Wiki history and technical features

zhaozj2021-02-16  74

Wiki history and technical features

Author: Xu Zaihan

Wiki history

In 1945, Vannevar Bush reveals the concept of Hypertext hyperfield in the article "AS WE May Think". After nearly 18 years, TED Nelson named "Project Xanadu" in 1963. This plan later inspired Tim Bernes-Lee inventions, indirect Wiki laying the platform foundation. The inventors of Wikiwikiweb also mentioned the story that he was affected by these predecessors in his book, and Bo Leuf.

The first WikikiWeb was born in 1995, designed to replace the original Portland Pattern Repository (a line of database). After a long time, this most primitive Wiki station began to attract a lot of users. The most important reason is that in 1995, it is true to the Internet, and starts to enter the folk era. At present, this Portland Pattern Repository is still in use, readers can enter through

Figure wikiwiweb

Ward Cunninham later said that he chose Wiki-Wiki as a reason for the reason is that the fast image is equivalent to the system he designed. As early as the 1980s, he has designed WikiwikihyperCard. This is a page system similar to the current Wiki hyperfield, but is only used in traditional jams. Soon after WikiwikiWeb, Patrick Mueller wrote the first Wiki copy (Clone) for himself, using the language used by REXX. The message "Wiki Wiki Goes Public" is immediately released immediately, and the original code is released. Therefore, all people can modify the original Wiki according to their needs. Now Chinese users want to choose Wiki copy, there are several suitable, Oddmuse, Openwiki, Twiki, Wikkitikikitavi, Chiqchaqwiki, MoinMoin, PMWIKI, and SNIPSNAP.


Wiki's technical characteristics

The characteristics of Wiki technology, we can be divided into technologies and users who use this technique to discuss these two aspects, first is technical. There are many other community software in the technical surface, there is also the same place.

Simple writing and typography syntax is one of Wiki's most important source of competitiveness. For example, in the Wiki copy of ODDMUSE, an empty line represents the segmentation of the article, and the simple URLS will become a hyperlink. If the URLS refers to a simple graph, it will be directly displayed. Use the well-furnished (#) to represent the digital list, if the star-numbered (*) is added to each entry, it is a representative of the list of lists and the internal zoom. As for the defined list, the definition items and definitions are separated by the semicolon (;) (;). The table column is started and ended in two vertical lines (||), and the various fields are separated by two vertical lines. Empty fields will be merged with the next field. Detailed grammatical descriptions can be found on the ODDMUSE website. Readers can learn from this part, we don't need to understand the HTML syntax, you can use Wiki's powerful features.

Formatting Rules

Some Wiki provides the ability of account rights control, which is necessary for the Wiki boundary, but if you want to deploy Wiki to companies within the company, this has its necessary. Among these Wiki copies of these support account control functions, users can have their own accounts, and managers can also manage, edit, and revisit pages for these accounts, individual assignments. This allows you to have important information, which will not cause errors because of the accident of the editor. So if it is a Wiki that is completely confirmed? In fact, each Wiki page provides a historical file, so if someone accidentally deletes the original page, we can immediately return the information on the page to the previous version. It is because there is this feature, so many Wiki copies do not consider support rights control, because the philosophy of freedom and open group is one of the reasons why many Wiki can be active. This open editing system and most people think that it is not feasible to conflict, but according to the use of years of use, this open editing system, but more enabled to make good community ethics and reduce the "noise" ratio. In addition, Wiki itself has some key technologies to make him except for other community software, "Wikiname" is a function that makes no newcoming easily doing it. In the traditional web page, we need to use a specific syntax to give a "word" hyperlink function. But in Wiki, we can use two or more words and write its first letter to create a new link. For example, Wikiname mentioned, or WilliaMjeffersonclinton, etc., will automatically turn into a hyperlink after the editor stores the page. If we click on these hyperlinks, we will enter a new web page specializing to this vocabulary, and then immediately edit it on the web page. The greatest advantage of this feature is to save the time of other files and quickly establish a link between the relevant language, words, and articles. Also because Wiki's characteristics, the potential to play can be achieved.

Figure chineselinks

The reader of the eye may ask, so don't write Chinese or Japanese cases? At present, some Wiki copies can be handled in parentheses, such as "(drama))" - the syntax of Chinese in the brackets, allowing this word to become a hyperlink. A small number of Wiki uses the "drama _ theory" to solve this problem. If you want to use the freewisk function in English, you can use syntax [[free links]] like this.

RecentChanges (Recent Updated) features are one of the most important features in Wiki, we can find this list in almost all Wiki copies. The link of the list is usually placed in the main browsing column to ensure that people who read the Wiki page regardless of the page, they can immediately return to this list. Many senior users use to keep up with the update speed of information in Wiki. This feature we can also see in a similar PHPBB-based community software. The latest article can be expressed in a special color tag. In the list of RecentChange, we can see the summary information left when editing a page, this summary information is the main function of providing a user's quick browsing and understands what is the amplitude modification of a Wiki page, or Which sections have made modifications. Some Wiki provides RSS files, allowing users to "subscribe" this RecentChanges page directly from the RSS remittance software on the table, and do not have to go to the website to browse each information.

Figure Recent Changes

Interwiki is a syntax and architecture between different Wiki station. For example, there is a station called Oddmuse, then we can use the syntax like Oddmuse: Recentchanges, easily establish the Recentchanges page in the ODDMUSE station. To build a link to other Wiki, just enter the other Wiki name, then pick the colon, then it is the name of a page on the wiki. This feature allows the different Wiki, which can also use simple syntax to link. For example, the plan of different departments can have their own wiki, but when it is referred to in other non-planned resources, this syntax can be achieved immediately. Different Wiki copies provide a simple or advanced full-text search feature. In so much information, if there is no search, we will hardly find the information you need. Wiki technology is proud of that users must click on the links within three levels, find all the pages! This can be software that supports community build or knowledge management, and does not dare to guarantee. Backlinks is now a new feature of many Wiki joins. The purpose of this backtracking link is to record what other web pages on the network is connected to a particular Wiki page, provide a bridge and other non-Wiki sites. As for the inner part, there is a function called LiKepages. Users can use this feature to continue reading the same topic Wiki page, and the Wiki copy of this feature usually supports Category's classification mechanism. This feature can classify the Wiki page to some preset Category when editing the page. Later readers, you can browse the articles under certain classification without the functions of the search, or continue to edit the revisions under this classification. Another small feature that allows general network users to open, is the Wiki patch released by TouchGraph, which allows the relationship between the page and the page to be rendered. This has added a point in the convenience used by Wiki.

In addition, due to other unclear technical details and back design philosophy, Wiki has become one of the works of the writer. Wiki design philosophy contains:

* Open Architecture: If a page is written in a page, everyone can edit this page;

* Tapped in the accumulation: Each page can reference other pages in a short time to quickly get across resources;

* Organic evolution: The entire Wiki architecture supports the reproduction and evolution of organisms in the biological industry;

* Pingyi simply: As long as a few simple syntax will make people recreate Wiki;

* Support multi-active: The syntax of editing and organization is the same, so everyone can be the editor at the same time;

* See what you want: From the presentation page, you can immediately understand the syntax of the back edited;

* Name Unified: Unified Wikiname allows other pages to explain in more than in terms of nouns;

* Accurate naming: Naming of the page is as accurate to avoid unnecessary conflicts between the general nouns hyperlink;

* Ability to be faulty: Every page will have a history of editing, so there is fault tolerance;

* Observe: All visitors can read any page;

* Encourage convergence: Duplicate or too close to fusion immediately, reduce the waste of information.


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