RPM Command Manual

zhaozj2021-02-08  229

RPM Command Manual Recommended:

KICS Posted:

Made on May 14, 2001 Reading:


First, install the command format: rpm -i (or --install) Options file1.rpm ... filen.rpm Parameters: file1.rpm ... filen.rpm will be installed with the RPM package file name detail option: -H ( Or --hash) Output the Hash mark (`` # '') - Test is only tested for the installation when installing, and does not actually install. --Percent outputs the scheduled progress in the form of a percentage. --ExCludedocs Do not install document files in the package - Remnocs to reinstall the installed package - Replacing files belonging to other packages - AllCeFiles Replace the Conflict for other packages - AllCE ignore packages and files --Noscripts Do not run pre-installation and post-installation scripts --prefix Install the package to the structure of the packet to the path of the Path> - Ignorers does not check the operating system of the package running the package - Ignoreos Nodeps does not check dependency - FTPPROXY Use as FTP proxy - FTPPort Specify FTP port number General Option -V Display Additional Information - VV Display Debug Information --root < PATH> Let RPM use the path specified by as "root directory", so pre-installer and post-installations are installed in this directory --Rcfile Set the rpmrc file as --dbpath Set the path to the RPM data inventory is II. Delete command format: rpm -e (or --rase) Options Pkg1 ... PKGN parameter Pkg1 ... PKGN: Package to delete Detailed option - Test Just perform the deleted test - Noscripts Do not run the pre-installation and post-installation script - Nodeps does not check the dependency universal option -vv display debugging information --root Let RPM use the path to "specified by" root " Directory, such pre-installation programs and post-installations are installed in this directory --RcFile Setting RPMRC files for --dbpath Setting RPM data inventory location The path is Third, upgrade Command format rpm -u (or --upgrade) Options file1.rpm ... filen.rpm Parameters file1.rpm ... Filen.rPM package name Detailed options - Hash marks when the installation is installed (`` # '') --OLDPACKAGE allows "upgrade" to an old version - Test only upgrade test --ExCludedocs Do not install document files in the package - ICLUDEDOCS Installation Document - ReplacePKGS Mandatory Reset The Installed Package --ReplaceFiles Replace files belonging to other packages --force ignore packages and files --Percent Output the progress of the installation in the percentage form.

--Noscripts Do not run pre-installation and post-installation scripts --PREFIX Install the package to the structure of the packet to the path of - Ignoreos does not check the software package operation System - NodePs Does Relationship - FTPPROY Use as FTP proxy - FTPPort Specify FTP port number to General Option -V Display Additional Information - VV Display Debugging Information - -root Let rpm use the path to the as "root directory" so that the pre-installer and the post installer are installed in this directory --Rcfile Set the rpmrc file as DBPATH Set the path where RPM data inventory is in four, query command format: rpm -q (or --query) Options parameter: pkg1 ... pkgn: Query installed package detailed option -p < File> (or `` - '') Query package file - F Query It belongs to which package -a query all installed packages --whatProvides query provides function Software Pack-Group> Software Packages belonging to group --WhatRequires Query all Package Information options that require feature Display package full ID -I display package Summary Information -L Display Package File List-C Display Profile List -D Display Document File List - Size File List in Package and Displays Status of Each File - Scripts Display Installation, Uninstall, Check Scripts - QueryFormat (OR --QF) Displays query information in the user-specified manner - DUMP Displays all verified information for each file - the functionality required for the Provides display package --Rquires (OR) display package required Features Universal Options -v Display Additional Information -vv Display Debugging Information --rcfile Setting RPMRC files for --dbpath Set the path to the RPM data inventory is 5. Check the installed package command format: rpm -v (or --verify, or -y) Options parameter PKG1 ... PKGN's software package option -p verify against package file -f verify Software Pack -A Verify check all packages - Group > Verify all Packages that belong to group Detailed option - Noscripts Do not run check script - NodePs Does not check dependencies - NOFILES No verification file Property Universal Options -v Display Additional Information - VV Display Debugging Information --Root Let rpm use the path specified by as "root directory" so that the pre-installer and post installer are installed into this directory --Rcfile Setting the RPMRC file for <

RcFile> --dbpath Set the path where the RPM data inventory is located Six, the file syntax in the check package: rpm -k (or --checksig) Options file1.rpm ... filen.rpm parameters : File1.rpm ... filen.rpm file name checksig - Detailed Options - NOPGP No Verify PGP Signature Universal Options -v Display Additional Information - VV Display Debugging Information --RcFile Setting RPMRC files 7. other options --rebuilddb rebuild RPM RPM database --initdb create a new RPM database --quiet as much as possible to reduce the output of --help displays the current version of the original author help files --version display the RPM: No sources: LinuxAid


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