Windows CEPocket PC mounting disk

zhaozj2021-02-08  263

Windows CE / Pocket PC mounting disk

By BlackColor 2002.02.21

Working environment: Microsoft EmbdvTools 3.0, Microsoft ActiveSync 3.1, Windows 98se, Microsoft Visual C 6.0, PDA is Lenovo 3000 (Windows CE 3.0 version, CPU is ARM SA1110)

The fabrication of the Windows CE / Pocket PC installation disk can be divided into the following steps. Before the detailed description, it is assumed that in C: has established a directory Sample, there is an exe file Sample.exe that has been compiled. Samples Source) and an ICO file Sample.ico.

First, prepare an INF file (Sample.inf), put it under C: / Sample, its format is as follows:

; PDA installation file: Sample.inf;

[Version] Signature = "$ Windows NT $" Provider = "Your company name" CESIGNATURE = "$ Windows CE $"

[CESTRINGS] AppName = "Your application name" installdir =% CE1% /% AppName%

[CEDEVICE] processype = 2577; CPU type is ARM SA11XX

[SOURCEDISKSNAMES] 1 =, "common files", Source; source file is under C: / Sample / Source

[SourceDisksfiles] sample.exe = 1; EXE file already compiled

[Defaultinstall] CopyFiles = files.installdiradDREG = regdataceshortcuts = links

[DestinationDirs] files.installdir =,% installdir% links =,% ce11% defaultDIR =,% installdir%

[Files.installdir] "PORDER.EXE", PORDER.EXE; will copy file

[Regdata] HKLM, Software / Microsoft /% AppName%, Majorversion, 0x00010001, 1HKLM, Software / Microsoft /% AppName%, MinorVersion, 0x00010001, 0

[LINKS] "Shortcut Name", 0, Sample.exe,% CE17%; create shortcuts in the start menu

Second, a CAB package with CabWiz.exe production, under CabWiz.exe file in the directory% evtoolsdir% / Windows CE Tools / wce300 / MS Pocket PC / support / ActiveSync / windows ce application installation / cabwiz, which is Microsoft EMBDVTOOLS% evtoolsdir% 3.0 installation directory, there is a file buildcab.bat in the superior directory of the directory, copy buildcab.bat to C: / Sample, modified to:

@echo offREMREM Sample batch file used to compile the CabWiz INF fileREMREMREM Replace with the full path to the CabWiz.exe fileREM Replace with the full path to the Sample.INF fileREMREM in the file "sample .inf "Add a pair above" "The following command below should be a line"% evtoolsdir% / windows ceb / wce300 / ms pc / support / activeSync / windows cebwiz.exe "" Sample " "/ err err.log

After the modification is completed, you can execute the buildcab.bat file, which will generate

Third, make an ini file install.ini, put it under C: / Sample, as follows:

[CEAPPMANAGER] Version = 1.0component = SAMPLE

[PORDER] Description = Description text iconfile = sample.icoiconindex = 0DeviceFile = sample.execabfiles =

Fourth, connect the PDA to Windows 98se, enter the MS DOS mode, enter the installation directory of Microsoft ActiveSync 3.1 C: / Program Files / Microsoft ActiveSync, run as follows:

C: / Program Files / Microsoft ActiveSync> CEAPPMGR C: /sample/install.ini

The installer will start and install Sample.exe onto the PDA. If you feel that you have trouble every time, please refer to step five.

5. Creating a simple installation boot program using VC6 1. Open VC6 new project, select Win32 Application, "Project Name" in the Projects tab. 2. Second step Select "An Empty Project" and press the Finish button. 3. Create a new file install.cpp and join the project, as follows:

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - // PDA installer (PCKET PC) // ------------------------------------- -------------

#include #include #include #include #include #include

int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {// get its path char szPath [MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName (NULL, szPath, MAX_PATH-1); // ini file name converted int iLen = Strlen (SZPATH); STRCPY (& SZPATH [ILEN-3], "Ini"); // Take CEAPPMGR.EXE's full path hkey hresult; char szceappmgr [] = "Software // Microsoft // Windows // CurrentVersion // APP Paths // CEAppMgr.exe "; LONG iRet = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szCEAppMgr, NULL, KEY_READ, & hResult); BYTE szCEAppMgrExe [MAX_PATH * 2 1]; if (iRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) {DWORD cbName, dwType; cbName = MAX_PATH ; dwType = REG_SZ; iRet = RegQueryValueEx (hResult, NULL, NULL, & dwType, szCEAppMgrExe, & cbName); RegCloseKey (hResult);} if (! iRet = ERROR_SUCCESS) {MessageBox (NULL, "! install Microsoft ActiveSync software" "Error", MB_ICONERROR); RETURN 1;} char szexe [max_path * 2 2]; strcpy (szexe, (char *) szceAppmgrexe);

// start the installation SHELLEXECUTEINFO ExecInfo; memset ((char *) & ExecInfo, 0, sizeof (ExecInfo)); ExecInfo.cbSize = sizeof (ExecInfo); ExecInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_CLASSKEY; ExecInfo.hwnd = NULL; ExecInfo.lpFile = szExe; Execinfo.lpparameters = szpath; execinfo.nshow = sw_show;

ShellexecuteEx (& Execinfo);

Return 0;}

4. Copy the compiled exe file install.exe, copy to the C: / Sample directory, run install.exe to automatically install the above software.

Sixth, explanation 1. More detailed information Please refer to Microsoft EmbdvTools 3.0 online help, Microsoft EmbdvTools 3.0 can be available free of charge by Microsoft. 2. Only one PDA in my hand, I didn't test the other models of PDA. 3. The copyright of this article belongs to the original author. Please indicate the source and maintain the integrity of this article.


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