Jeffray To RogerPressman: Hi, I am One of Your Older Readers:) (2002/01/10 21:52) CSliuyb said to everyone: COULD you tell me What Kind of Aspects Does The SERESECH EFFORTS INTERESTED IN NOW? (2002 / 01/10 21:53) Saeseax said to RogerPressman: How do you think About PSP (Personal Software Process)? (2002/01/10 21:53) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Se Education is always a challengfee. It is important to Get a Good Background In Computer Science, TO GET PACTICAL EXPERIENCE, AND TO Learn How To Work As A Team. (2002/01/10 21:53) CHARITY_ZHOU said to RogerPressman: a Questions About Linux, How About Your Think of Linux To Used in Important Server, Such As DB Server (2002/01/10 21:54) Y_Z said to RogerPressman: Is Rational Tools Good at Real Time Area? (2002/01/10 21:54) RogerPressman said to everyone: Humphrey '

S Work ON PSP and Tsp Are A Great Amount of Effort (by The Se) Are Required To Apply PSP Properly. (2002/01/10 21:54) Javaor said to RogerPressman said: Dr Pressman. How Can a Domain Professional To Be Helpful To Se? Use uml? Any advise is expected. (2002/01/10 21:54) Rogerpressman said to everyone: if the efort is applied, The results are very good. (2002/01 / 10 21:54) Jeffray said to RogerPressman: How do you think About extreme programming (xp)? (2002/01/10 21:55) Siltboy said to RogerPressman: Do you think the software recacy Reuse Is Related with Software Complex? ( 2002/01/10 21:55) Rogerpressman said to everyone: SE study Today Focuses on Componet-Based Development, Formal Methods and Many Other AREAS. (2002/01/10 21:55) LIYAJIA129 Enters the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 21:55) qlw5 to RogerPressman said: i agree with you, but cmm Need Plans, But Plans is Only Applicable While The Project Do Not Change Off (2002/01/10 21:55) LIYAJIA129 said to RogerPressman: a question About Rup? (2002/01/10 21:55) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:56) CSLiuyb said to everyone: But as po STGRAARS OF Studying, How Can The Gether The Experience? (2002/01/10 21:56) SUN221 Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:56) Rogerpressman said to everyone: CMM IMPLIES THAT Planning is Necessary, But this doesn't mean this we can

(2002/01/10 21:56) ForestInnorway enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:57) Jameshwoo said to CSLiuyb: i agree with you. (2002/01/10 21:57) Wenjiamin entered the chat room. (2002/01/10 21:57) Wenjiamin said to RogerPressman: How do you think About XP and rup? (2002/01/10 21:57) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Software Resue should REDUCE software complexity. However, this assume that the resuable compoents are well designed, well tested and appropriate for the project. (2002/01/10 21:57) vickyday chatroom. (2002/01/10 21:57) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: I Think Sei Want To Pusue My Study INA for SE, COLLD U Give Me Some Advice? (2002/01/10 21:57) Y_Z to RogerPressman: Is Rational tools good at real time area Or Rhapsody is better (2002/01/10 21:57) qlw5 said rogerpressman:?. Too many changes means that we need aonther plan, which implies a new development model, CMM is developmented 10 years ago , Why we must use it? (2002/01/10 21:58) CHARITY_ZHOU said to RogerPressman: All of us know Linux is maintanced by people all around the world, how about this model of software development (2002/01/10 21:58) rogerpressman told us: There are many universities in the USA that have SE curricula Use the internet to find those that have programs of interest. (2002/01/10 21:58) Wenjiamin said to RogerPressman: i think xp is equal to confusion, and you? (2002/01/10 21:59) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Charity_zhou, You Can Find Many Development Model In the Internet, The SCM IS STRONG INSIDE The Open Source Development (2002/01/10 21:59) Jameshwoo said to everyone: Also Care About Mit '

S Action. (2002/01/10 21:59) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:00) Rogerpressman said to everyone: I Never said this you must use the cmm. What you shop do is to apply (2002/01/10 22:00) Vickyday enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:00) Vickyday says: IF to RogerPressman UR The Professor, What Would U EXPECT for Me TO BE UR STUDENT? IF I HAVE CS Background and Some Working Experience for SE, IS THAT OK? (2002/01/10 22:00) Rogerpressman said to everyone: IF XP IS Used To Avoid Discipline, I Agree That It Can Cause Confustion. However, IF XP IS Used in a Disciplined Manner It Can Be Quite Effective. (2002/01/10 22:00) Wenjiamin enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22 : 00) RogerPressman said to everyone: i Particularly Like the Pair Programming Concept in Xp. (2002/01/10 22:01) Vickyday said to Jameshwoo: What do u mean as mit's action? (2002/01/10 22:01 Overflight entered the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:01) Jameshwoo said to everyone: Open Course Library Plan. (2002/01/10 22:01) RogerPressman said to everyone: I'm no long a professor, but BUT I Was One Fo Ra Long Time. I Expected Hard Work and Good Thinking from All My Students. (2002/01/10 229) Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:01) DOCSA enters the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 22:02) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:02) FCX123 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:02) FCX123 said to RogerPressman: The Smallst One Only Have 12 developers. Do You Think IT IS Departure of CMM '

? S creator original intention (2002/01/10 22:02) fcx123 said rogerpressman: We know, CMM theory are very important to large software enterprises But as I know, in the software enterprises which ware certified CMM level 2 or above! (2002/01/10 22:02) Jameshwoo said to everyone: Hard Work and good thinking, I agree. (2002/01/10 22:02) DERTA said to RogerPressman said: Hi, What do u think About The Software Development Are The there Some Good or Mixed Patternals for Se? (2002/01/10 22:02) DERTA said to RogerPressman: Will It Go Some Extremes? One Hand, Big Companies Leading, Such as IBM; Another Hand, Open Source Code Prgramming SUCH As Something for Linux. (2002/01/10 22:03) Caozq Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:03) QLW5 said to RogerPressman said: Dear Rogerpressman, I know Clearly That CMM is based Upon Practices, However sw-cmm v1.1 is about 10 years old, Although The Spirit Is Still there, The Practice Has Been (2002/01/10 22:03) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Changed (2002/01/10 22:03) Silentsnake enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:04) Vickyday says: But The General Principles Wont Change (2002/01/10 22:04) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Dear Jameshwoo, What do you mean the pattern? (2002/01/10 22:04) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Lots of qustions :-) i get the Impression That The CMM IS A Very "Hot"

Topic In China. Remeber That The cmm is not a religion to be applied dogmatically. (2002/01/10 22): Vickyday, No I do not think you know About cmm (2002/01/10 22 : 05) Jameshwoo said to Vickyday: The press their main course Material to Internet. ( (2002/01/10 22:05) Rogerpressman said to everyone: It is a phiosophy what can be adapted to meet your r (2002/01/10 22:05) Charity_zhou left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:05) QLW5 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:05) Greatfox enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 22:05) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:06) RogerPressman said to everyone: The Fact That The CMM IS 10 Years Old Does Not Invalidate It as a Worthwhile Philosophy. (2002 / 01/10 22:06) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:06) CSLiuyb said to everyone: Dr, Pressman, IF UR The Professor, What Knowledge Would U EXPECT YOUR STUDER? OR Rather What Kind of Courses The Y SHOULD LEARN FIRST? AS A Post Graduate Student (2002/01/10 22:06) qlw5 Said RogerPressman said: General Questions on cmm, You Can Refer to Me, I Have Some Experience On CMM (2002/01/10 22 : 06) FSBAT enters the chat room. (20 02/01/10 22:06) Seeseax said to RogerPressman: I am Reading Dr.Humphrey's Book on PSP, But Seems Few Se '

S Around US Do IT, Do You Have Any Advice On Such Situation? Any Advice ON Applying PSP and TSP? (2002/01/10 22:06) Xujnfeng Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:06) Vickyday enters Chatting room. (2002/01/10 22:06) Vickyday said to QLW5: Yes I dont know all of the us. But ask, I think the kps We are applying, i think the isy useful and wont be outdated. (2002/01 / 10 22:06) Stoic enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:07) RogerPressman said to everyone: As i mentions psp and Tsp Require formal training and dam. it is also not being used Widley in the USA. Laziness, I think. (2002/01/10 22:07) Vickyday said to QLW5: Because CMM Doesnt Tell HOW to do, But set the aim u must achieve. (2002/01/10 22:07 QLW5 said to RogerPressman: dear, Rogerpressman, But someone, Maybe de MaCro or High Smithiiiiiiiiiiii, what; s your oppion? (2002/01/10 22:07) xujnfeng leaving The chat room. (2002/01/10 22:07) Javaor said to RogerPressman: Hi, Dr Pressman.What Team or Team Leader is your expected. (2002/01/10 22:09) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Also Demarco and Highsmith are both friends, I disagree The CMM is a burden only if it is applied thoughtlessly If its spirit is applied with commn sense, it can assist (2002/01/10 22:09) rogerpressman told us that:.. It can assist An Organization in Doing Good Se Work. (2002/01/10 22:09) Enter the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:09) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:10) RogerPressman Everyone said: there is an excellent book on Team Leadership by Jerry Weinberg. Title on Becoming a Technical Leader. (2002/01/10 22:10) atlas_tao enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:11 ) Atlas_tao said to RogerPressman: what '

S The POSITION OF MS COM in Se? (2002/01/10 22:11) M Huang enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:12) M Huang said to everyone: WHERE CAN We get it? (2002/01 / 10 22:12) Jameshwoo said to RogerPressman: Dr. Pressman, you are in a Software Design Team Nowadays? (2002/01/10 22:12) Rogerpressman said to everyone: MS Com is One of a Number of Component-Based Technologies For se. All Attempts to Achieve Reuse Will Benefit An Organization, As Long As Good Architectural Design Is Done (2002/01/10 22:12) Greatfox says: How About you think of msf? (2002/01/10 22 : 13) QLW5: Dear Rogerpressman, I Think Things Are Chang, for Example, Criticle Computer Resource Are Never A KP in CMMI 1.02, While IS A KP in SW CMM V 1.1 L2 WHT'S Your Opinion (2002/01/10 22:13) rogerpressman told us:.. Thing are changing They always do It's reasonable to assume that as the CMMI evolved, there will be changes from the oder CMM that does not invalidate older ideas, it (2002/01/10. 22:15) Seeseax said to RogerPressman: What Kind of Method Is Suitable for A Small ~ Middle Proj ECT, NOSINESS CRITICIAL, Mainly for research and intends? (2002/01/10 22:15) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:15) Rogerpressman said to everyone: IT Simply Means That We Learned from Past EXPERIENCE AND HAVE MODIFIED OUR Approach. (2002/01/10 22:15) Atlas_Tao said to everyone: Does the Architecture Design

Component-based Technologies Can Achieve Success? (2002/01/10 22:15) Brook0344: SA CHINA HAS BEEN A Country in WTO, What POSITION WILL AMERICAN SOFTWARE BEON in China, Tommorrow? (2002/01/10 22:15) Vickyday enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:16) Vickyday said to everyone: What Should We learn from the model? The Methodology or all the Details? (2002/01/10 22:16) QLW5 To RogerPressman, THANKS, ROGERPRESSMAN, CAN you tell me why cmmi is stock NOT A OFFCIAL VERSION? (2002/01/10 22:16) Zik enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:16) RogerPressman said to everyone : Altho I Have A High Bandwidth Connection, My Repsonse Time is Degrading. Not Sure Why. Please understand delayed responses. (2002/01/10 22:16) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:18) CSLiuyb To RogerPressman: What Kind of Method Is Suitable for A Small ~ Middle Project, No Business Critical, Mainly For Research and Interests? (2002/01/10 22:18) John Long Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:18) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Rogerpressman, Do Not Feel So aggressive: -) (2002/01/10 22:18) Netd said to RogerPressman: i Think Sejust Can Reduce Rather Than S Olve The Problems In Software Development, How do you think About That? (2002/01/10 22:18) Vickyday said: The System is Abnormal I think. (2002/01/10 22:18) CSLiuyb said to everyone :: ((2002/01/10 22:19) QLW5 said to everyone: To my opinion, for small org. The xp is much better Than Cmm (2002/01/10 22:19) Rogerpressman said to everyone: i agree IT Reduces The Problems of Software Development, It Cannot Completely Eliminate Them. (2002/01/10 22:19) LF168 Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:19) John long smile To everyone: Dear Rogerpressman, Nice to meet you (2002/01/10 22:19) FCX123 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:19) FCX123 said to RogerPressman said: There Many Good Open Source About Framework OF CORBA, ACE

Tao Is One of the Best Frameworks. Can you give us some other? And how i choos, fsbat left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:20) Huhj_uml leave The chat room. (2002/01/10 22:20) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:20) RogerPressman said to everyone: Why not combine the best proactices of xp with cmm ideas. Therefore you get good Resference and create and good Quality and discipline. (2002/01/10 22:20) QLW5 said to everyone: dear Netd, SE CAN Only Solve The Problem When are More support Than Finite State Machine (2002/01/10 22: 21) Goaha left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:21) Netd said to RogerPressman: SO is there quys to complesetly Eliminate The Problems? (2002/01/10 22:21) QLW5 said to everyone: XP CMM adaptive software development is probably a kind of wonderful approach:) (2002/01/10 22:22) javaor said rogerpressman: Software is powerful today What is the future of SE Maybe the end user can customer software NOT!? The engineer.:-) (2002/01/10 22:22) John Long smiled and said to everyone: What's the most importimportant Thing in Object Oriented Software (2002/01/10 22:23) r Ogerpressman said to everyone: Sadly, Buiding Complex Systems IS Difficult. I do not believe We Will Ever Completely Eliminate The Problems. IF WE DID, NONE OF US Would Have Jobs: -)) (2002/01/10 22:23) COOLIE2K Go to the chat room (2002/01/10 22:23) ForestInnorway left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:23) RogerPressman said to everyone: End user computing is good for some things, but ses will be the ones To Build Complex Systems. (2002/01/10 22:23) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear FCX123, ACE

Tao Is A Good Solution, But Have You Really Understand It? (2002/01/10 22:23) Jameshwoo said to RogerPressman: Wonderfull. (2002/01/10 22:23) SkyoldX enters the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 22:23) Skyoldx said to everyone: What Kind of Method Is Suitable for A Small ~ Middle Project, No Business Critical, Mainly For Research and Interests (2002/01/10 22:23) FCX123 enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 22:24) The FCX123 said to QLW5: Not Yet! (2002/01/10 22:24) Atlas_tao enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:24) Atlas_tao said to everyone: Which approach will be selected ? to solve low-level project (2002/01/10 22:24) rogerpressman told us: Shyoldx: It sounds like an evolutionary process model would be best The methods depend on the application type and the tools available to you (.. 2002/01/10 22:24) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear FCX123, I Just Read Some Part of The Code, i Found It Is One The Open SRC Prj with Godo Doc. (2002/01/10 22:25) FCX123 Enter the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:25) QLW5 entered the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:25) Brook0344 said to everyone: Hi, ask, is our discussion a theme (2002 / 01/10 22:25) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:25) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:25) RogerPressman He told us that: The most important aspect of OO is to understand the concept of the class and to build meaningful class hierarchies for the problem to be soleved (2002/01/10 22:25) csliuyb said rogerpressman:. What is the future ? development of SE (2002/01/10 22:25) vickyday said rogerpressman:? How do u expect for the industrialization of the Software industry And what's ur oppion about the role of the SE professionals (2002/01/10 22? : 25) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: How do u eXpect for the industrialization of the software industry? And what '

S UR OPPON ABOUT THE ROLE Of The SE PROFESSIONALS? (2002/01/10 22:26) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear RogerPressman, How do you think the role-based process man. Approach Rather Than Activity-based? (2002 / 01/10 22:26) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Many Years Ago, People Talked About "Software Factories. Se Is A Human Endeavor. It's Unliley That IT Will BE" Industrialized "Any Time Soon. (2002/01/10 22: 26) The FCX123 said to QLW5: I Hope to use it in My Network Management System. (2002/01/10 22:26) Dearlan enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:27) RogerPressman said to everyone: QLW5: I don't liker to make thinkigned and ruggage physical. I like Both: -) (2002/01/10 22:27) FCX123 says: Can You Give Me Some Adfficient About That? (2002/01/10 22:27) QLW5 said to everyone: IT '

S Major a Corba Sys, Which Can Across Os Platform (2002/01/10 22:27) QLW5: I Currently Rading A Book by Highsmith, IT Say That WBS Can Never Used in New Complex Project, Why? (2002 / 01/10 22:28) Luv left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:29) yin_feng said to QLW5: What is WBS? (2002/01/10 22:29) Vickyday says: Maybe for THE IVINCE OF THE SYSTEM, U CAN HARDLY Develop The WBS Properly (2002/01/10 22:30) John Long Smile and said to everyone: Sorry, Dear Rogerpressman, I Means Oost, IN Fact, In My Company, We are in the primary moment of object oriented Software Test, Ando You have Some Wonderful Advice For Me? (2002/01/10 22:30) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Rogerpressman, I Think CMM V 1.1 Will Be Replaced Be by cmmi 1.02 Technically, But Do Not Want CMMI, Right? (2002/01/10 22:30) Vickyday said to everyone: Yin_feng: Work Breakdown Structure (2002/01 / 10 22:30) QLW5 said to everyone: Work Breakdown Structure (2002/01/10 22:30) FCX123 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:31) FCX123 says: I Will Contact with you lat , Ok? (2002/01/10 22:31) QLW5 said to everyone: dear vickyday, wbs IS Derived by Experienced Team (2002/01/10 22:31) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:31) RogerPressman said to everyone: Sadly, Oost Is Beyond The Scope of this chat. There Are A Number OR Other Sources. (2002/01/10 22:31) Vickyday said to everyone: Dear QLW, u Just Now Mentioned The Project Is New and Complex. (2002/01 / 10 22:32) RogerPressman said to everyone: I DONT AGREE with HIGHSMITS IN THAT, HIS Contention IS That All Projects Must Be Adaptible and That A WBS IS Not Adaptible. (2002/01/10 22:32) Kenjiang enters the chat room (2002/01/10 22:33) Brook0344 said to everyone: Hi, what is the theme of this discussion?

(2002/01/10 22:33) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Rogerpressman, Thanks (2002/01/10 22:33) Seeseax said to RogerPressman: How do you think About UXF (UML Exchange Format), Will IT Benifit Interoperability Much as expected? (2002/01/10 22:33) RogerPressman said to everyone: I Disagree. You can create a wbs and then adapt it as the project progresses. WITHOUT IT, You Have No Reasonable RaodMap. (2002/01 / 10 22:33) QLW5 said to everyone: Brook0344, On Software Process (2002/01/10 22:33) Brook0344 said to everyone: Oh, I know (2002/01/10 22:34) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. 2002/01/10 22:35) CSliuyb said to everyone: Due to this (2002/01/10 22:35) RogerPressman said to everyone: Uxf Will Help. Butfirst, We Ned to have more people and organization using uml on a REGULAR BASIS. (2002/01/10 22:35) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Rogerpressman, HOWEVER IF The Requirement Are Changing MUCH, A Static Wbs Will Never Be Applicable (2002/01/10 22:35) John Long Enters Chat Room. (2002/01/10 22:35) John Long Smile with everyone: Oh, My God, Dear Rogerpressman, Do you think there can buy a book of oost from In Fact I Can '

T for I Have No Dollar, And Any E-Books? (2002/01/10 22:35) CSLiuyb enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:35) QLW5 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22 : 35) CSliuyb said to everyone:: -) (2002/01/10 22:35) Javaor entered the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:36) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:36 RogerPressman said to everyone: QLW5: I agree. But there is no need for a static WBS. It can adapt as requirements and the project changes. (2002/01/10 22:36) Oysterlqd enters the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 22:36) Oysterlqd said to everyone: YAP, E-Books, Hoho (2002/01/10 22:36) Luxf001 Entering the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:36) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear RogerPressman , DO U Think CMM Can Be Used in Small Projects Less Than 6 People, And Less Than 6 Months? (2002/01/10 22:36) Rogerpressman said to everyone: John Long: Sorry. I Suspect there is much free info on .. the internet Visit and look under OO testing (2002/01/10 22:37) netd to said rogerpressman: Some bad habits of the staff can have negative effect on software process improvement, how can we Avoid That Or Change That? (2002/01/10 22:37) QLW5 said to everyone: is good place for you to find good templates (2002 / 01/10 22:37) Zik enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:38) Rogerpressman said to everyone: QLW5: Yes, But Only if you recognize That It Must Be Applied in a Way That Will Not Slow Things Down. Therefore, IT Must Be adpted to the smaller project. (2002/01/10 22:40) Enter the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:40) Anon left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:40: I my Experience, Small Project Can SPTO A Project Less Thani A Large Project, Something Like Size Can Be Tracked Longer Than Tracked Only (2002/01/10 22: 40) Umlchina said to everyone: Test (2002/01/10 22:40) John Long smiled and said to everyone: Thanks, Dear Rogerpressman, And i am in trobule What Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Works Well, Maybe I can't catch UML's Soul (2002/01/10 22:41) QLW5 said to everyone: ONCE IN A Small Project, Do you think it '

SPABLY? Or do you TRACK SIZE IN YOUR PROJECT? (2002/01/10 22:41) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:41) RogerPressman said to everyone: Sorry, SPTO? (2002/01 / 10 22:41) QLW5 said to everyone: Software Project Tracking and Oversight (a cmm term) (2002/01/10 22:42) Javaor said to RogerPressman: Dr Pressman.Advise for a practiceer? Hard Work, Think Deeply ?: -) (2002/01/10 22:42) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Rogerpressman, Which is the direction of se, management of techniques? (2002/01/10 22:43) Vickyday said to everyone: if ONLY . it helps, u can choose the frequency and the method I think (2002/01/10 22:43) netd to said rogerpressman: Some bad habits of the staff can have negative effect on software process improvement, how can we avoid that or ? change that (2002/01/10 22:43) rogerpressman told us: qlw5:. in some ways, its more importahnt to SPTO a smaller project Reason, small variances in timeine schedule can throw the project off scehdule in unrecoverable ways. (2002/01/10 22:43) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Therefore, it's necessary to know when things are slipping asap. (20 02/01/10 22:43) wu_hao entered the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:44) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: How do u think of iso9000 2000version? (2002/01/10 22:44) RogerPressman enters chat The chamber (2002/01/10 22:46) rogerpressman told us: vicyday: each of the process / quality models have merits and problems The ISO 9000 approach is documentation heavy, but does requires continual auiting (a good idea).. (2002/01/10 22:46) Vickyday enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:46) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: Do U Run Into this Kind of Occasion: The Schedule the customs ask for is far beyond the actual Baseline U CAN AFFORD? And How do u management it? (2002/01/10 22:46) Goldarcher left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:46) RogerPressman said to everyone: We Don '

THE ITWARE Realm in the USA. (2002/01/10 22:46) Sepeseax said to RogerPressman: Dr Pressman, I Guess PSP and TSP Would Be Help To SPTO, RIGHT?? (2002/01 / 10 22:47) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear RogerPressman, in us, is there? (2002/01/10 22:47) Rogerpressman said to everyone: javor "The Practitioner Should Work to Understand More About Se. The averactitioner is not family with good method. (2002/01/10 22:48) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear seseseax, psp and tsp will do good to spto, but it is the the Responsibiulity of Project Manager (2002/01/10 22:48) Rogerpressman said to everyone: The Most Important (2002/01/10 22:49) DERTA enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:50) Vickyday is everyone He said: sometimes I got puzzled by the techiniques learned from the books about the SE I think if it's too delicate, it will be hard to populize for the engineers wont have too (2002/01/10 22:50) rogerpressman enter the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:50) RogerPressman said to everyone: PSP and TSP Use a Different Approach To SPTO. It is Gene Rally The Individuals Responsibility TO Measure and TRACK Progress. HOWEVER, THESE METRICS CAN Be Reported for Cen Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:50) DERTA enters the chat room. 2002/01/10 22:50) Vickyday said to everyone: Much Time to get family said it (2002/01/10 22:50) Vickyday said to everyone: Sometimes I Got Puzzled by The Techiniques Learned from The Books About The SE I think if it '

S Too Delicate, IT Will Be Hard To Populize For the Engineers Wont Have TOO (2002/01/10 22:51) Vickyday said to everyone: Much Time to get Familiar with it (2002/01/10 22:51) Emoto enters Chatting room. (2002/01/10 22:51) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Will Formal Method be The Future of the Software Engineering? (2002/01/10 22:51) QLW5 said to RogerPressman said: Will Formal Method be the Future Of the Software Engineering? (2002/01/10 22:51) RogerPressman said to everyone: Vickyday: i agree. Ses have little time to learn new things and less Time to apply the migorously. yet, to be Successful, We Should Apply Effective Methods. (2002/01/10 22:52) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: How do think About this? (2002/01/10 22:52) Seeseax said to RogerPressman: i agree with you Dr. RogerPressman (2002/01/10 22:52) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Maybe the best approach is to learn and few good methods and then apply theme well. (2002/01/10 22:52) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: So There MUST BEONE TO LEARN AND Choose for the sees? (2002/01/10 22:53) M Huang said to everyone: What is The Most Important Thing to AP PLY PSP / TSP IN A Application Development? (2002/01/10 22:53) Rogerpressman said to everyone: QLW5: NO, FM WILL NOT BE The Future. Altho FM Are Very Powerful, They Are Simply Too Difficult for Most Ses To Apply Effectively. (2002/01/10 22:53) Rogerpressman said to everyone: However, They May Be used in particularly critical apps. (2002/01/10 22:53) M Huang said to everyone: What is the Most Important Thing TO Apply PSP / TSP IN A Application Development? (2002/01/10 22:54) RogerPressman said to everyone: Vickyday: Se Should Learn and choose for themsels. (2002/01/10 22:54) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Dear Rogerpressman, May I ask you That if you are ask to design a mis system which method? Us, uml?

(2002/01/10 22:54) Xchyj left the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:55) Seeseax said to Mhuang: Time Control, I Guess (2002/01/10 22:55) 3328749 Enter the chat room (2002/01/10 22:55) Rogerpressman said to everyone: QLW5: Today, UML HAS Become The Analysis / Design Approach of Choice. However, It 101/10 22 (2002/01/10 22 : 55) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 22:55) RogerPressman said to everyone: Remember, The Method Is Important, But a Discipline Approach To Analysis and design is more important. (2002/01/10 22: 55) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Thanks (2002/01/10 22:55) Javaor said to RogerPressman: Is System Threoa Important to SE and Practitioner? (2002/01/10 22:56) M Huang said to everyone: To SEESEAX: Why not the estimation of time and size? It is most2:56) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Javour: Threoa? (2002/01/10 22:57) QLW5 said to RogerPressman said: Dear RogerPressman, Why do you think FM CAN NOT USED WIDELY, THE TOOLS, Ide or Something Else? (2002/01/10 22:57) qlw5 Say: Dear Rogerpressman, Why Do you think FM CAN NOT USED WIDELY, The Tools, i De or Something Else? (22:57) (2002/01/10 22:58) Jameshwoo said to RogerPressman: Dr. RogerPressman, How do you mean the characteristics of the mis system? (2002/01/10 22:58) rogerpressman told us: qlw5:. primary reason is that most SEs do not have sufficient background and are unwilling / unable to learn Please understand that FM are VERY powerful, (2002/01/10 22:58) rogerpressman told us: but I honestly do not think sowill Ever Dominate Our SE Work. (2002/01/10 22:58) YIN_FENG said to QLW5: What is fm? Thanks (2002/01/10 22:59) Javaor said to RogerPressman: Is knowage Of System Important to SE and Practitioner? (2002/01/10 22:59) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: Aren't the price? ip

Soferpressman said: So, IF The Tools Are Powerful ENOUGH, Do You agree That We Can Use FM Other That We Can Use FM Other TRANDITAL PROGAMMING LANGUAGE? (2002/01 / 10 23:00) SEESEAX: Yes, Including Time Estimation, Plan and Track .... You CAN read , Chinese Version Has Come Out. Writen by Watts S. Humphrey (2002 / 01/10 23:00) QLW5 said to Yin_FENG: Formal Method (2002/01/10 23:00) RogerPressman said to everyone: fm = formal methods (2002/01/10 23:00) Shenqw Enters the chat room. 2002/01/10 23:01) rogerpressman enter the chat room (2002/01/10 23:01) rogerpressman told us that:. javoar: Yes understanding the system put the software into context, defines appropeiate external interfacts, and often dictate! Architecture. (2002/01/10 23:01) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: Aren't the price? it's said no change, it's said no change, it's said no change, it's it's said no change, it's it's said no change. Say: TO SEESEAX: VERY THANKS (2002/01/10 23:01) RogerPressman said to everyone: vicyday: That Does not mean that an individual can not learn new things and apply them within the principles set down by the organization (2002/01/10 23:02) 3328749 said rogerpressman:.. Mr rogerpressman, there are so many concepts and methods about SE To Learn SE, What SHOULD I Learn First? (2002/01/10 23:03) QLW5 Say: Dear Rogerpressman, How do you think about code CONSTRUCTUON AND DETAIL DESIGN? Are The Same for Some Project? (2002/01 / 10 23:03) Seeseax said to Mhuang: You are Welcome, It's Chinese name: Individual software process,

People's Posts and Telecommunications Publishing House (2002/01/10 23:03) QLW5 said to RogerPressman: Dear Mhuang, I Prefer Your Reading The English Version (2002/01/10 23:04) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:06) Rogerpressman said to everyone: QLW5: in the model of the mode, coding and dd is to cons conflicer code 01/10 23:06) MUM enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:06) Vickyday said to everyone: Why English Version? DONT U think it's quick to get understood? (2002/01/10 23:06) Seeseax said to QLW5: Is there qhina now? (2002/01/10 23:07) QLW5 said to everyone: dear Drogerpressman, thanks, do you mean the moden design based on rad? (2002/01 / 10 23:07) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Drogerpressman, Thanks, Do you mean the modern design on rad? (2002/01/10 23:07) Netd to RogerPressman said: How do you think About The Communication In Software Process? IS Talking More Important Talking? (2002/01/10 23:07) QLW5 said to everyone: SEESEAX, I think will provide you a good tutorial (2002/01 / 10 23:08) Netd said to RogerPressman: Which is more important, Talking Directly or Document? (2002/01/10 23:08) SEESEAX smiling and said: Thanks so much (2002/01/10 23:08) brook0344 told us: or a formal meeting for communication (2002/01/10 23:08) rogerpressman told us that:? netd:. Both are important Today, we demphasize paper documents and try to build documentation into the workproducts = that are . created Talking (via effective meeting and (2002/01/10 23:09) rogerpressman told us: reviews is very important SE involves people and people must communicate to be effective (2002/01/10 23:09) john.. LONG said to everyone: dear DrogerPressman, Though IT '

S Out of Scope of this Chat, But I Still Very Long For Asking a Question Followed Like this: How Can We Use Oo Method In A System Test? (2002/01/10 23:10) Rogerpressman enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 23:11 RogerPressman said to everyone: QLW5: No. What I mean is the model can encompass any recognized method. (2002/01/10 23:11) Seeseax enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:11) Go4all2000 enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:11) Dzxing enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:12) Vickyday said to RogerPressman: could u recommand US Some MATERIAL ABOUT FP ESTIMATE? (2002/01/10 23:12) Jameshwoo enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:13) Rogerpressman said to everyone: John Long: There Are Technical Called InterCall Test Case Design That Are Part of System Testing. I can't describe Here But The make use of usecases, BehaviORAL Models A (2002/01/10 23:13) Rogerpressman said to everyone: And Other Mechanisms. (2002/01/10 23:13) QLW5 pair Everyone says: Thanks Rogerpressman, How do you think About Aspect-Orientated Programming (AOP), Do you think it's important to some extend? (2002/01/10 23:13) Siralos enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23 :1 4) 3328749 Enter the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:14) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Vickyday. There is a wide array of info a fp avaliable on the internet. See and llok Under Process MUM said to everyone: Dear Rogerpressman, How do you think About The Difference Between Small Project and Big Project? let '

S SAY 3-5 Developers on Small One A, And 50 Developer In A Larger Pro (2002/01/10 23:14) Slob Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:15) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 23:15) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Mum: There is Substantial Differences - In Communication, In Planning, In Coordination, IN Measurement, In Team Structure, In Methodolgy, In SQA, IN COMTROL ... (2002 / 01/10 23:15) Slob enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:15) QLW5 said to everyone: Slob, how are you? (2002/01/10 23:16) Slob said to everyone: Hi I am Just Back from Lab, Hehe (2002/01/10 23:16) RogerPressman said to everyone: QLW5: I'm only beginning My Study of AOP, SO i '

Ll Reserve Comment Until Another Time: -) (2002/01/10 23:17) Vickyday to RogerPressman said: i Once Followed UR Book (SE, 4TH) To try Module, But Find Hard to Decide for To VALUE OF ACTORS. (2002/01/10 23:17) Slob enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:18) Vickyday said to RogerPressman : And the assessor of CMM dont agree that we have performed FP estimate for Size estimate though we finally got a result (2002/01/10 23:18) rogerpressman told us that:. vicky:. that is a problem FP demands some subjective Evaluation of the factory and detailed guides for doing this Than My Book. See (2002/01/10 23:18) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear RogerPressman, IF i Say SW CMM V1. 1 Will Die in the coming 2 ~ 3 years, do you agree? (2002/01/10 23:18) Dzxing enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:18) Seeseax left the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 23:19) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear Vickyday, FP is Rather Hard for Everyone To Undd (2002/01/10 23:19) Netd to RogerPressman, What Is The Best Way To Acumula TE T? (2002/01/10 23:19) QLW5 said to everyone: Slob, How About Tang yi, Are you fine? (2002/01/10 23:20) DFHPRJZ enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 23:20) Jameshwoo left the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:20) Vickyday said to QLW5: COULD u Give me advice where to start from?

(2002/01/10 23:20) Xuefg Enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:20) Umlchina enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:20) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01 / 10 23:20) Rogerpressman said to everyone: QLW5: In Se Things Never Die, They Simply Slowly Fade Away :-) It is likely That CMM V1.1 Will Fade As Cmmi Gains Prominence. (2002/01/10 23:20 ) QLW5 said to everyone: dear vickyday, the fp method is not free one, you will have to search internet to Find Some Free Material and Course, Good Luck (2002/01/10 23:21) Netd to RogerPressman said: How do ? you think the importance of the industrial background when you develop an enterprise application software (2002/01/10 23:21) vickyday said rogerpressman: I tried for the fpug, but the web site seems not active (2002/01 /. 10 23:22) Xuefg said to RogerPressman: How are thinking for c #? (2002/01/10 23:22) RogerPressman said to everyone: Netd: Good books. Also try Which Cover The SE Body of Knowledge (2002/01/10 23:22) QLW5 said to everyone: Dear RogerPressman, I agree with u, in my opinion sw cmm v 1.1 Will Be Faded Soon: - (2002/01/10 23:22) 3328749 Says to RogerPressman: MR RogerPressman. What Are you working on? IN US SEME CORPORATIONS, What SE METHODS Are Used MOPULARLY? (2002/01/10 23:22) RogerPressman Everyone says: Vickyday: do a search on the fp user group. The Yy Should Have Asite. (2002/01/10 23:23): Vickyday, IT IS Not Free Site (2002/01/10 23:23 RogerPressman said to everyone: 3328749: UNL is The MOSTIVE METOLOLOGY ATHE MOMENT. IN Addition Component-Based Methods and Web-Engineering Are Active. I '

m working with clients on process (2002/01/10 23:24) vickyday said rogerpressman:. Thanks a lot Maybe my company will arrange a training for FP for the size estimate is the main problem in our CMM assessment:.) ( 2002/01/10 23:24) RogerPressman said to everyone: Netd: Very Important. Business Knowedge is critical. It helps in Requirements Gathering and in Communication. (2002/01/10 23:24) SiltBoy enters the chat room. (2002 / 01/10 23:25) Vickyday said to QLW5: Thanks a Lot. And i think WE CAN Communicate More IF U R Free. (2002/01/10 23:25) QLW5 said to everyone: RogerPressman, What is the reasonShip BETWEEN COMPONENT BASEDALYSISISISI DESIGN AND OAD? (2002/01/10 23:25) QLW5 said to everyone: Vickyday, you will be charged a lot (2002/01/10 23:26) Vickyday says: QLW, U R Scaring Me. (2002/01/10 23:27) RogerPressman enters the chat room. (2002/01/10 23:27) Rogerpressman said to everyone: QLW5: OOAD That The SE WILL BE CREATING The appropriate classes or accessing Them from an exsting in House Library. CBSE Assute Access To (2002/01/10 23:27) Javaor said to RogerPressman: Dr Your View, What is system? (2002/01/10 23:27) RogerPressman said to everyone: Commerical Available Components. However, at the core there is all, at the core there is all, at the core there is all, at the core there is all, at the core there is all, at the core there is all stock, at the core there is. (2002/01/10 23:28 QLW5 said to everyone: Vickyday, Do Not Worry! But it's really (2002/01/10 23:29) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Javaor: a Collection of Intergend Elements That Work together To Meet The Needs of Some Customer. The customer. The customer. Can Be a Person, A Group, a Machine OR Another System. (2002/01/10 23:29) Rogerpressman said to everyone: Not a formal defintition: -) (2002/01/10 23:29) Vickyday said to RogerPressman : Thanks a lot again. For it '


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