ASP.NET syntax

zhaozj2021-02-16  68


<% @ Page ClientTarget = "Downlevel" Language = "c #" Codebehind = "Logon.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup = "false" Inherits = "Duwamish7.Web.Logon" EnableSessionState = "true" EnableViewState = "true"%>

<% @ Control language = "c #" codebehind = "accountmodule.ascx.cs" inherits = "duwamish7.web.accountmodule" targetschema = ""%>

<% @ Import namespace = "duwamish7.web"%>

<% @Mplements interface = "ValidInterfacename"%>

<% @ Register tagprefix = "tagprefix" namespace = "namespace" assembly = "assembly"%> <% @ register tagprefix = "tagprefix" tagname = "tagname" src = "pathname"%>

<% @ Register tagprefix = "Module" Tagname = "Search" src = "../ modules / searchModule.ascx"%>

<% @ Assembly name = "assemblyname"%> <% @ askEMBLY SRC = "pathname"%>

Link the assembly to the current page during the compilation process so that all classes and interfaces of the assembly are available on this page.

<% @ OutputCache Duration = "# ofseconds"

Location = "ANY | Client | DownStream | Server | NONE"

Shared = "True | FALSE"

VarybyControl = "controlname"

Varybycustom = "Browser | Customstring"

Varybyheader = "Headers"

VarybyParam = "parametername"%>

Control the Output Cache policy of the user control included in the ASP.NET page or page in a statement

<% @ Reference page | Control = "pathtofile"%>

In declaration, indicating another user control or

Page source files dynamically compile and link.

Code declaration: